Last 2 days were the longest I could ever imagine, I'm still on the crazy ride with the spotting and cramping.
I wrote in my previous post- comment about my Friday beta hcg result at 10dp5dt which was 358.3, it was amazing result but I was dreading wait time till today, waiting for the call with today's result was even worse.
But finally I got called back. For good doubling result for viable pregnancy at this point we needed result to be over 1,5k or maybe around 2k, and we've got shocking 4k!!!
Still can't wrap my head around it, we've been booked for early pregnancy scan this Friday to check how things looks like before my holiday.
In case if anyone is wondering how the hpt looks like with beta over 4000 you can see them above, also these were officially my last pregnancy tests for this FET 🤞and I hope my last at all.
Please keep fingers crossed for my scan on Friday 🙏