Hello, we're just starting our final ever round of ICSI and decided to try a new clinic. We've done 4 egg collections and 5 embryo transfers (2 fresh, 3 frozen) through another clinic. I was a bit surprised that the new clinic have put us on a protocol without asking any questions about previous protocols or how I responded. I've offered to show them my notes and they aren't interested as they're confident the consultant has picked the right protocol for us based on age, AMG nd follicle count results. As this is definitely our last round and we have only had one viable embryo in our previous two rounds, I'm a bit concerned that they're treating this as a "let's learn how you respond through trial and error" approach. Is it normal for new clinics not to look at notes from previous rounds in other clinics? (I'm moving from a long protocol to a flare protocol if this makes any difference.)
New clinic not interested in seeing n... - Fertility Network UK
New clinic not interested in seeing notes from previous rounds at another clinic... is this normal?

I would definitely question this especially if this is your last round - did they not even ask re your previous protocols/doses used before? When the treatments are so expensive you can’t afford to have a ‘trial’. Could you ask a second opinion from someone at the clinic to see if they can help reassure you?
They asked for a history of previous rounds but not in that much detail (just IVF vs ICSI and outcomes of cycles). I did raise it last week at our treatment planning appointment with the nurse but they were very quick to say the consultant will have made the right choice based on our circumstances... I brought a copy of our notes to the appointment and they didn't even open them.
It sounds like maybe you should have a proper conversation with the consultant to make sure you are happy with the protocol they have chosen for you. Possibly having that conversation might make it clearer? I have found sometimes nurses are very dismissive of my questioning sometimes. And although they can be very knowledgable ultimately they don’t decide on the treatment protocol!
I agree with cutecolliedog. Definitely a red flag if they’re not interested in what your previous clinic did. I went to a new clinic and the consultant wanted to hear about what the previous clinic did in detail. But more importantly, you don’t feel comfortable. I say listen to your voice and make sure they hear it too x
When I changed clinics my new clinic went through all my records from the old clinic and especially the protocols I tried previously, the problems I had and my response to treatment. They had a pretty thorough consultation with me about my previous treatment and confirmed I was in agreement with their approach. I'd definitely raise any concerns you have, especially with all your knowledge about how you responded to previous protocols!
I agree, this is this definitely is a red flag.
You have had 5 transfers and they do not wish to read your notes? You are paying customer ultimately so I would email them so that actually respond to your concerns.
Even if they did not make any changes to your protocol, they should at least skim read your previous notes to get a better understanding of how/what/if etc including the dosage of meds and triggers shots you were on etc.
These private clinics have one aim - to make money but equally they should be listening to their patients.
If this fails, I would be requesting a refund.
Moving forward, please try to email them so there is record of your concerns.
Best wishes
Agree with everyone saying it is a red flag. If the consultant won't discuss things more thoroughly with you, maybe you should look for a different clinic again. It's rather quite important that you feel your clinic addresses your concerns. Good luck! xx
Ask them what protocol they propose before you start. Also ask them what protocol they have for fresh and frozen embryo transfers and how they think will benefit your circumstances.
I would be concerned if this clinic is behaving like this. I had a similar situation in the past with a clinic experimenting protocols without considering previous tests and this caused me a great amount of anxiety, emotional distress and financial loss. As a result, I went for two rounds of IVF only to waste my time and money. I could only afford 3 rounds of IVF, having 2 rounds already gone on the drain I went extremely careful when I chose the final clinic, in which was very considering, and took the previous tests and protocols into consideration, and led me to the right protocol decision to make my journey successful. I now have a lovely 12 months boy, being mother at the of 46. Please, choose carefully and be picky on which clinic you are putting your health and dream at as they are all selling themselves as great but in the end many of these clinics are not technically neither professionally prepared to treat different and complex IFV cases.
thanks for all your replies. I sent the clinic an email and spoke to both a nurse and a consultant on the phone. They’ve given me a bit of a better explanation for the protocol they’ve chosen and agreed to look at my notes (though I’ve warned them there are over 1000 pages of them!) and review things. It hasn’t been a good first impression but I’m glad to have raised it with them before starting treatment. Thanks for all your wisdom and helping me to listen to my gut xx
Hey - sorry I don't have an answer for you, but interested to know what flare protocol you are doing please?
My second clinic asked notes of every procedure and cycle I had before. Whether they really took it into consideration when they came up with their protocol...they can only answer, I wouldn't really know how their protocol corrected any issues of the protocol before . It made no difference to the outcome anyway.