I was fortunate enough to yield 6 too grade embryos at the age of 27, one of which resulted in my little boy who is now 3.5years (fresh transfer).
This year i have had x2 frozen transfers, perfect lining, perfect progesterone levels and perfect embryos but BFN.
Consultant very disappointed and baffled by my BFNs. Discussed 4 options:
1. Do same again and hope for the best
2. Try a natural cycle but i have PCO (not PCOS as no other symptoms other than polycystic ovaries) my bmi is low, skin is normal and have regular cycles. She did not feel this would be suitable as i struggle to get LH peak on ovulation test.
3. PGT testing embryos (£4,000 - yikes!)
4. ERA + Emma & Alice.
She was very convincing and agreed for option 4, but since the appt i have done lots of research and its less than positive about ERA testing. Ive booked another consultation to discuss as non of this was brought up during my follow up.
Other than my PCO no other issue has been found. I’m 32. Is there no other way of tracking for LH peak for a natural cycle other than ovulation sticks? I do sometimes wish the consultants wouldnt over medicalise things and really take things back to basics.
Doe anyone have any advice or experience to share on any of the above?