Hi all,
I had a FET on Dec 23rd after my daughter was stillborn in July. We had a 5day euploid blast transferred and on Thursday this week a positive pregnancy test, but the very next day I started getting light bleeding and last night I had a very heavy bleed with lots of clots. I went to the maternity emergency department and they examined me and said it looked like pregnancy tissue. I’m awaiting beta results but very sure it’s all gone. I no longer feel pregnant. I’m so heartbroken.
I had a euploid blast not implant before and had an ERA, Emma and Alice done. Wondering if anyone has miscarried a euploid embryo before and what you were told was likely the cause. Im so worried. I’m almost 43 and only have a couple of embryos left. Right back to feeling like I’ll never have a living child.
Really need some hope.