Hi I'm 9 weeks Nd 3 days pregnant I'm having brown discharge charge really worrying whats going on .this is my second pregnancy I never have this issue with my daughter
Brown discharge : Hi I'm 9 weeks Nd... - Fertility Network UK
Brown discharge

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Hi Tiggy, I am 8wks+6 days pregnant today.Even I am experiencing brown discharge for around a week now. I went to EPU couple of days back, they scanned me and said my baby is fine with good heartbeat.
The doctor said the Brown discharge is because of the cyclogest(even though I am taking it rectally).
Hi both, I am 7w1d and have the same. Nurse scanned me and said said the blood wasn't even coming from my uterus and likely coming from the cervix and caused by the cyclogest! Terrifying but really trying not to worry! x
Did you get pain/ aching when you have the discharge?
Yes. I have been getting cramps (period like), aches (muscles) and twinges (sharp) on and off for a couple of weeks and they were worse when the discharge started. I was convinced I had miscarried but all is healthy and well and the bleeding isnt even from my uterus!
Thank you, I'm over 6 weeks and having the same. I've had two previous miscarriages so assumed it was that again. I have a scan tomorrow. Did you do an internal scan as I was afraid to do it but yesterday had a scan on the outside and they couldn't see much.
Yes I did an internal scan and would definitely say that is the way to go at this stage - the abdominal will not show much. The scan was very reassuring. I don't have any experience of miscarriage so I can't say how they differ but all I can say is that I had the same thing as you have now and have been absolutely fine so far! Fingers crossed you are too! x
I had red and pink spotting with my second pregnancy and nothing at all with my first. It really scared me, I went to the GP and she referred me to EPAU and they could scan and give me reassurance all was ok. I had some little haematomas which had bled. If you are worried, you could see if your GP will help?
The EPAU were fantastic and said haematomas were quite common and sometimes the blood is resorbed or seen as brown, red, pink discharge. They said it was v common x x
Did you have an internal scan as I have the same and have a scan tomorrow and I am a bit wary about internal scan.
I had this with both of mine, the nurse said brown blood is old blood and the body does all sorts of cleaning out when your pregnant! Xxx
This happend to me too. I had spotting and bleeding up to 12 weeks the bleed waried from dark brown trough proper red up to pinkish. I had two additional scan and they never have found any reason why it was happening not hematoma luckily baby was always fine. They put it down to cyclogest though I was always taking it rectaly. Currently 22 weeks pregnant.
I had the same a few weeks ago. Freaked me out completely. EPU were amazing and scanned me. Baby all fine and they could find no reason. I’m now 15 weeks.
Hi, I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant and with this pregnancy I had brown spotting pretty much consistently between 5 and 10 weeks. I even had 3 episodes of red blood. I went to the EPU at 8 weeks and 9 weeks - both times they scanned me and the baby was fine. They couldn’t find any explanation for the bleeding and said they wouldn’t scan me again - they weren’t concerned at all and I got the impression it was common. All spotting and bleeding abruptly stopped at just gone 10 weeks and I haven’t seen a spec of blood since. I wondered if this was the placenta taking over at this point that made my hormones more stable (just guessing). I had my dating scan at 13 weeks and baby was fine. Having a private scan next week at 16 weeks. I’m still sick and my belly is growing so I think baby is still ok - but the anxiety doesn’t stop. Good luck to you x
I had brown discharge with both my pregnancies, with my daughter I had it at about 5 weeks and again at 8 weeks, I did panic but it was fine, there was a pocket of blood it was coming from not bothering baby. Then my son I had it at 7 weeks then bright red blood at 8 weeks. Again was a pocket of blood and was told I may have more bleeding but it wasn't anything to do with the baby so was fine.
Hi I'm 7 weeks and had the same, started off brown then the next day was bright red and quite alot. Obviously very distressing. Went to a&e who referred me to EPU. Had a scan and baby is fine, hematoma is behind the sac. Said it was nothing to worry about and will most likely be absorbed. Didn't know the cyclogest could also cause bleeding so that's interesting. Good luck everyone ❤️