Hi ladies. I'm currently 7dp5dt after a FET and of course ended up testing early. Thankfully, I think the tests are looking OK and progressing well so far, though it's still early days. However, I don't automatically get a hcg blood test as the clinic I used was in Denmark. Would you pay for the tests (it's about £120 for two) for some peace of mind until a viability scan (I will definitely pay for this)? It's not a Sal amount to pay and it isn't a guarantee but I do feel like I'm obsessing over these lines and it'll feel like a long wait until the viability scan at 6/7 weeks. Has anyone else here not had a blood test included and decided to pay for them privately?
7dp5dt BFP and hcg blood test - Fertility Network UK
7dp5dt BFP and hcg blood test
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£120 for 2 tests is pretty OK I would think. In Scotland the cheapest I could find was about £80 and over for one test (either at the scanning places or ordering a kit and taking it to a phlebotomist).
Yeah, it's not bad, but it's still money I'd rather not have to spend. I'm just wondering how valuable people think it is in the wait until viability scan.
I only had one blood test on day 9 after my transfer after my clinics advice. Clinic is abroad. They said the hcg number was very good and didn't need repeated. They advised a viability scan after 7th week of pregnancy. I Followed their advice and I think it's been such a worrying time. I wish I had done the second blood test to confirm it's doubling. I spoke to my clinic at about 5 weeks and a couple of days about repeating the test abd They said it would not be as helpful if it's not done 2 days after the first one. I am now 6 w 6 d . My scan is in 3 days and it's an agony...I think if I was to do it from start I would book the two tests, 2 days apart
Thank you, that's really helpful. I think I will book the two tests as you suggest, as I can fully appreciate the torture. I know it won't fully take away from that, but perhaps it'll help. Really wishing you the very best of luck with your scan in 3 days! Hopefully you'll be able to relax a little after that 🤞
Difficult to do but try not to retest till your OTD Keep yourself busy - eat well -drink plenty of fluids Continue with any meds you were given as directed Take care of yourself
If giving name of clinic /products please use PM as this Forum does not allow advertising
Thank you
Thank you for your reply but I'm not sure if this addresses my question over whether it's worth getting a quantitative hcg test? I'm not proposing to get one early, just at the usual time (I think it's typically around day 10 and 12 p5dt). Of course I won't mention where I have seen these prices.
Yes, every time. I've had 5 transfers (of which 4 were BFP but only one successful) and a successful natural pregnancy, and HCGs are the only things that have been accurate on whether the pregnancy has been viable or not. My GP did them for free on the NHS and I also got them done using an online lab which was around £70 for HCG and progesterone combined, so £140 to get the repeat results which is really what you want as the starting number can vary so much. Your lines look good and you don't have to get bloods done and many women are able to put down the test sticks and be happy that they're pregnant, but after three losses I just need to know as early as possible.
Thank you so much for your response. I'm so sorry that you had to go through those losses - that's so incredibly tough and no wonder you would want to know. I haven't been through that but I'm still finding the uncertainty torturous, so I think I will just pay for the tests. I'm at least then equipped with the best information there is, whilst I wait for that first scan. Thanks so much for sharing your experience - it really helps solidify these thoughts swirling around my head.
I ended up testing early too, and the waiting can be so nerve-wracking. I actually took an HCG test on Day 10 and then again on Day 12. My clinic is also abroad, and they recommended I take the tests. I was okay with paying for it because it really helped give me some peace of mind.
If you feel like it would ease your anxiety and help you through the waiting period, it might be worth it. I know it's an extra expense, but sometimes that reassurance can make a big difference. Wishing you all the best and hoping for great results for you! Take care x