failed first round / Vitamins /supple... - Fertility Network UK

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failed first round / Vitamins /supplements for next -low ovarian reserve

RoxyRhani profile image
18 Replies

hello ladies

It’s taken me some time to come back on this site as I have really struggled with facing the facts my first round failed I put way to much expectation on it and really had high hopes I am 32 and have a low AMH and not many eggs at all - my first cycle I had two eggs retrieved only one fertilised but looked to be great quality I had a 3 day transfer - I had the dreaded two week wait ( bloody awful ) I am also doing this solo so it’s extremely hard as you all know .. so to find it didn’t work after a confirmed blood test it broke me completely I even thought I felt pregnant.. so strange I blame all those hormones .. so I’ve spoken to my clinic ( who’s in Greece ) they want me to have another round as they believe I will have some great eggs I have been adviced to wait so I may start in May. I want to know if any of you ladies took any special supplements I am currently looking at zita west and impryl I just want to ensure I’m doing everything I can - before my first round I had regular acupuncture and made sure I ate very well

Any advice or virtual hugs will be greatly received 🩷

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RoxyRhani profile image
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18 Replies
IVFat40 profile image

Hello hun, it's devastating isn't it when a round fails, definitely sending a big virtual hug. I also did the ivf journey solo.

I found the book 'it starts with the egg' by Rebecca Fett helpful, particularly for choosing supplements (although at times I found I needed to take the book as a whole with a pinch of salt as it's quite full on). I also saw a fertility nutritionist which I believe really helped me.

Wishing you so much good luck

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to IVFat40

Thank you for the virtual hug! Yes it’s extremely difficult I have found it very hard to deal with even though I knew it wasn’t guaranteed to work I just had high hopes - I do have this book and I started to read it but then ended up throwing all my plastics away as I was scared of all the dangerous chemicals so I stopped reading for abit etc but I will pick it back up and have a read - ohhhh that’s a good shout on a nutritionist xx

IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to RoxyRhani

I had a similar experience with the book haha, the supplements chapter is a bit more manageable 😊

Darcy1996 profile image

hi lovely, I’ve just started taking “Ovum” supplements- they’re created by a lawyer who has fertility issues, with 2 fertility doctors and are described as “rocket fuel for your eggs”….some people have seen an improvement in AMH. They’ve found an affordable version of CoQ10 that’s really high grade too.

All the best next time 💜

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to Darcy1996

Hello 🩷 Thank you for your recommendation I shall check ovum out - I have spent ages looking tonight trying to find the best one I was taking proceive before my first round but want to find something better

Thank you very much - Is this your first round ? X

Darcy1996 profile image
Darcy1996 in reply to RoxyRhani

It will be our first round yes 😬 just waiting on cost of clinic’s proposed programme & have been struggling with finances so want to ensure the minute we have that together we are in great shape to “crack on…”. I’m older than you & share concerns re AMH so I understand 💜 I hope you have lots of support 💜

Xmishell37 profile image

Hello, my friend took DHEA and Coq10 for 3 months prior to egg retrieval, had low AMH but got 4 eggs from one ovary (other one wasn't accessible) all fertilised and all good quality, she was one of the small percentage of people where it worked first time but i believe it was down to this prior preparation. I see a few others have recommended It starts with the egg and I would say do this too, I enjoyed reading this and I'm taking Ovum which has most of the supplements mentioned but for low AMH I think it suggests DHEA (after testing your levels) fingers crossed for Ur next round 💗 I'll be starting round 2 in summer 🌞 xx

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to Xmishell37

Thank you for your reply 🩷 I really need to look into this dhea and Coq10 I don’t know much about it but after reading your reply it sounds like I need to! It’s really lovely to hear women with low amh have a successful first round - I did order Ovum and waiting to receive them :) awww good luck to you also ! I’m looking at May so it gives me time to prep these lovely eggs 🥚 xx

Football61 profile image

Hi. I took Folate, Ubiquinol, Vitamin D and DHEA. Wishing you the very best of luck x

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to Football61

Thank you 🩷🩷

MrsOrangejuice profile image

I took ubiquinol, bioavailable b vits including folate, omegas, and an own brand skin, hair and nails multi vit, and often extra vit c. Got all eggs to blast on that combination and now a first ever natural pregnancy at 40, so I can't say it helped but it didn't hurt. I didn't cut anything from my diet, just tried to add more good things and healthy fats, and didn't make any lifestyle changes like cutting out plastics - if you can without making your life impossible it's probably a good thing to do generally, it just wasn't practical for me.

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Awww that’s amazing your eggs got to blast that’s lovely to read! I changed all of my shop brand total cleaning products to Method products but it’s impossible to change everything x

skygreen profile image

I used Ovum as it seems to be the only supplement backed by the science of It Starts With the Egg. Also took melatonin too and tried to keep as much to a Mediterranean diet as possible. No alcohol at all 🫣. I did 2 banking cycles last year and started all of this in-between the cycles - the first I got 2 day 5 blasts but were aneuploid. The second cycle I got two PGTA euploids so I think the combo of the above made a difference. I'm 41. Good luck!

Choots profile image

75 mg of DHEA daily and CoQ10 - please look it up and also speak to a doctor about this. UCLH had me on this for 3 months before egg retrieval

Skiki profile image

Hi Roxy,

I've been through all that too so I know how difficult and frustrating it could get, please be patient and don't stress because stress itself can be a cause for infertility, I personally got pregnant after taking a US supplement for 2 months, It is called Vidalocity I think, I also tried to calm down as much as I could and I tried to forget completely about the fact that I was trying to conceive because it gets very stressful when you think about it non-stop

Best of luck to you, I hope you hear the good news soon.

lulubelly1983 profile image

i found out about NAC fairly late in the day but am taking it now for implantation but have read some great things about it, I also took 5htp to help increase melatonin it induces a better natural sleep pattern and it really does but in turn you naturally produce more melatonin which helps with yielding healthy eggs, the more melatonin the more they are protected or so I’ve read I’m 40 and had 12 eggs collected and 11 fertilised so was pretty pleased am thinking it may have helped - good luck 🤞🏻 hope I can help again I’ve got a long history with ivf mum to 4 girls one boy and (triplet girls through ivf and my boy natural FET left over from previous cycle)

Positivepug profile image

Hi RoxyRhani , sending you so much strength during this time. I’m going through the same thing, I almost thought this was my post. I have just turned 36, only had two follicles and one egg retrieved. It was good quality and my lining was good so I really thought it would work but had my BFN result on Wednesday. I’m still so down but starting to focus on what I can do to help. Been reading “it starts with the egg” and would like to start the supplement plan for IVF. I was already taking a few of the suggested supplements but didn’t yet take DHEA or melatonin which she recommends. I’ve also read about Vitamin E and selenium helping. I’m only seeing my doctor again on Tuesday so I’ve been fully anxious this week, so worried they will say I can’t do anything else so seeing what your doctor has said gives me a little hope. I cut out most caffeine and don’t drink alcohol but I would like to try improve my eating habits a bit more and cut out sugar. Sending you lots of positivity! Let’s pray for our BFP! 💛

RoxyRhani profile image
RoxyRhani in reply to Positivepug

Awwwww I’m sending you a big virtual hug 🤗 it’s so so difficult isn’t it honestly it’s been afew weeks for me and I’m still tearing up all the time it’s mentally so difficult - like you my lining was great - fantastic they said - so yes I completely appreciate how you feel .. aww bless you see what your doctor suggests I’ve not spoken to my UK GP only the clinic in Greece - I’m really unsure if I need to be taking dhea or melatonin hopefully my clinic abroad can suggest something I’ve recently purchased ovum and waiting for it to arrive - I take vitamin C and b12 everyday but I should look at taking more - i went on a huge health kick in December and lost to much weight my immune system was shocking so I’m eating what I want at the moment I generally eat healthy but have a huge sweet tooth I also stopped drinking coffee whilst going through treatment but consuming again now so will need to cut down on it soon ( usually have x2 cups a day so nothing crazy ) I feel like I did everything I possibly could on my last round I’m trying to go with a more open mind on my next round in May -big hugs xxx

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