Embryo transfer pee schedule - Fertility Network UK

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Embryo transfer pee schedule

Looom profile image
21 Replies

I hope someone can advised how they manage their full bladder for the embryo transfer? I have a thing about peeing all the time normally so to find out I have to have a full bladder for embryo transfer makes me even more nervous! How have others managed this, like how long before your appointment would you last pee, or last have water for the bladder to be full enough? Sorry if this is a strange post but that's actually what's making me the most nervous.

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Looom profile image
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21 Replies
CJohns profile image

Please don’t worry! I am also an avid pee-er (if there is such a thing). There were delays when we got to clinic and they let me pee but just gave me some more water to fill the old bladder up again. I had to travel an hour to clinic, so my bladder was pretty full when I got there.

I would say have a little water before you leave the house and gradually drink more on your way there. Honestly, it’s nothing you need to worry about x

Looom profile image
Looom in reply to CJohns

OK thank you! I just worry that I'll either pee myself or not have a full bladder and can't go ahead with the ET 🥲

Connie290 profile image
Connie290 in reply to Looom

I wouldn't worry about them not doing the transfer, I had a brain melt and went for a pee when I first arrived at the clinic for my first transfer 🤦🏼‍♀️ they still went ahead with it ☺️ x

Yellowlove profile image
Yellowlove in reply to Looom

If there isn’t enough at time of transfer they will send you back into the waiting room to have a few cups then call you back in to do the transfer

That’s at least what happened to me- I felt like I was bursting, they told me to go back out and drink 5 cups of water!

It was playing on my mind too but on the day you somehow do just get through it, I’ve had three. Xx good luck! The magic happens when you see your little embryo land in your womb ❤️

Millbanks profile image

Usually when you arrive they will scan you to check how full it is and if it’s not quite there they will get you to drink some more. No stress.

I would say (for me) last pee about 1.5 hours before and drink a litre or two if you can. I have a small bladder and am always worried about it but it’s always fine. Just a tad uncomfortable. You won’t pee yourself don’t worry!

Greenleaves1 profile image

Hi - before my last transfer I had to have a scan to check I'd no fluid in my womb (this scan was on an empty bladder). My fresh transfer was scheduled for an hour later which required a full bladder lol xx

Kitkat10 profile image

I didn’t have a very full bladder and transfer was absolutely fine. Try not to worry too much x

Tnthketnf profile image

I think every person and their bladder is different. My old clinic said a pint of water about 2 hours before transfer. I would say for me that's too much. I had to go and part empty which is not easy. After several transfers I think a glass of water about an hour and a half before the actual transfer is about right. For comfortably full bladder.

Ivf2023 profile image

I wouldn’t worry too much, my bladder wasn’t that full when I had my embryo transfer and they just gave me 10 minutes to let me drink some more water and done a scan to make sure it was full before they started again x

Myshh profile image

Hi my last pee on the day of transfer was 1.5 hour before the transfer. I was drinking water by sips but when we got to the clinic I started to feel extremely uncomfortable and just need to pee and the doctor said you can easily do a small pee as long as you won't empty your bladder completely and with that they inserted the embryo in half empty bladder. Currently 15 weeks pregnant. Please don't worry about it.

Ivf270324 profile image

I was the exact same, I went to the toilet last thing before I left (clinic half hour away) when I got there I was desperate and she said if I could manage to let 3 seconds out then I could ha ha

I then stopped the lady just as she was about to do the transfer and they sat me back up and I asked what happened if I wee on you 🤣🤣🤣 she said it happens all the time and it’s fine xxx

Meltc profile image

oh I’m a regular wee-er too! To be honest, I didn’t need much liquid at all, I had a small drink before I left, we then had a 1 hour drive to clinic. When we got closer I had a few more sips of water but my excitement/nerves did the rest of the work for me. My clinic also said I could part empty my bladder but I was worried if I started I wouldn’t be able to stop. So for the duration of my transfer I was trying not to wet myself 😂. I have my FET tomorrow so will be going through it again! Please don’t worry - you’ll be totally fine x

they only told me this too late on my first transfer but water apparently takes 2 hours to get through. So if you time it right you’ll be just at the right point of full bladder as you go in. Hope that helps

Twiglet2 profile image

About 2-3 hours before hand and I drink water before I leave the house and then take a bottle in the car too (takes me about 30-40mins to get to the clinic) it’s totally fine dont overthink it xx

Glaedy profile image

It depends how far do you need to travel to your clinic, in my case I had to drive around 1h, so I am peeing last just before getting to the car and I am taking sips of water all way to the clinic (for me perfect spot is around 0,7-1 liter of water. Sometimes I am stopping sooner if I feel that I am getting close to my limit, but it took me 3 transfers to get the perfect routine and amount of water 😆

MagicTourmaline profile image

I always have the same problem... I pee literally all the time... They normally say pee when I leave home (which is an hour away from the clinic) and then not to pee after... but I really struggled with this for my first 3 transfer as it should be a comfortably full bladder and mine is never 'comfartably' full... 😅 actually it feels like its never empty... 😅So this time I went to the clinic a bit earlier and had a pee an hour before the transfer and as we were waiting maybe because of the nerves but I had to go again... 😅 and it was fine... I think if you go to the toilet often that means your bladder is filling up quick so I wouldnt worry too much... they said to me this time that its better to be comfortable... if you need to go then just have some water afterwards... and I said this thing to my clinic and they were very comforting with it... so maybe mention this to them, I realised this always been a thing which really stressed me out and in the end it was unneccessary... 💕

Good luck with your transfer! 💕

Wishinandahopin profile image

I’m similar- it was my least favourite part of the entire process. I had drunk enough but then my transfer was delayed and I was so desperate to wee I was crying, I even went to the loo and peed a tiny bit but didn’t help. I finally waddled into the room of the transfer and couldn’t even lie down on the bed as my bladder was so full. So they said to go empty a bit more and come back. I came back having emptied what I thought was quite a lot and they started the scan, I was still in so much discomfort, and they were like ‘oh wow your bladder is full!’ As they could see it on the scan. The whole transfer felt unbearable for solely that reason and they couldn’t press as hard as they normally would with the ultrasound thing. I went to the loo after and found it genuinely hard to wee after all that as I was over desperate. I found it all a really stressful experience. This was my third transfer and the worst, bladder wise, by far,

That said, it worked! And so in spite of it being the most stressful experience, the little embryo implanted and he is now here with me as I type

So just remember as horrible as it may feel it is one tiny moment and won’t affect the outcome at all.

Wishing you luck!

Whatever_her_name_is profile image
Whatever_her_name_is in reply to Wishinandahopin

I was the same! They actually said it was the fullest bladder they’ve ever seen!

K_LNB profile image

My clinic said 1 pint an hour before. By the time I got in it was probably closer to 2 hours and I was busting (I have a notoriously tiny bladder!) but I managed. They did say I could part empty but I don’t have the pelvic floor control! Honestly though the whole thing makes me really anxious too but you will manage I promise.

Vanessa81 profile image

I found this to be difficult, also. They asked me to drink 1L of water one hour before my transfer time but most of the time our transfer time ran late by 45mins or more. They did allow me to empty a little bit but I won’t sugar coat it, it was uncomfortable. They did ask me to sit after my transfer for 10mins but I had to pee at the 3 minute mark. Couldn’t hold it any longer -

Sorry if this made you more nervous but that was my reality. You will definitely manage and get through it. Think of the end goal more Good luck and sending you so much baby dust! 💓

Shihtzumommy profile image

I’m exactly the same. I have to go for a wee very frequently. I often go about 5 times during the night.

I arrived at the clinic 40mins before my appointment. I went to the toilet when I got there and then drank about a litre of water (slowly sipping it) up until I went in for the transfer. I was worried my bladder wasn’t full enough, but they said it was nice and full when I had the scan. I hope this helps, and good luck.

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