I had a follicle tracking scan today and there were 3 cysts found on my ovaries. 2 on left and 1 on right. The 1 on right ovary has "internal echoes and surrounding vascuarities"! Only found one lonely follicle on this ovary and 6 on the other and due to this treatment is delayed for another month. We check again in Feb. Should the ovaries look crap next month I am heading straight for doner eggs. They keep telling age is a factor but treatment is always delayed and waiting is slowly killing me. This is the second time my ovaries have delayed treatment!
Cysts on ovaries delay treatment - Fertility Network UK
Cysts on ovaries delay treatment

I'm sorry to hear this, I really hope those cysts clear up and u can get started soon xox

Hi Rainbowhope. So sorry to hear this. Any chance they could be drained?? Although I can fully understand you heading for donor eggs. Oh I do wish you well with whatever route you need to take, and for success. Diane
I’m feeling really hopeless at the moment. I have been suffering with very overwhelmingly negative thoughts. I found out that a cousin recently had a baby boy. My husband tried to hide it from me because he was worried of how it would affect me. I am happy for him but sad for myself. Part of me feels like I’m giving up inside. Everything feels painful all of the time. There seems to be noting I can do to make sure there are no cysts next time round. I can wait to start treatment for ever. I want to give up on my own eggs but my husband is not ready for that.
Hi Rainbowhope.
I was so sorry to hear how fragile you are feeling at the moment, and quite understandably so, after all this cyst worry. I think we pin so much hope on starting a treatment cycle, but all in all nothing can be guaranteed. In spite of this, I do hope you can find the courage to try again, and perhaps the odds will be in your favour next time – who knows? It is important to tell yourself that the feelings of hopelessness and being unable to talk about what has happened to you are quite normal. I’m sure you will find lots of support from the others on here – they know how you feel. For now it’s important that you choose how and with who you spend your time at the moment in order to minimise any distress and to look after yourself, especially when hearing of new babies. Also remember that most people experiencing infertility do so as a couple and often feel very isolated, so apart from each other, it would be good to confide in one of your best friends or close relative. There are always going to be pregnant women and babies around, we can’t alter that, but remember that you do not have to meet newborns for now. Just send a card with perhaps a gift of money or a voucher, saying that you look forward to meeting “whoever” sometime soon. Have you thought about attending a support group? Most only meet up once a month. Have a look at our website fertilitynetworkuk.org and you will be able to access details of groups that are around. There’s always the opportunity of counselling too which might help. If you don’t want to go and see one, then have a look at bica.net this is the “British Infertility Counselling Association” who are specialised in the field of infertility and relationships. It’s not a free service, but you could have a look and see. Otherwise your clinic should be able to offer you one. I can only hoe that you soon feel a bit more positive. Thinking of you. Diane
Thank you so much for writing this message 🙏 ! I am touched that you took the time to write this. What hurts the most is feeling like I will never feel ‘normal’ again. Like I did before I started this journey. It’s just a constant dull pain and it might be there forever
Hi Rainbowhope, I’m sorry to hear your ovaries are not behaving! Mine did the same, I had several months last year when I couldn’t get to start a cycle for various reasons, mainly because I have geriatric ovaries! 🙈 What protocol are you on? Xx
Hi jengi. I am on the long protocol. I am concerned that I will have to wait months and months only to have another failed attempt. I gave accepted that my ovaries are rubbish. I feel like the universe is giving me a sign that my DNA isn't meant to be passed on. Everyday my frustration just grows and although I have fleeting moments of positivity the majority of my time is spent crying