Another negative ๐Ÿ™„ : That's my 5th... - Fertility Network UK

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Another negative ๐Ÿ™„

Joeysjourney profile image
โ€ข45 Replies

That's my 5th failed transfer. Embryo #6 with era results factored in.

Always stark white, always the same period feelings day 8 onwards. Nothing ever changes.

I'm 43 now and my journey with my own eggs looks to be over. I've tried everything. 3 years of ivf, plus 4 before that trying and on waiting lists. I've one 2bb left in the freezer but I don't even want to put myself through the transfer of it right now. The disappointment is just too much.

It's just never me, I'm never the lucky one. The 5th transfer lucky person. Everyone else seems to get there and now I've run out of time. I really really prayed for a miracle.

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Joeysjourney profile image
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45 Replies
Londonlady2024 profile image

I'm so sorry ๐Ÿ˜” I can only imagine how you must be feeling ๐Ÿ’— I don't know what to say to make you feel better but please know that my inbox is open x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Londonlady2024

I dont even know myself how I'm feeling. I just can't believe this is happening to us xxx

Londonlady2024 profile image
Londonlady2024 in reply to Joeysjourney

I totally understand. Take time to heal before transferring your 2BB. There's still time and you have only just turned 43. Never give up, but do be kind to yourself. You have done nothing wrong. It can take several rounds of IVF before your uterus finally accepts the embryo... providing you have nourished and taken care of yourself and uterus xx

RedFox23 profile image

Iโ€™m so sorry to read this. IVF is so exhausting and upsetting. Thinking of you x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to RedFox23

It definitely is that! Thank you xx

Tamaa profile image

I am sorry to know you are finding yourself in a difficult situation. Please know that you are a remarkably brave person. IVF is exhausting and frustrating. I wish you all the strength, comfort and happiness ahead ๐Ÿ’

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Tamaa

As I sit here crying I don't feel brave at all xx thank you for your lovely comment x

Krystal_43 profile image

Sorry to read this Joey, I know exactly how you feel. I could have written this post myself. I didnโ€™t see a second line until I switched to DE and even then, it was my second go that worked. 7 transfers of 9 embryos in total (5 OE transfers of 7 excellent blasts). IVF sucks and is so unfair. Xxx sending love

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Krystal_43

So oleased you've found your happy result. Hopefully I can dust myself off and get there someday. It just seems so so far fetched

Booda21 profile image

Iโ€™m so sorry youโ€™re going through this. It is absolute s#*t! I can totally relate after 9 transfers of 10 embryos. It never gets any easier. This last embryo I had transferred was the worst quality and I STILL went in to it with some blind hope. However it wasnโ€™t meant to be and it is completely crushing. No words do justice to the pain and heartache you feel, how it is literally on your mind every single day. Thinking of the next steps, what to do, how can you make it work. Itโ€™s honestly heart wrenching. Sending you the biggest hug. I hope you are gentle with yourself ๐Ÿ’ซ x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Booda21

Oh goodness, you've had it rough too. Why is it so unfair on some more than others x

Gracey2024 profile image

Im so sorry Joey its devastating. Im just off the back of my 6th failed transfer and it just feels like its everyone else around me but never me! 7years, 3 ivfs, 6 transfers, 11 embryos lost. Take your time processing, you dont have to make any decisions right now about another transfer. I hope your okay x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Gracey2024

I'm so sorry to hear this news as well. It's so unfair. I hope youre doing OK, I'm a bit of a mess xx

Twiglet2 profile image

aww s**t I was waiting for your update and hoping for good news for you ๐Ÿ˜ข itโ€™s just not fair at all! Give yourself some time my lovely itโ€™s an absolute kick in the gut with a negative but I can tell in your post this one seems to be hurting a little more for you, which I completely understand so take your time deciding next steps. Sending you a massive hug and lots of love ๐Ÿ’œxx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Twiglet2

You nailed it, this one hurts. It's my age and knowing I've probably missed my chance with OE. I didn't do enough last year about collections, waited on my era results and then took 2 months out, I should have done a collection faster. Just need a time machine

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Joeysjourney

You have done loads! You are bloody amazing!! Honestly youโ€™re a wee inspiration. ๐ŸŒŸ I would jump right in that Time Machine with you though absolutely get that! Xx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you, just beating myself up a fair bit and don't want to face the world xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Joeysjourney

๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข just hide away if you need to but honestly donโ€™t beat yourself up you are awesome ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป xx

Iโ€™m so sorry Joey, thinking of you so much and the pain you must be feeling. Itโ€™s so unfair ๐Ÿ’› I wish you strength with whatever is next xx

Soapqueen87 profile image

I'm so sorry. I could have literally written this, I've just had my third fail. Thinking of you xxx

Tnthketnf profile image

I am so sorry! That's awful..I was hoping that your update would be different than mine..You've put so much effort in this transfer and it hurts to see there was no difference...please take your time and let yourself be just now. This process is so hard. Xx

ET54AA profile image

I am so sorry! I am 42 and this time was my 5th ivf that failed. I am thinking now for different protocol. I saw that some clinics offer mild ivf for women over 40. In a clinic in UK two women aged 48 became preagnant with mild protocol. Have you thought about it?

Joeysjourney profile image

I've just relooked at my tests. Top is this mornings and bottom last night's. Theses are clear blue early decectors >10. I've tested with >25 and there's nothing. So not thinking this is a late implanted, I'm day 14 now.

Interested to hear if we think this is the tail end of a chemical or evap? I'm gonna see if the clinic will do bloods for me today as I'd really like to catch a chemical, might mean the timing was at least right.

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Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

Hi lovely, ugh this is so rough - I'm so sorry ๐Ÿ’”

I don't want to dash any hope but I had this with my last FET which was negative - the tests showed up evap lines later in the evening and got my hopes up again. I really hate these tests for that reason.

I think if the line is thicker then it might well be something, but when it's that thin I think it's just residue.

Sending you a massive hug today xxx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Millbanks

Yes I do agree, I'm going to the clinic to get a test and maybe see in case it's a chemical. I'd really like to catch it

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

Yes do - you never know. Much love xx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Millbanks

I couldn't get frer at all so this was the best I could get. As I say, my less sensitive ones aren't showing up at all so I haven't got my hopes up. Xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

Why are FRERs so hard to get hold of?? xx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Millbanks

I have no idea!! Even on amazon I couldn't get some. How are you getting on xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

So weird isn't it.....

Ugh I made the mistake of testing early and feel like a lunatic because had a very faint positive test on day 6 that refuses to get stronger. This morning it looks a tiny bit darker but honestly I'm still expecting a chemical. This is our last FET so really want to know either way so we can move on xxx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Millbanks

Oh ivf really is one big shitshow isn't it!! Fingers crossed you get darker tests and a good blood result! You've been through the wars too girl x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

God it really is - sometimes I just think I can't believe how hard it is for some people and how easy it is for others. It's bonkers. We've spent thousands and thousands on all this invasive treatment and other people have sex once and boom....


Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Millbanks

I can't even think about the money. Its like monopoly money now. ๐Ÿ’ฐ also can't think too deep about the unfairness of it all as it makes my blood boil x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Joeysjourney

I know right - try not to think about it...... xx

Nenad profile image
Nenad in reply to Joeysjourney

Hello, first of all Iโ€™m really sorry to read this post, lots of us have been through this so please remember that youโ€™re surrounded by loads of other women here who get it ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

As for the test, I havenโ€™t tried this specific brand/type before but Iโ€™ll say that the line has colour so thereโ€™s a trace of something. Whether the bloods will reflect this or not, not sure. In my experience, when the hcg is so low, by the time you get bloods (a day or two after) theyโ€™re undetectable.

The final thing Iโ€™ll say is I found a fantastic substitute for the FRER - the boots ultra early pregnancy tests, the lines are pink and they detect 10 units as well. Thinking of you and hope youโ€™re as ok as can be. This journey is so frickin hard xxx

Doodlebug23 profile image

7 transfers, 10 embryos. 5 BFN, 1 chemical. 1 BFP. Double donors. Just turned 48. Transfer 7 was a 5 day AB and a 6 day BB (my lowest ever grade and only 6 day) and Iโ€™m convinced itโ€™s my little BB thatโ€™s the little fighter causing havoc in there! Not sure how you feel about DE but I went straight to that option due to my age x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Doodlebug23

You're a legend and your strength is amazing! I'll def give my 2bb a chance but my hope for it has gone. Mr Dr wanted me to keep it in order to try for a sibling, can't believe we had such naive hope at one point ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Skittles11 profile image

Joey, I am so sorry to see the upset and disappointment. You're right, it just isn't fair. Some of us just seem to continue in the struggle for such a long time and it can be a really lonely and extremely frustrating and heartbreaking experience. I really relate. Just know you will get through this but for now, please be kind to yourself. Sometimes people say don't give up etc and I'm not going to say that because ultimately you will reflect and do whats right for you whether that is return your 2BB, move to donor eggs, try another egg collection or something else entirely. Sending a big hug x x

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Skittles11

Thank you babe. I honestly don't know what I would do without the support of this group. So sad that so many of us can relate so hard to this. There's so much heartbreak x

Redsequin profile image

Oh Joey. I thought for sure this had to be your time. The universe can be horribly cruel.

I really admire your tenacity; the literal YEARS of endless research, critical thinking, impossible decision making, and physical and emotional stress isn't something many people could cope with. You're amazing, and I'm sorry you are feeling so crappy right now.

I hope you have loved ones looking after you right now.


Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Redsequin

Its been so so long, I almost can't think about it cause its so upsetting. My poor wee husbands face when I told him it was another negative. We've just no hope left x

Babysteps41 profile image

I just wanted to respond to say you are not alone in your situation, and I'm so sorry it's so difficult and sh*T!!. Im in very similar situation and just feel am cursed at times as each transfer has failed one after another. 6 failed embryos, One left but not able to think about another FET as it's so hard. It will be our last go and I'm just sick of IVF now. Wishing you โœŒ๏ธ lots of peace xx

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Babysteps41

Feeling cursed, that's exactly how I feel. I'm so sorry you've had such a hard time too, it's really breaking my spirits x

Nes1005 profile image

Canโ€™t say anything to help, Iโ€™m right with you at 43, turning 44 tomorrowand itโ€™s all consuming pain knowing that time has slipped away. Sending you love and hugs and somehow some peace in time, you are brave and strong and amazing for all the efforts you have put in. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

Joeysjourney profile image
Joeysjourney in reply to Nes1005

I'm so sorry you've also faced this pain. It's so hard xx

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