We started our IVF journey over 2 years ago but due to the pandemic our treatment was put on hold and when the NHS started procedures again I was over the age for treatment through the NHS. So we had to go privately and have just received a negative result after our 1st ivf transfer using my own eggs. It took 2 cycles of hormone injections to produce 2 eggs over 3 months. Both embryos were transfered. We are just trying to process our results and looking at our next options. Our doctors has suggested using a egg donor instead due to my age and has recommended a clinic in Northern Cyprus. Has anyone either used an egg donor or been to northern cyprus for IVF?
IVF with egg donor: We started our IVF... - Fertility Network UK
IVF with egg donor

So sorry about your failed round, thats hard enough let alone having to start thinking about donor eggs.
I have moved onto donor eggs having tried with my own eggs for many years. I have some donor embryos in the freezer and hope to transfer later this year.
There are loads of women on here who are either going through donor or have had success with donor. If you have any specific questions feel free to message me or post them here.
I did mine in the UK but I am sure lots of people will message you about Cyprus! You are in good company xx

Hi daisy, hope you don’t mind me jumping on the comment- but I wondered if doing it in the UK is “easy”. I know a lot of people go abroad (we would consider) but I haven’t really heard / spoken to how it works in the uk xx
Hey will message you xx

Hi Daisy I would also ne interested in hearing from you. Please will you PM me thank you.
I can't speak about Cyprus, but I can tell you that I have had success with a donor egg as I am now 10 weeks pregnant :-). After 2 years trying naturally and 4 years of 5 x IVF cycles, all with PGTA which resulted in no euploid embryos, we were advised by our clinic that we should use a donor. It took me a while to get my head around but now I'm so happy we went for it. Rather than waiting on a list with our clinic that can take a long time, we used a private donor agency and once we'd picked our donor she donated on her next cycle. She donated to the clinic we're with so we could continue our treatment at the same place. Happy to share the agency details if you wish x
hi Rosie I have had 2 failed ivf and they have suggested egg donor I like you am struggling to get my head around it may I ask what helped you make the decision in the end ? Congratulations by the way 🥰
Would you mind sharing your private clinic with me and if your happy I have a few other questions to ask many thanks Emma
Hi Neece, I have just come back after treatment in Northern Cyprus. Currently in 2 ww. Donor egg. Message if you need any advice. Extremely easy and a lot cheaper than UK.
Heya, just came across this thread. How have things developed with the egg donor? Did it work?
We will fly to northern cyprus next Sunday for ivf treatment. Hopefully all goes well.
i did in northern Cyprus. They were fantastic. Woked first time. Now have a twins boy and girl. Please message me if you need further details
We used donor eggs, we went to Greece. Definitely the hardest decision i ever made but the best one by far. Details are in my bio, feel free to reach out via private message if you have any questions or if i can help in any way. Best of luck xx