We are devastated and I'm feeling physically and emotionally not well. Our second round this time with a 3 day transfer of 2 which failed. I don't have anyone close who's gone through this and just need messages of support. I want to try again with time but I have nothing in storage so it's starting the process from the start again. I'm 38 and I've only ever got 5 eggs on both rounds. 1st round was one early blastocyst, 2nd round was 2 early 3 day embryos. This was with increased drugs. We have to do ICSI due to my partner. I need some hope that it can work.. I'm trying to see the positives but this journey has been so tough for us both 🥺
BFN 🥺: We are devastated and I'm... - Fertility Network UK
Just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm right here with you only a few days after my chemical pregnancy and feel absolutely bereft and exhausted after such a long journey. Take good care and know you are not alone xx
Thank you 🥺 I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sat in the garden and I hadn't noticed at first until it made itself known but a robin appeared incredibly close. That's never happened before, it made me emotional but also offered some comfort.
incredibly sorry to hear this, was rooting for you. Take some time to be sad, and know that this doesn’t have to be the end of your hope xxx
I'm so sorry lovely, it's a brutal journey. Try to give yourself a little time to grieve but also I always found that just cracking on really helped me to feel better.
I would talk to your consultant about other possible tests that you might want to try before your next transfer too. For me, the immune blood tests were critical to getting our BFP but we waited until we'd had 5 failed transfers to try it. I wish I'd done it sooner.
Wishing you lots of luck xxx
Sorry to hear you're going through this. Just wanted to send a message of hope. I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant with my ICSI baby. He was my 6th transfer (I had 4 failed and 1 chemical pregnancy before). It can happen.
Sending you luck x
Thank you so much. Did you do anything different? I'm not sure where to go from here or what to ask my consultant
We did. So I did the Alice, Emma and ERA testing and, based off those results, my consultant altered my protocol. My husband, who has a low sperm count, also managed to up his sperm count from 1-3 million (3 different initial tests gave him the result of 1, 2 and 3 million) to 10 million. He was taking a lot of supplements and wearing underwear that had an ice pack in the evenings (think they were called 'snow balls' on amazon, lol). It was definitely a combined effort!
So sorry to hear this Sunflower ❤️💐, please remember all the hope you can grasp from other's repeated tries then successes when you're ready. Please take care of your self and don't be scared to ask for help and support from your GP. Thinking of you x