Ugh I caved yesterday (only one day before test day!) and did a test and I was glad I did because I got a weak positive/a thin line. So I was immediately buoyed up by that. And it was not that faint as my husband with very bad eyesight can see it. But now this morning I have got negatives. Beyond gutted. I need to call the clinic, but I'm not 100% sure what to tell them - that I got 1 weak positive and 2 negatives? I don't want to keep taking progesterone etc. unneccessarily and I think I need to be realistic. But it's so hard to let go of that hope. Also, surely false positives are rare? I'll take one more test in a bit, I think, and then call the clinic. I'm not ready to call them yet.
Weak positive yesterday and now BFN o... - Fertility Network UK
Weak positive yesterday and now BFN on OTD

hi dear, did you take the pink dye first response? The early detection one- it’s the best one for accurate results I find. Some tests are more sensitive to hcg than others
Hey emmiettc So sorry to hear this. I had a really strong positive several days running up to and including test day. I then tested negative 4 days later and it was a chemical pregnancy. I'd only give the result of the test day to your clinic (mine weren't interested at all in early results) but 100% test again. Maybe in a day or two? As I had a lot of bleeding so knew something was up.
Wishing you LOADS of good vibes and hopefully it was a rubbish test! 🙏🏼 Xxx
Thanks. I had 2 thin positives in the end and low HCG on the blood test, so the clinic has said it's likely an early missed miscarriage (/chemical). No bleeding yet, but as I have now stopped progesterone, I'm sure that will come soon. Gosh, that really sucks about having strong positives and then a negative. Really sorry to hear that. You would think it's all done and sorted with strong positives.😟
Hmfo6, in my experience, ClearBlue early ones are the only tests I know that so give false positives. I got thin and partial lines and it was a manufacturing fault.
I recommend First Response Early Results. These have always been accurate for me and I've taken 100s (11 spontaneously conceived pregnancy losses, so an a serial tester).
I’m so so sorry it sounds like a false positive from the clear blue one I’ve had that before and won’t ever use them again 😢 either that or an early chemical. So difficult to get your hopes up like that! Thinking of you 💜 xx
Thanks. I had 2 positives in the end and low HCG on the blood test, but a few people have said about the blue versus pink tests now so I think I will try pink ones in the future! Yeah, clinic agrees looks like an early chemical/early missed miscarriage.