Hey, I've been reading 'it starts with the egg' and going by my very poor IVF round last year (lots of immature eggs, 2 early miscarriages so far, 1 frozen embryo left of poor quality) this talks about how melatonin really supports the process of egg maturation, I'm almost 38 and feel like this next transfer is just going to be walking into another miscarriage, and not sure I can do a 3rd of IVF (emotional toll has been huge) so I'm pinning all my hopes on the next round being more successful, has anyone in UK had issues being prescribed melatonin if this is requested by them? I'm in Scotland, called my GP and they won't prescribe as 'its not their speciality', I need to go through the fertility clinic where I'm having treatment, I've got a call with a doctor on 12 Feb but am anxious about what to say in my request or if they might not support this, just need to feel I'm doing everything I can before the next egg retrieval 🥺 thanks xx
Prescribed melatonin?: Hey, I've been... - Fertility Network UK
Prescribed melatonin?

Hi Xnishel. So sorry to hear you’ve been having such a tough time going through miscarriages etc. My own thoughts are not to go overboard with vitamins and minerals, as your poor liver has to spork hard breaking them down eventually. Of course take any recommended by your clinic, which may include melatonin, who knows. Sorry if I am repeating things, but have you had a hysteroscopy and biopsy of lining done. Also, are your Fallopian tubes clear? Keeping everything crossed that the next round is your round, and you get to have the family you want and deserve. Dianfe
Thank you for your kind words 💗☺️ I've not had a biopsy of lining, just blood tests really and HSG which confirmed my tubes are clear, there was a concern initially about high prolactin but when the repeat test was done it seemed to resolve itself (and stress can perhaps play a part in this?!), I'm hoping my call with the doc on 12 Feb gives me some reassurance about round 2 and whether there is anything they can do about egg maturity, I did hear of someone having a double trigger shot to help with this, it's a right kick in the stomach to get 20 eggs on retrieval but only 2 average and 1 poor embryo from it 💔
I have asked my consultant if could try melatonin in next cycle and he agreed but he or GP wouldn’t prescribe it. I have ordered online from abroad. Good luck and let me know if need further details x
Thank you, I tried to order from an American website but wouldn't let me, il see how my call goes with the doctor, I didn't think it would be a big deal as lots of children I used to work with (with ADHD etc) get prescribed it!! 🤷 Hope it works for you il let u know if I'm interested in ordering from abroad soon 💗 xx