I have been Taku Menopur to prepare for uterine transfer for 10days now and my uterus is not changing. Can I take progynova tablets to help thicken the wall
ivf transfer : I have been Taku Menopur... - Fertility Network UK
ivf transfer

Best to speak to your clinic but I’ve also been taking menupur and have started Progynova 8mg orally and 2mg vaginally to help with thicken the endo ready for transfer. Good luck
I struggled to thicken my lining too but once I started to insert an estrogen tablet vaginally that helped significantly but obviously speak to your doctor first. Mine said it wouldn’t make a difference but I did it anyway and it did. I obvs don’t recommend going against your docs advice but just wanted to let you know what worked for me. Wishing you the very best of luck xx
Thank you so much
I’m on menopur it’s been 10days not very big difference and it’s very expensive where I am. I want to add progynova so it cld help as well since it’s affordable. But my Dr said it wldnt do anything
Hi Vacaydreaming, this is useful info for me as I just had a cancelled cycle due to thin lining 😔 is the estrogen prescription part of a private treatment rather than NHS? I ask because I'm currently being treated through the NHS and wondered if it is one of their standard protocols? Thanks! Xx
Hey Loom, I’m sorry to hear that, it’s so frustrating when a cycle is cancelled. I really struggled with my lining so understand how it feels. Yes mine was an NHS funded cycle too. I was on tablets and patches but the doctor only recommended I take the tablets orally however I wasn’t having success and so through research I decided myself to insert 1 of the tablets vaginally and take the other 5 orally and my lining thickened up so much more by my next scan. I was at my wits end so wanted to give it a try and it worked.
Another thing I tried was Obtibac which is for gut health and there is a strong link between this and the womb. Maybe worth a try? You can get them cheaper on EBay xx
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you have had trouble with your lining thickness too but also great that you found a way to improve it. I have scheduled an appointment with the consultant to discuss how to thicken the lining and will suggest the oral/vaginal options. I feel so frustrated because I've never had this issue before.
I've been taking Obtibac for women since November, any other suggestions would really be appreciated 🙏
It’s great you have an appointment to discuss things with your consultant I’m sure he will work with you to get the right protocol that works for you.
Another couple of things to maybe ask to try are pentoxifilin and Vit E, Viagra and tinzaparin which are all useful in thickening the lining.
I was on 12mg of estrogen as well as patches along with the above but I really believe the estrogen inserted vaginally had the biggest effect. it was just an oral tablet I used and my dr said it wont dissolve but it did as my lining was 5-5.5mm, started to insert 2mg estrogen vaginally and within 4 days lining was 7-8.5mm which I had never got to before.
You will get there, unfortunately it’s just a lot of trial and error but I hope this helps and gives you some things to discuss at your next app xx
Yeah my doctor said the same but I was on 6 estrogen tablets a day and so I just took 5 orally and 1 vaginally my doc thought I was still taking all 6 orally, but I needed to try something else as my lining wasn’t thickening to no where near where it should have been and it did help me. I seen so many people having better success taking them vaginally as they get closer to the womb. I know it won’t work for everyone but I really think that’s what helped me! X
Hi Vacaydreaming, I'm interested in your experience. From which day of your estrogen treatment did you find the thin lining issue and what was the thickness then? When did you start inserting 1 tab vaginally and after how long your lining improved? To what thickness?
Was the cycle successful?
Best wishes for you! xxx
Hey, I’ve always had a thin lining I only reached around 5mm on the first cycle which ended in a chemical and so the second round I started taking the estrogen pills orally and again my lining wasn’t increasing much so after my first lining scan I started to insert one vaginally and by the next scan I could already see an improvement in my lining, I think I managed around 8mm so still not massively thick but thick for me and that one was successful. Wishing you the very best of luck! Xx