So this is my second attempt starting treatment. I messed up my meds last attempt so had to stop, I took the trigger too early. Totally my fault I had brain fog and was rushing! At this scan my AFC has dropped by 4 which is disappointing. My collection is booked for 29th and I’m not sure what to tell work, I don’t want to say I’m having IVF. The clinic have said they can write a note for gynaecological reasons. Can I ask what you have done? The clinic said take time after collection for a week, is that best? Thanks in advance. Any hints tips welcome 🙏🏻
AFC drop by 4 at scan, age 40, starti... - Fertility Network UK
AFC drop by 4 at scan, age 40, starting stims today. To be signed off work?

I have been open with my work and they have been incredibly supportive of all the appointments. Everyone will have a different experience but I went through my egg collection last Wednesday and I stayed off work on the Thursday. I went in on the Friday but tried to stay sitting down ( I’m a primary school teacher so pretty active normally).
Personally just do what is right for you and your body. I’m still a bit achy but being active has helped me. Take each day as it comes and put yourself first.
I told only my line manager and I’ve always taken only the day of egg collection off but I don't have a physical job, I’m on computers meetings all day of it was physical job I would probs take another day or 2 to be safe. One time I didn’t want to tell my manager so I just took a holiday that day and she was none the wiser! How do they know now it will defo be the 29th? Do they not need to see how you respond to stims etc? Xx
Thanks for the reply, it’s good to hear just the EC day off should be ok. My clinic were happy to give a 2 week note. Yes they need to see how I respond, they only have theatre Mon, Wed, Fri so if not 29th then likely the Fri before and I’m off any way. I emailed by boss today and said I had a hospital appointment for gynaecological reasons, I have never taken a sick day, he was happy to support and didn’t ask questions I said I’d need 2 days. Technically I haven’t lied which sits better with me. Thanks again for the advice!
First time round I told my line manager only and so I just needed to let him know when the collection was happening and he cleared the day for me, same with transfer. 2nd half of last year we had a couple rounds trying for a second, I have a new boss now I didn't feel comfortable telling so I just told him that I was having medical treatment and would need 1-2 days off at short notice for a short procedure in hospital and he was fine with it, didn't ask for anymore details. I may have said it was gynaelogical I can't remember. I've had 5 collections between 2021 and 2023 and most of them actually ended up falling on a Friday or Saturday so I got some extra rest days after by default, then I usually went back to work and I felt ok, but also do a desk job.
Thanks I took your advice and said gynaecological reasons. I don’t think I’ll get many questions now. If alls good they open on a Saturday mine only have theatre Mon, Wed & Fri. I appreciate the response. All the best and thanks xxx
IVF is a difficult process mentally and it doesn’t get easier after the collection and the two week wait. I was very honest with my manager and work place and had things in place beforehand and took it as sick leave.
I have gone through 3 rounds and from experience it’s best to honest it puts your mind at ease and you need to rest and recover during those weeks.