hi all it’s my second cycle first already failed . I chose same clinic for second cycle and they are saying they are not going to freeze embyday 3 as it’s nhs policy what if I do t have any on day 5 what shall I do I am too much worried. Is there any such pooling of nhs. Please guide me
second cycle ivf icsi too much worrie... - Fertility Network UK
second cycle ivf icsi too much worried nhs policy not freez day 3 (guide me)

hi- sorry I’m not sure of your question what part do you need guidance on? 🤗
It is also my experience (nhs and self funding) that only embryos at blast stage on day 5 that are ‘good enough’ quality will be frozen but that if there is only one or 2 embryos at day 3 that are at the normal stage of development (right number of cells and not too fragmented etc) then they will consider a day 3 fresh transfer. Is a fresh transfer not an option for you?
Yes my hormones came to high
Second cycle they retrieve 19 eggs 18 mature 13 fertilised but on day 3 they said they are not really good grade. Clinic is saying it’s nhs funded cycle they not freeze day 3 embryo also last time I had 11 embryo no one reached to blastocyst I am too much upset . Last cycle was private this is nhs one. In my area they give only one cycle. I am too much worried I couldn’t go further for another one😖😩. Too much panicking and worrying in pressure too.
I totally understand the wait from day 3 to day 5 is so hard but you wouldn’t want to freeze an embryo that wasn’t going to make it to day 5 anyways though as it would just give you false hope, they wouldn’t know which ones to even transfer or freeze at this stage by the sounds of it. Take your suggestion/question of freezing your 13 embryos on day 3 for example-the next step would be doing 13 frozen day 3 transfers which would take months and years to see if they develop? Which would be very time consuming and costly for both you and the clinic, wasting precious time for you on ones that were never going to develop to blast and putting your body through so many hormones and mental strain for an embryo that was never going to be. so it would be best to see if they will develop into a blast in the lab first is the logic behind this. Then only transfer those embryos that do make it to blast. It would be different if you only had one or 2 embryos still developing they could just transfer those fresh at day 3.
You still have 13 chances for a blast to be made 💜 embryos do miraculous things especially between day 3 and 5. try not to worry about the future right now and take one step at a time for these embryos growing right now. Will you be doing a fresh transfer if you get a blast? Xx
Thank you so much for clarifying me and make me not ease of mind. No my hormones levels too high so I can’t do fresh transfer. I will do frozen transfer just hopping for the best IA. Embryos made to blastocyst IA!