Feeling concerned as I am at 5dpt and no symptoms at all! Transferred a 4ab. All previous FET that ended up with bfp (although ended in chemical or early miscarriage,)at this early time I had symptoms, such as boob tenderness, extreme hunger, and cramps. I just feel like I am out if it already as not the same this time. Anyone else had no symptoms at all and still led to bfp?😞
5dpt no symptoms : Feeling concerned as... - Fertility Network UK
5dpt no symptoms

Hi. Plenty of time for symptoms. Often the first one is tiredness. Continue taking your prescribedd medication and test on the day recommended by the clinic. Don’t forget folic acid and vitamin D. Good luck Diane
Hello 😊 I'm currently 6w3d and still have no symptoms other than extreme tiredness, and that only started last week. I had absolutely no symptoms during my tww and beyond.d I made a post about 4 months ago from a previous transfer asking the same thing as you, and I got so many reassuring responses from everyone, take a look.
Fingers crossed for your test day✨
Thank you!! 😊 I really appreciate you replying. I will take a look! I'm driving myself crazy! This is my 4th transfer. And hoping so much for this to work! Thanks again 💗
I totally understand how you’re feeling—it’s so hard not to compare each experience. Just wanted to share that with my last pregnancy, I didn’t have any symptoms at all until well after 6 weeks, and that pregnancy gave us our miracle. You're not out yet. Sending positive thoughts, rooting for you. xx
Thank you ❤️ you are right it is so hard but it is comforting to see so many people report that they didn't experience any symptoms until they were a bit further along. I think I could relax more if my previous experiences hadnt been so symptom heavy. But nothing I can do but relax and continue and hope for the best. Xx
yes, I had no symptoms at all until at least 6 weeks. It’s very common not to have any symptoms and have a BFP, good luck 🍀🍀
Thank you. Do you think it's possible even with all previous I did have symptoms x
6dpt morning wee. Bfn
29 weeks here and had/have no symptoms at all. Hold off testing until rest day.
This is still very early. I am no 6 months pregnant and didn't get symptoms until later. Everyone is different and each occasion is different. I know the 2ww is incredibly difficult but stay positive and try to keep your mind busy I found this helped. ❤️✨🤗
I had Covid for the first week of the two week wait and once that cleared up I had no symptoms really until yesterday. I’m 6 weeks 2 days pregnant. If you don’t mind me asking? when did you have your miscarriages and did you know they were happening?
My beta blood tests were not good. Very low numbers and not doubling as they should. Also my line progression on tests were slow and not progressing. So I never felt secure. Always had a feeling something was wrong. My 6 week scan confirmed our worry. Scan showed an empty sac. So I had to go through 2l medical managed miscarriage twice but they didn't work and then finally had to have the operation to remove. The other transfers resulted in chemical So I found that out around test day. Thanks for replying to me. I'm not feeling very hopeful as I normally get all symptoms under the sun and today I tested negative at 6dpt. X
Thanks very much for sharing this. Do you normally test positive on day 6? I tested only very faintly on day 7pt and I don’t think I would have had a positive any sooner. I do think we sometimes just know though whilst hoping you’re wrong xxxx
To be fair only ever started to test on 7dpt. This is first time I tested at 6dpt. But because of lack of symptoms this time it's tempted me to start earlier this time. The other times because of the symptoms (maybe foolishly) felt confident I would see lines, it was just how long until they disappear again. As I've started testing now. I won't be able to stop. So I will test again tomorrow morning xx
I don’t think it’s foolish, I think it’s logical to think you might test positive with symptoms. I test every day until test day too and now that it seems to have worked I’m still testing every single day. I had to buy really cheap tests to keep up with this testing addiction but they seem pretty accurate. It messes with your head so much!! Sending luck 🍀
I never had any symptoms during the 2WW and was very surprised that it worked. I have a 14 month old daughter and am currently 23 weeks pregnant. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I had zero symptoms.. absolutely nothing and that transfer is now a 7 week old baby boy
I was 10 dp a 5 day transfer and only had the faintest line. 5dp is very early. Even if it was a 5 day transfer that's only the equivalent to 10dpo naturally and most people wouldn't get a positive by then which is why they call it the TWW . I would wait a few more days, I know your probably driving yourself mad not knowing. Admittedly, I was the same, tested every day. Did clinic give you a testing date?
In my previous natural pregnancy which resulted in a miscarriage I tested positive around 12 dpo so I really think implantation times can really vary. I got to 5 weeks and had lots of cramping that month so I was convinced our ivf cycle hadn't work as I had no symptoms but to my surprise it worked. Your not out yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for you
Hi! I didn't get any symptoms at that time either after our 4AB FET and like you, was convinced I was out. She just turned one Very best of luck!
Good morning! Try not to worry too much, I learned throughout my wait that symptoms come and go, and some symptoms I didn’t even have. I had a fresh transfer l, with a 4AB same as you. I would say at around day 8 I got cramps and bloating, my boobs hurt one day but never again. Hang on in there and try not to over think every day (hard I know) but everyone and every pregnancy is different xx
Thank you. When did you get your postive xx
the only cycle I did not have symptoms gave me my BFP! Fingers crossed for you!
Hi. Jumping on the thread. I am currently 7dp5dt and no symptoms at all. This is my 4th FET and each one has felt different, normally I have bad cramps, but only had small twinges and a big spot on my face - now I think I am out, I always get a spot a week before AF. When is your OTD?
Hiya. My OTD is Tuesday. I've tested early and had bfn so far. I am 7dpt too x
Bfn at 9dpt with morning urine and early preg test
Good morning, how are you getting on now ? Xx