Non-viable pregnancy: what next? - Fertility Network UK

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Non-viable pregnancy: what next?

neonpg profile image
29 Replies

Hello everyone, so I'm currently 18dp5dt and was lucky enough to get a BFP a week ago.

Sadly the happiness was short-lived, as on Tuesday I started spotting. The spotting has continued intermittently throughout the week but hasn't ever got further than a few drops on my pad. Still, I had a bad feeling about it so I emailed my clinic who squeezed me in for a scan this morning.

The news wasn't good. They saw a gestation sac but only a little speck inside. Essentially they should be able to see more at this stage. They've classed it as a 'uterine pregnancy of uncertain viability'. They want me to continue the medication and they'll see me for my viability scan in 2 weeks, but in the meantime have said it's highly likely I'll miscarry before then.

As you can imagine we're really upset that it hasn't worked out, but I think the worst part for me is being in this weird stasis where I can't move on. I'll also have to cancel seeing my family at Christmas as I can't risk the miscarriage happening while I'm in another country. Plus I won't exactly be in a festive mood given the fact two of my cousins have just had babies!

I'm not necessarily expecting any advice or hope at this point, but if you've been through a similar thing it would be good to hear your story and get an idea of what to expect.

Hope everyone has a lovely festive period!

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neonpg profile image
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29 Replies
Mrs_MT profile image

I am really so very sorry to hear this. We lost a twin at 10 weeks. This journey can be so cruel. Please be kind to yourself, drink and eat all the good stuff. Spend time with your partner and close friends. Watch all your favourite cheesy Christmas movies. Lots of strength to you x

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toMrs_MT

I'm so sorry. A loss at any stage is awful, but 10 weeks must have been a huge blow as you start to breathe a little and relax before the rug is pulled beneath you. Sadly I still need to eat and drink as if I'm still pregnant but I love the sound of cosying down with a good (or bad!) movie.

BabyDust23 profile image

I am absolutely gutted to read this, I’m so sorry that this has happened to you, such a difficult time and at this time of year too. Sending you love and strength 🩷xx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toBabyDust23

Likewise, I'm sorry for you as well. I just want it to be over but playing the waiting game now. Thanks for your support 💜

Twiglet2 profile image

I’m so so sorry 😢 xx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toTwiglet2

Thank you 💛

Whatever098 profile image

oh no I’m so, so sorry to hear this! And so unfair to be in this limbo at this time of year. Fair call to stay home and protect yourself from situations that could be upsetting. Hope you are okay all things considering and have love and support around you xx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toWhatever098

Thank you 💛 my mum was very upset when I told her why I wouldn't be visiting, but she understands. I'm feeling alright to be honest, get to spend the festive period quietly and cosily with my wife and doggo.

MagsGK profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been through it. I was spotting just before my test day. After the test day I was bleeding. Clinic advised me to carry on my meds and I had to wait for viability scan. On a scan I found out its an empty blovum. Just a sack but no baby. I was told its unviable pregnancy. They diverted me to EPU. Me hell started from here.....EPC was not able to confirm for 100% as it was way too early. I was then 7 weeks. They said sack is empty but needs to grow more for them to terminate this so they know for 100%. So they dragged me on for further 2 weeks...unfortunately I had pregnancy symptoms at the same time because the sack was there. At my 9 weeks scan was told to stop meds. So I did....but miscarriage never happened. At my 12 weeks they finally agreed that sack is big enough and baby definitely not there so they offered DC or miscarriage at home. Apparently I was allowed to do so as I live 20min away from hospital. I live in Wales....Apparently this is something they practice. So I decided I'll do it at home....and that was the worst decision ever. The pain was unbelievable and I lost so much blood. Finally it was over.

I'm so sorry that you didn't get good news for Christmas.... just be good to yourself. Treat yourself, and please do not blame yourself for anything.

Sending hugs xxx

SCHNOW profile image
SCHNOW in reply toMagsGK

After reading yours I think I made a good decision to pre book the D&C. I am currently in the same situation. Empty sack at week 7 scan, had to wait for week 8-9 scan to confirm then wait another week for theater to reopen on 5th Jan. I will be week 10 by then. I just want to get over it asap due to the pregnancy sickness.

MagsGK profile image
MagsGK in reply toSCHNOW

Having pregnancy symptoms knowing that this is not viable pregnancy is even worse. I know. Treat yourself during Christmas as much as you can. Hugs 💕

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toSCHNOW

I'm so sorry you're facing the same. I'll definitely consider a d&c if the option is presented to me. Luckily no symptoms for me except for B O O B S but that's bad enough as the Christmas dress I was planning to wear doesn't fit. So I can't eat, drink or wear what I want.

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toMagsGK

Oh blooming hell what an ordeal! I really hope that when I go for my viability scan in 2 weeks they'll be able to act right away as they'll be able to compare with my 5 week scan. Im so sorry your pregnancy was dragged on so long 💛

SCHNOW profile image

I am in the same situation as you. Went for 7 weeks scan and been told the yolk sac is empty, had to continue another 10 days of medication to check again to confirm the miscarriage (due to 2 public holidays, 7 days to extend to 10 days). I decided to remove the sac by surgical operation but the theater only reopens from 5th January (another week!) What a bad timing as miscarriage during holiday season. So far, I am on all the medications and nothing has changed, no bleeding. I think as long as I am on the medications, I can just consider I am not pregnant and live normally to have a reasonable Christmas. The really bad thing for me is I started to have early pregnancy sickness from week 6 and I had to suffer this feeling for nothing till week 10 that I finally could have the operation. All the best to you !

Wishinandahopin profile image

hi lovely, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.

I don’t want to raise false hopes but I must say I’m surprised at what they said about ‘should’ be able to see at 18dp5dt. Which I believe is 5 weeks and 3 days of pregnancy. Most viability scans are 6.5-7 weeks when they should def see something but before 6 weeks it can be really hard to see anything other than gestational sac. If they saw what they saw at 6.5 or 7 weeks then yes that would be a bad sign.

I had spotting every day from my positive test and then I had a heavier bleed at 17dp5dt. Because of this my clinic brought me in earlier the next day (18dp5dt) to rule out ectopic. At this point they saw a gestational sac and nothing else except a teeny tiny speck of something . But they said that at that stage they wouldn’t necessarily expect to see more and they couldn’t really say either way whether it was viable and to come back in a week. They said the spotting and bleeding was not uncommon- specially in IVF pregnancies.

I waited a week- still spotting every day and had another very heavy bleed nearly a week later it was in the night so we went to A&E and they said (without scanning) that I was probably miscarrying but to get a scan the next day.

The following day (so a week after the first one) we went back to our clinic feeling throughly depressed - they did another scan and instantly saw the teeny embryo and a heartbeat! We were so shocked but over the moon. They again said the bleeding isn’t uncommon and I had a bit of a hematoma that was causing the bleeding.

I spotted every day till 8 weeks pregnant. I’m now 29 weeks.

So all I want to say is I’m sad your clinic dashed your hopes. At this stage it’s 50/50, that’s how I looked at it after obsessively researching online. I prepared myself for the worst but constantly hoped for the best.

I’m just so sorry about the time of year it’s fallen on for you- so frustrating with clinics closed etc so not easy to go in and get more scans.

Please carry on your meds, (I think they should have told you to increase progesterone if you’re spotting too!) please keep hope and rest as much as you can but do things to distract you if at all possible. If you can get a scan sooner than 2 weeks it may help for peace of mind. If you have a heavy bleed - notice if there is any pain, and if the bleeding continues or reduces after a few hours. Mine had very little pain and reduced to light after a few hours and my understanding with a miscarriage would be it would continue on and have more pain- but it’s not 100%.

It’s the hardest time ever but I’m keeping everything crossed for this little Christmas miracle for you.

Here if you need any support xxx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toWishinandahopin

Wow what an incredible story, thank you for sharing! Honestly the situation was a little bizarre, as one moment the nurse said the pregnancy was non-viable, then she called it an IPUV, then she told me to prepare for an imminent m/c and THEN she said "I hope you stop bleeding. From my own research this is the approach recommended in NICE guidance when they can't confirm viability, but I really hate living with the uncertainty of it all.

My bleeding is still at the 'first day of my period' stage (I'm still just wearing pantyliners) and I've had zero cramping so I'm not sure what's going on. I think at this stage I'm all out of hope but don't worry I'm continuing my meds and folic acid and prepared to wait it out.

Wishinandahopin profile image
Wishinandahopin in reply toneonpg

Will keep every bit of hope for you that you have the same outcome that I did xxxxxx

C-a-t-m-u-m profile image

I am really sorry to hear this! My thoughts are with you as a similar thing happened to me. I then came off my meds as requested by the clinic. I started bleeding MC on Mother’s Day of all days!

Then while I was having a mc my nephew came home he was a premi baby and my other sister in law just had twins. I had to go round 3 weeks after and 3 babies were lying on the sofa! It was hard but I promise it will get easier ❤️ I then had a BFN and currently having a break. Look after your self big hugs xx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toC-a-t-m-u-m

That sounds so tough, I'm sorry you had to go through that. And yep two new babies in the family this year, which will be tough. I definitely get resentful that I have to cough up so much coin just cos I'm gay while my cousins can make babies for free. But hey that's just how it goes 😂

WMolly88 profile image

Hi Neonpg,

I am currently going through the same thing. A couple of days ago I had very light spotting and bad cramps so was booked in at the EPAU for a scan. Sadly, they could only see a gestational sac which was completely empty and at 6 weeks they said they would've expected to see more. I'm booked in for another scan at my fertility clinic next Friday but I already know its going to be the same outcome. I also have pregnancy symptoms and have been told to keep taking meds until they tell me otherwise, which is just torture. Hold on to the hope that there was still something in your gestational sac, I know it was small, but at least something was still seen, particularly with it being so early.

I'm hoping and praying that you get the good news that you deserve. It's such an awful thing to be going through, particularly around this time of year.

Wishing you all the best xx

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toWMolly88

Thank you so much for your message and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope that the clinic scan goes smoothly and they can help you manage it as quickly as possible so you can move forward and heal.

And yea I thought I was so lucky for getting my BFP before Christmas. Little did I know. Thank you for the hope and prayers. Whatever the outcome I'll be okay ☺️

hi dear, pregnancy of uncertain viability doesn’t yet mean non viable. Of course it might be the case and it’s good to be prepared for any outcome, but there might still be a glimmer of hope..?

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toAnxiousintrovert

Thank you, I am still continuing with the meds but we'll see. We're prepared for any outcome 💜

leo1980 profile image

hello! I am really sorry to read your news. I just wanted to share that you are not alone. I was 8 weeks on Wednesday and at my scan there was no heartbeat. They gave us the 3 options: nature takes it course, they give me a tablet to bring on a bleed and expel the sac and contents or surgery. I opted for the surgery as we are skiing from next Tuesday and I didn’t want to be abroad and have a bleed, nevermind the emotional trauma. I have a house full of guests arriving this evening etc and I am no good with pain. My insurance covered the cost of the procedure. Went in on Thursday morning and was out by noon. I was a little delicate and emotional but felt so much better the day after. When they did the procedure, the took the bits that came out for testing so atleast we learn something for the next time. I have been on this journey for 7 years and in my 43 years never had a whiff of a positive so from the bottom of my heart I hear your pain. I have learnt from this cycle nothing is wrong with us - we can get pregnant and I am choosing that to be my take away. It’s not easy but this is the kindest options. You are going to be ok. Every story has a happy ending and if you are not happy it’s not the end. Your time will up. Sending you much love!

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply toleo1980

I am so sorry this happened to you, but I'm glad to hear you were able to make the decision that was right for your situation. Though I appreciate it doesn't alleviate the grief. And I'm exactly the same as you, taking small comfort in the fact I can get pregnant. I hope your time will come too.

dear neonpg

Really sorry to hear this news. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, would have been due in January. Although, I’m really dreading the due date… I have come out the other side. Still feeling raw and emotional at times but getting there.

It’s a tough road, please try and take care of yourself, allow time to grieve and I’m hoping next year is your time x

neonpg profile image
neonpg in reply to

I'm so sorry about your miscarriage, I can't imagine how hard that was for you at 12 weeks. I'm glad that you're moving forward despite your grief, and hope that you look after yourself on baby's due date 💛

dear neonpg

Really sorry to hear this news. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, would have been due in January. Although, I’m really dreading the due date… I have come out the other side. Still feeling raw and emotional at times but getting there.

It’s a tough road, please try and take care of yourself, allow time to grieve and I’m hoping next year is your time x

Weegran20 profile image

so so sorry to hear your news but as they saw a speck then maybe it is still growing and has implanted late . I would keep positive as each day passes . Sending good vibes for a Christmas miracle .

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