It has taken me 3 days to finally accept it. Took 2 pregnancy tests - both saying negative very clearly- to confirm it on OTD and it is heartbreaking. Nothing to explain what happened or did not happen. I feel so disappointed with myself.
When all has gone so smoothly from the beginning, it is even harder to accept BFN because I have no idea what went wrong or what I did or did not do enough for the embryo not to have implanted. Especially when the Dr said it was a very good quality 5d blastocyst. It is such an emotional journey!
Now all I can do is painfully wait for my period to come and decide when we want to have a go for a second try. Thankfully we do have frozen embryos waiting so I won't need to do the injections again.
Just need to get mentally, emotionally and physically ready for the next round... Till then... Life goes on...