I persevered in hope after my BFN last Sunday thinking it was too early and did another 3 days of tabs and pessaries to take me through to the full 14 days but did a blood test pregnancy test today and still shows BFN so that’s our third icsi round over for us. Not sure if the doc will be able to shed any light on what if anything wr can do to improve our chances but we only have 1 more frozen embryo from donor eggs left. I’m now 49 and if it doesn’t happen this year it’s not going to. Has anyone else had 3 failures but then changed something or had further tests that have been a breakthrough, just looking for some hope to consider for our next/last attempt when we feel ready again. Xx
BFN confirmed advice please 🙁 - Fertility Network UK
BFN confirmed advice please 🙁

Hello lovely,
Sorry to hear of your BFN. I had 5 of them before we tested for NK cells (which showed as very high). The next transfer I had steroids and intralipids to suppress my immune system and it worked! 6th transfer and we had our miracle baby.
Might be worth taking it over with your consultant xx
Hi Millbanks thanks very much for that I’d not heard of NK cells before but having just looked them up think it is definately worth investigating as at the age of 18 I got Encephalitis as a result of the herpes simplex virus and still occasionally get cold sores so may have high NK cells related to that so will definately mention it to my consultant. Thanks again I’d be lost without this forum and really appreciate everyone’s support xx
Hi Millbanks
Hope your doing ok and Ive been thinking about the NK cells info you shared. Could you advise what the tests you had involved and how long it took to get results back. I’m just weighing up all my options before I speak to my consultant re next steps. Thanks xx
Hi lovely,
Yes, I did the Chicago bloods (which is your full immune panel) and I got the results in a week I think. I thought it would take longer so was quite pleased!
You can also opt to have the NK cells tested from your uterus via biopsy - but my consultant said there wasn't much difference and the biopsy is way more expensive, intrusive and painful.
My clinic did Bondi protocol for my last 2 transfers. Which is prednisolone and clexane. I also started fertility reflexology after transfer 5. Transfer 6 (embryos 8&9) medicated and BFN, but transfer 7 (embryos 9&10) modified natural and BFP. I also used probiotics. X
I'm sorry this round failed, I know how difficult it is. Maybe ask about recurrent implantation failure tests - my consultant mentioned it today to me but didn't think it was worth me doing as my blasts weren't high quality & only 2 have failed.
sorry this round failed for you, it’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
I had a chemical on my first then it’s taken until my fourth and 2 egg collections to get my BFP still early days though. This time I was tested for multiple failure with everything looking normal. So they added Lubion and I added probiotics out of coincidence as my IBS had flared. I also took the recommended 3 tablets a day of my pre natal that previously my clinic had said 2 a day was enough. Think a combination of these helped. Wishing you all the luck for your next attempt.
Thanks for your reply and which probiotics and prenatal did you take? I’ve been taking the pregnacare multi vit and had lubion injections once a day. X
I take BioKult every day probiotics and I take Artah prenatal and fertility supplements 3 x a day which cost more but the quality and quantity are better. I read the book ‘it starts with the egg’ this made me want to boost a few things that weren’t as high in pregnacare. I take 3 cyclogest pessaries a day, 3 x 2mg of estrodial pills and an injection of Lubion each morning. So yes I spend most of my days taking drugs/supplements but it’s worked so far. X