Small gestational sac - experiences? - Fertility Network UK

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Small gestational sac - experiences?

Esb27 profile image
7 Replies

Hi guys,

Found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, very faint lines on the tests but they were there (they were also progressing nicely). Had a scan at my EPU as I have a history of ectopics so have to go in early, by my period dates I was 5 weeks but as I ovulated on day 21 I knew I was more like 4 weeks.

They saw some fluid and what looked like a gestational sac, HCG went from 190 to 345 in 46 hours (they only want a 66% rise so that was good news - I haven't had any further blood tests). Long story but I then went in for another early scan but with Tommy's in London a week later, they again saw a small sac, nothing in it and by the measurements dated me 5 weeks (which roughly goes with my dates) - both Tommy's and my EPU said it was too early to really say if this is viable or potentially a missed miscarriage (which I have had before) so I had to wait and see.

I went back to my EPU today (one day after the Tommy's scan and on week after the last EPU scan) and obviously they saw the same thing as Tommy's but this time they could compare to last week. The doctor didn't give me much (he didn't give me measurements or anything annoyingly)as it's still SO early but he said there was 'some growth' when you compare the sacs over the week but not as much as they usually expect.

Got another scan with my EPU next Tuesday this time with the consultant there (I also have one with Tommy's on 7th Feb), I'm so nervous this is going down the miscarriage route again as it's not growing fast enough. At least by next week I will be towards the end of 5 weeks if not 6 weeks so really we should be seeing a yoke sac at least and if it's not there we should get answers.

Has anyone been in a similar situation, whether it was a bad or good outcome? I really want this to be it but my history is so crappy. The waiting is killing me - wish I was normal and didn't have early scans as they just confuse and worry me but I know I have to have them.

Am trying to be hopeful but it is so hard!!😭

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Esb27 profile image
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7 Replies
BearPanda profile image

Ah, that's so stressful! Sorry to hear your in this suspense! I had a slightly different story; I had a private 6w scan in the UK and it was behind; I had a sack but nothing in it, so they recommend waiting a week to come back. I though - what a nightmare! A full week! My clinic is in Poland, I emailed them picture of my scan and they advised to just do two BetaHCG 48h apart and that gives you pretty much a 100% answer in a space of two day. I just google searched for a private BetaHCG tests that have a same day turnaround and had my answer then. Unfortunately it east viable (different case to you though, you're way earlier than I was) so I could stop my meds and just come to terms with it much quicker then the full week later. I hope you get a good news though!!!!

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to BearPanda

Thanks for the reply, sorry you went through it too. It’s so hard to wait, but at least you got your answer sooner!! My doctor advised against another HCG, I did it last week but they haven’t recommended it this week strangely. Could pay for it I suppose but I’ve only got 5 days to wait I might as well wait.

BearPanda profile image
BearPanda in reply to Esb27

I'm sure your doctor knows best, I think ours had low hopes following our scan so I thik she suggested Beta to just get it confirmed. Sounds like you will get a definite answer in a few days! Hang on there and best of luck!

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to BearPanda

yeah that's what I was thinking. I guess the scans are the most accurate, though we can always check with a HCG test if it's not clear. Thanks for the luck!! Much appreciated.

Twiglet2 profile image

it’s so early and sound like a natural conception so is even harder to be sure of dates it really could go either way I’m afraid lovely. Did they do your HCG again? That level is quite low to see anything yet on a scan other than to confirm not ectopic. My experience was later on when I knew I was 6+4 and should be seeing more and was measuring 5 weeks and although it kept growing (had a yolk sac and then a fetal pole) and got a heartbeat by week 8 it’s was still behind and by week 9 it was a missed miscarriage so I know the waiting and not knowing is so hard but I’m afraid that’s all you can do and at this early stage there is absolutely hope that this one will be okay 🤞🏽🤗🫶🏻 xx

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to Twiglet2

Yeah it's so much harder to pinpoint naturally isn't it. No they haven't re-do my HCG weirdly. I did another CB weeks indicator and got 2-3 weeks though I know they aren't the most reliable. Weirdly Tommy's didn't recommend doing another HCG as it might give an inaccurate result? I thought it was weird tbh but they are the experts not me!!

Oh I'm so sorry you went through that, it's such a long drawn our process just to get bad news :( I'm really trying to stay hopeful, I've been down this road before so if it's bad then I will be sad but I will get past it as I always do but it's just the limbo that's sooo frustrating!!

Thanks for the luck, I think I'm going to need it xx

Esb27 profile image

Just to update everyone, had my 6 week scan today and still nothing inside the sac. The sac had grown though and was measuring 12x9x7mm (9.3mm mean) - last week at 5weeks 1 day it was 4.7x3.7x4.7mm with a 4.4mm mean. My doctor said she didn't want to give me false hope but it's looking likely to not progress but am going back next Tuesday to see if it is another miscarriage or if something magically appears.

They've provisionally booked me for a d&c for next Friday as we want to genetically test the remains this time. But i'm going into overdrive reading positive (and negative) stories of people not seeing a yolk sac or baby until 8 weeks so wondering if I should wait another week on top of that for the d&c - raaaghhh this journey is so hard!

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