I’ve done all my test and apparently there is no reason for infertility I know there are many factors that could be considered but just feeling tired of no explanation first IVF seems like I was over stimulating as I produce 36 eggs but not all mature just 10 the. 7 got fertilised but just One at the en AA . Second round less doses and I got 16 eggs 8 got fertilised but just got one 5AA and one 5AB no success on my AA embryo so I decided not to transfer the the other embryo and just did a laparoscopy and hysterectomy a week ago to know I bit more about my uterus as I feel like if we can made embryos with such a good quality must be something else so waiting to hear from the specialist and then make a decision!! I’m 38 healthy women I don’t lose my hope!!
unknown infertility and 2 Failed IVF - Fertility Network UK
unknown infertility and 2 Failed IVF

I am so sorry to hear you’ve had no success and no diagnosis I hope the lap and hysteroscopy bring answers - did they say anything at the time? Have you had a tubal assessment? How about checking for coagulation issues or NK cell? Has your partner been fully investigated (sperm dna fragmentation?)? Make sure you get a diagnosis before moving forward.
Are you doing PGTA for your embryos? At 38 unfortunately quite a few of our eggs can be chromosomally abnormal so 3 embryos at 38 could be aneuploid. And high grades are no guarantee of them being euploid. When does the drop off happen day 3 or 5 (can help determine if more egg or sperm or both)? Why do they think there’s low fertilisation - is it egg maturity or sperm issue?
I hope you get some luck soon 🍀
I did flushed my tubes on Monday as well my partner was just under the “normal” range but we had no answer about the failed transfer just that it always happened my first transfer seems like was successful for a few days as I had a positive pregnancy test but to low they assume it was accepted by my uterus but stopped developing and the second one just negative. They thing that I produced to many eggs so the quality could be low.
is that on a standard semen analysis that your partner had borderline results?
IVF clinics are very poor at looking more at male side.
Yeah just the standard mobility and quantity I know I feel like there is something missing in all this fertility clinics they just play to try to get u pregnant as they said is all a try and error 😒
I definitely recommend a DNA fragmentation test for your partner.
My husband’s basic semen is above average for total morphology. However that means nothing as his DNA fragmentation was high. You can pay via a greek company called fertilysis if your own clinic won’t do it. Fertilysis send the kit to your home.. your partner does the sample and then sends it back via DHL. Costs around £400. We’ve used them twice and they’re amazing.. really responsive and the results are back within 2 weeks xx
Regarding your embryos grading also means nothing. I think if you’re prepared to do another cycle I would do pgta. Have you had your NK cells tested also? x
Just a question, what will the fertility clinic do to help with DNA fragmentation if you find out it is an issue?
Our clinic in the UK switched us from standard IVF to ICSI and we used the zymot chamber to select the best sperm. That was our worst cycle ever with one early blast only.,
Our clinic in Greece does ICSI and zymot as standard. The consultant recommended proxeed supplements initially for my husband but he had awful side effects so switched to impryl. He took the impryl, reduced his caffeine intake and upped his exercise. We repeated the test but the consultant advised daily ejaculation for 12 days. Abstain on day 13 and on day 14 repeat the test. His repeat score was 8%. So now when we do a cycle the day I start stims he starts alternate days ejaculation up until the day I trigger xx He recommends that for everyone wether their frag is high or not xx
Sorry I also forgot to say my husband also done a sperm culture test. So a basic semen sample but instead of looking at the morphology they put the sperm in an incubator for 72 hours to see if it grows any bugs. He had a mild infection which was treated with antibiotics but that wasn’t related to the fragmentation xx
Thank you HelzBelz that was super informative. I’m in the UK and they don’t look at DNA frag. My husband has a morphology of 3 but a very high sperm count but I’m starting to wonder if there is anything in it for us to look at.
Thanks again.
You’re welcome xx Our U.K. clinic recommended it initially but the sample got sent to Belfast and results took a month.
You have to advocate for yourself so much in the U.K. it’s frustrating xx
Hi lovely, just to chime in here and say that you should def have your husband do a DNA frag test. My husband also had great sperm count but borderline low morphology (always around 2-3%) and he ended up having high DNA frag. If your IVF clinic doesn't offer the test, then you can self-refer to a lab called Fertility Solutions (fertilitysolutions.co.uk/dn... where he can have it done. They have clinics in London and Bucks xx
Hi, I'm also 38 and made 4 good quality embryos from 2 cycles and all 4 transfers failed. I kept getting told everything was fine and keep going which I hated as I was convinced something was wrong with me. I moved clinics, did another collection with PGTA and finally got my positive last week so as hard as it is to keep going, I would recommend PGTA.
I too would recommend PGTA testing as I am in my Late 40’s had 2 failed rounds of icsi with no real explanation of why and then on our 3rd and 4th round we pgta tested and pleased to say we got a BFP on the last try. Good luck with whatever you decide to do x
Congratulations Miaow1975 ! Great news on BFP! May I ask a little about your journey to BFP? What do you think helped? Were the 4 rounds of ICSI with donor eggs or own eggs? I'm a mature lady too who has tried several rounds of ICSI with OE without success so far. Still not given up hope! x
Thanks Sunny we used donor eggs for our icsi rounds straight from start as doc felt due to my age the chances of success were less than 5% and we didn’t want to spend all that money for those odds. To be honest I don’t know what has been different this time other than I’m in a slightly less stressful and physical job than I was when I started 4 years ago and I tried to really take it easy after the implant and used relaxation and breathing techniques to try and keep myself calm. We also changed donor for the last 2 rounds and it was lady who had a large family so that may have helped. I’ve got my 6 week scan this morning so feeling a bit anxious and keen to be reassured all is well, wish me luck xx
I just got my result from my laparoscopy and they didn’t find any Endo and now my tubes are unblocked and my partner sperm seems to be in good shape so still no answer. Did u do something different between your cycles that could have made the difference? I still have one embrido AB but don’t know what else to do I’m into herbs and acupuncture and yoga
Hi Listrel the only difference between my first 2 rounds and these ones was a change of job to a less stressful and physical role and we had a different donor for our last 2 rounds which may have helped? We also did embryo testing on the last 2 as doc felt that would improve our chances and we got 2 good ones from that. I also used relaxation and breathing techniques for the 2 weeks after the implant and have been careful with caffeine and my diet. Not sure what made the difference as the doc says it all depends on the embryo. This was our last embryo too but we felt if we didn’t give it one last shot we would always wonder and question whether we should have. Well hope that helps and good luck with whatever you decide to do. Xx
Hi lovely, you need to have your partner do a sperm DNA fragmentation test to really know whether or not the sperm is healthy. The normal semen analysis basically checks for how much sperm a man has and whether or not it's moving, but it can't tell anything about the quality. Before you assume that the problem is with you, definitely do some further tests on the sperm! xx
I have done all the check and everything is find even my laparoscopy and hysterectomy showed no endo no blocked tubes all good but don’t know maybe stress