Extremely upset and worried - FSH and... - Fertility Network UK

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Extremely upset and worried - FSH and LH levels

BlueVelvet94 profile image
3 Replies


I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on FSH and LH. I am extremely worried and upset and would be grateful for any help. I am a 29 year old female and I was diagnosed with PCOS back in August 2017 (due to an enlarged right ovary on a scan coupled with hair loss, some acne, facial hair and slightly more body hair). In May 2018, I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis following lap surgery. The endometriosis was extensive in the pelvic region but was not in the ovaries or fallopian tube.

I have been using the combined pill along with spironolactone since August 2017 to December 2023. I stopped the combined pill as it gave me headaches, a scan from a neurologist showed no tumours or growths in the brain. I tried the progesterone only pill for 3 months this year, it is called Slynd. I stopped that as it gave me terrible pain and bloating.

Whilst on Slynd, I undertook a full set of bloods. The FSH was an alarming 72.5 and the LH, 22.6. I am worried to death. I saw my endocrinologist who had the results in hand and he didn’t provide any comment. I emailed him back and I’m now seeing him urgently within a space of 3 days.

My GP has tried to reassure me and stated that Slynd can distort readings and that it’s best to wait 1 whole cycle before doing another set of bloods, and then do another set of bloods a month later to rule out perimenopause. I have been incredibly upset and on the spur of the moment, spoke with a private GP who said ‘you don’t have PCOS, you had perimenopause since being a teenager, but I guess we will never properly know.’ This has truly broken me.

I checked my FSH and LH levels from reports dated 2017 and they were not high. I’m not sure what to make of all this. If anyone has any insight that would be amazing. This sounds like a sob story j know, but it’s really a dream of mine to have my own children and that’s why I’ve spent many years on trying to save enough money to enjoy life a little bit as a potential new mum. I’m just so very lost and broken.

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3 Replies
Ytrewq123 profile image

hi BlueVelvet94, I can only imagine your pain and frustration. That must be very upsetting. I think it’s a good idea to retest the hormones on you next cycle (make sure it’s on day 2 or 3 of your cycle). It could be a blip because you were on the pill at the same time. Especially if you haven’t had such high numbers in the past. (I took melatonin once just before some blood tests and my prolactin was in the thousands and it really freaked me out, but it was because of the melatonin.)

I’m really not sure about the private GP’s response, what evidence do they have for that? Seems scaremongering to me when that’s the last thing you need.

Have you been properly diagnosed with PCOS (ie with at least two of the three things? High androgens, irregular periods, and polycystic ovaries)?

BlueVelvet94 profile image
BlueVelvet94 in reply to Ytrewq123

Hi Ytrewq13,

I really appreciate you replying to my concerns, just the act of someone replying has brightened up my mood a bit. I do feel very frustrated and emotional about the situation, and knowing that this stress will impair another blood test feels like a horrible cycle.

That’s a good idea, I will schedule in the blood test for then - unfortunately it will be on my 30th birthday but that’s life I suppose. It is reassuring to know that the melatonin impacted your prolactin (I’m sorry it freaked you out), I’m hoping that it is the same case with me.

The private GP has scared me to the extreme. I did ask her for her rationale and what background she has to qualify her statements, to which she said she had none. Her dismissal of my PCOS makes me very scared as for all these years, what have I actually been doing. And have I been going through a condition unknowingly? I don’t have menopause symptoms, I’ve developed fruit allergies at 28 (I think some people during the menopause develop allergies) and I’ve always had gut issues (though I have a hiatus hernia).

In terms of the PCOS diagnosis, I had an ultrasound back in 2017 which showed an enlarged right ovary with cysts consistent with the condition, I had periods every month albeit not at the same time per month, and I had my hormone markers tested - all came back fine with testosterone being low (it was redone and came back as fine) - so it was classed as androgen sensitivity to even a regular level of testosterone (hence the hair loss (triggered at 15) and some facial hair).

If you have any further insight, that would be really awesome but I appreciate all your help so far, thank you - I do feel less alone.

Ytrewq123 profile image
Ytrewq123 in reply to BlueVelvet94

Hello, sorry I only just saw your message for some reason. I wonder by now if you might have had day 2 bloods done? If not, ask them to give you the following: LH, FSH, prolactin, estradiol, free testosterone and if possible worth testing your thyroid too (but that doesn’t have to be on day 2 (TSH, T4, T3 but you will likely have a hard time getting T3 on the NHS). Everything crossed that your results give you some expected numbers to help resolve some of your questions ❤️

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