I have been struggling to conceive in last five cycles.
I am 43 years old, I had only two blastocysts even when I produced more than six eggs in three cycles, out of five.
Even the AMH is optimum, my periods are regular too no issue apart from the age and my husband is fertile too.
Now we have exhausted our option with current clinic in UK and now thinking to go to India.
I would be really grateful to know if anyone can recommend any clinic in Bangalore, Mumbai preferably please?
Has anyone positive outcome from there with their own eggs at 44-45 age or did you try with egg donar route? how was the experience of Indian clinic/doctors?
My heart is not on the egg donar route but happy to have some guidance on that too. The stats says I still have 10% chance with my own eggs.
Could change of doctor and country might increase my chance with my own eggs?