I’m with the lister phoned on day 1 and day 3 but not day 4 and im due in for transfer tomorrow. Would they have called if there was an issue?
Transfer tomorrow and not heard how m... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer tomorrow and not heard how many have made day 5? Is this normal do they make you wait until you’re at the clinic?

yes I didn’t know how many made till day 5 until I went in for transfer! It’s very nerve wracking, fingers crossed you have some to freeze 🤞 good luck for tomorrow xx
Thank you that’s Mad! What if we do not have any! It’s a 2 hour train journey to the clinic .. but Thank you I need all the luck I can get xx
hi first of all good luck xxxx at mine they just told me on the day… I’m sure all will be fine xx I think no news is good news x
Thanks I’m so nervous . First round hoping for a frozen one as well .
what do you mean? Hoping you’ll have one left to freeze? I’m sure you’ll be fine xxx keep in touch if you like… I had a double transfer last Thursday so got another week and a bit before I can test I’m really hopeful x ❤️

If it fails hoping to have one in the bank . Good luck hope you get your baby!
Hi. My clinic told me that they would update me at the clinic when I arrived for the transfer. I told them that would increase my anxiety tenfold (i.e. I would probably pass out from stress on the Tube!), and so they called me first thing in the morning. Can you ask for the same? If you (Gd forbid) had no viable embryos for transfer, I’m presuming they would call you, so that you wouldn’t needlessly travel in. Wishing you the very best of luck xx
Hiya! Clinics as standard typically don't check embryos at Day 2 and 4 (unless they have a time-lapse incubator) as they don't like to disturb them in their culture too much. In my case the embryologist called me around 8:40 on the morning of the transfer to give me my report and tell me to come in as scheduled.
But I'm aware that different clinics have different policies. I think they would call you early if something had gone wrong and there was sadly nothing to transfer, so on the day assume that no news is good news and make your way for your scheduled transfer time.
I'm a few days behind you (currently Day 2) so I know how nerve-wracking it is not knowing. hopefully the nurses can reassure you!
Good luck! Thats exciting but I know how. Nervous you must be ! Thank you . I’m 2 hours away so I’m anxious they will call to say nothing is alive still . I’ve had to get the train to London and I live in Kent . No fertility clinics here . Hoping they don’t call and say somethings wrong and I’m half way there xx
I can’t believe they don’t tell you before!
Mine called first thing on the morning of day 5 to let us know, and tell us to come in. Annoying if they haven't explained to you. Good luck! Xxx
I’m nearly 2 hours away and on the train now . Our appointment is at 10am so I’m a little anxious .xx
good luck x we didn’t find out until we got there on the morning of transfer in the actual procedure room ! But we were the earliest app they had x
good luck since you have not heard anything and your appointment is 10am today I think everything is okay otherwise they would have called you by now
all the best of luck for the transfer today 🤞🏼🤞🏼
best of luck for today!
wishing you this best!!!