BFN @ 6dp5dt: I’m so upset, I feel like... - Fertility Network UK

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BFN @ 6dp5dt

Mrsjaytee profile image
21 Replies

I’m so upset, I feel like I can’t function.

just had our last ever FET in hope for a sibling for our daughter, we even opted for a DE.

I was 6dp5dt yesterday, I took one of the strip dip tests & it was negative.

I have zero symptoms too.

With my daughter, at this stage, I felt bloated, dizzy & a bit nauseous. I tested positive at 9 days. I didn’t test before 9 days.

I have had 2 MC’s since her, and even with them, I felt pregnant. With them I tested positive on day 6 & day 7.

Has anybody had negatives at day 6/7/8 etc, no symptoms & still went on to get their BFP???

I know every pregnancy is different, but I just feel like I always know… but I’m hoping I’m wrong. I had so much hope for this one as it was a DE too… 🥹🥹🥹

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Mrsjaytee profile image
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21 Replies
Christianbaby profile image

I can share that with my DE cycle, I only got a BFP on Day 9. Every pregnancy really is different, and symptoms can vary so much. Hang in there and try to stay hopeful. Sending you lots of strength and positive thoughts. x

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Christianbaby

Congratulations. I really hope we are the same.

It’s just that I knew with all my previous positives, even though they didn’t work. Did you test before day 9 & have negatives? x

Christianbaby profile image
Christianbaby in reply to Mrsjaytee

I tested on day 5 and 7 and kept getting negatives. No symptoms too. So, I was pretty shocked (and thrilled) when I got a positive on Day 9. All the best. x

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Christianbaby

tomorrow is my day 9, its still BFN this morning, not even a shadow....i dont think i can even face doing one tomorrow.. my OTD is Sunday. x

Christianbaby profile image
Christianbaby in reply to Mrsjaytee

Sending strength x

orangecatmum profile image

Day 6 is still so early, you are definitely not out yet. I tested on day 7 and the line was so so so pale it was barely there - if I'd have tested on day 6 it definitely would have been a negative. I also think I was rare to see anything on day 7 - I'd give it another 3 days, wait until day 9 earliest, and test again.

Symptoms mean nothing at this stage, remember that ❤️ all the drugs mask/confuse things, and I have heard so many people say they had zero symptoms and were shocked to get a BFP. There's still a chance 🤞🏼

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to orangecatmum

Thanks. I think I just feel out as with my other positives I had signs & I did test positive super early… saying that, they didn’t work out.

With my daughter I tested at day 9, but not before so I’ve no idea if I was showing then too.

I’m also using little dip stick off Amazon so maybe they are rubbish. I’m looking for every little hope.

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely,

I just wanted to say that I have had 2 positive tests over the years and I felt completely different both times. One I had nausea, extreme fatigue, relentless peeing, bloating (from very early). The other I didn't have a single symptom and if I hadn't had scans I would not have believed I was actually pregnant. So you never know.

Lots of people on here have late positives - maybe you will be one of those xx

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Millbanks

I really hope so, and I know 6dp5dt is early, but it’s just that it’s shown positive that early before. When I read of so many women getting positives early you can’t help but feel out when you aren’t the same.

Thank you for sharing though as it does help knowing that every pregnancy can be different from the very outset x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Mrsjaytee

It's true that a lot of people do get early positives, but I've seen a fair few people recently not getting a positive until at least day 9.

You've still got time - hang in there! xx

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Millbanks

Thank you. I really really hope so.

I tried to work today but I just keep crying so I’ve logged off.

Kitkat10 profile image

I only had a really faint line at day 8 so you definitely still have time 🙏🙏

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Kitkat10

Which test did you use?

I’ve used the dip sticks off Amazon, but they say they detect from 10 units… still negative today…

It’s the worst. I was so sure using a DE was our answer 😢

Kitkat10 profile image

I used the sensitive strips, and they took at least the 3 mins to appear. Also didn’t get darker until 12 days despite HCG of 1035. It is an agonising wait, I’m sorry 😢.

I also used DE for a sibling for my little boy, I feel for you, the whole process is tough 😢

Spicycurry profile image

It’s a bit early. My clinic tell me to test at the earliest 10dpt but they won’t accept the result until 14dpt.

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Spicycurry

I tested again this morning and it was BFN 8dp5dt - ive zero hope left, unless i have a bad batch of tests or maybe just waiting on a surge over the next few days. I was going to test tomorrow but i actually dont think i can face it.

Spicycurry profile image

It’s so hard. I’m preparing for a FET for a sibling for my son. It’s the last of blastocysts created when I was 40. I’m 43 now. I had a missed miscarriage last year. A friend of my husband has just had their second so it makes it even more scary to go for my transfer.

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Spicycurry

We had our daughter back in 2021. She was our 1st transfer. It seemed so smooth and easy. Since her, we have transfered 3 more embryos - 2 MC's and 1 BFN. Im 43 with a low AMH and a few things like endometreosis and adenomyosis, so this time we actually used a DE. We only got 1 DE from our batch of 5. All my hope of a sibling was on this one, and now i just feel it disappearing and i dont know how to handle it. my DH says we need to draw a line and move on a family of 3 as we have been on this road for sooo long, and whilst i agree, i just so want another child. There is no hope of a natural conception, so im praying for a mircale positive on OTD, but i cant shift the mindset that im out..

Sams25 profile image

hang in there. I had no symptoms what so ever and my clinic had me do a blood test 8dp5dt which came out positive with HCG of 237. With HPT it was a faint line on FRER (despite this level of HCG) on 9dp5dt. So I would atleast wait until 9dpt then to do a HPT.

Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻 ❤️

Mrsjaytee profile image
Mrsjaytee in reply to Sams25

Thank you - im only 9dpt today. Im not going to test now until our official test day which is Sunday. I cant face seeing another negative. I do see post of people not getting their positives until 9/10/11, but its so hard not to compare to previous pregnancies or other posts when people get their positives so early on like day 5/6/7...

I suppose on the plus side, ive had no bleeding, but then again, maybe spotting would be good. Ive no idea. Yesterday (day 8) i had very short stabbing pains on/off all day, and was pretty bloated, my boobs were sore too, but today, back to nothing again.

Sams25 profile image
Sams25 in reply to Mrsjaytee

Almost all symptoms are because of the progesterone pessaries so any symptoms this early, I would take with a pinch of salt.

Waiting is good, this is so challenging this wait. Cruel almost. But hang in there another 3 days. No spotting is a good sign, I was told by my doctor that spotting happens as a sign of a small haematoma so best not have it! Distract yourself with work/funny movies/meet friends or just read a good book snuggling your partner.

Good luck ❤️ 🤞🏻 🤞🏻

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