is anyone with me on trying a frozen transfer in the new year after a failed fresh ? I am taking a break and doing a frozen unmedicated in February as my clinics like to see two natural cycles . Ready for a break and excited to try again ❤️
moving on after failed fresh - Fertility Network UK
moving on after failed fresh

I’m with you. But my latest was failed frozen after failed fresh. I can’t get a consult till 21st Dec so I’ll be taking a little break till Feb too - though I was thinking of doing so anyway. Transfer 6 for me….

Just wanted to wish you good luck when restarting your treatment in the New Year
Take care
I’m with you too! Failed first fresh transfer last month, and so next one will be a frozen one. Anticipating Feb / March as like you, clinic have said two natural cycle wait, and so looking like that will take me to feb so long as NHS appointment comes through then 🤞feels like a long wait again but hoping after Xmas it will come quick as feeling ready for it!! X
It actually does but giving my body a rest to give this cycle a really good chance is definitely the plan ❤️ how are you feeling ? I have 2 c grade embryos left and trying not to obsess over quality . My top grade embryo failed . X
yeh agree, I was in a lot of pain after the egg collection last time, and so I’m hoping with the frozen one next, my body will be more well rested and feeling better ready for transfer! got my fingers crossed for us both 🤞❤️ I’m struggling a bit tonight (hence why I’m awake at this time!). Been at my work Xmas party and just felt surrounded my pregnant work colleagues, then was met with more pregnancy updates on Instagram when I got home. Just feel at a bit of a low point today, hoping it will pass soon and luck will come our way. We too used our best embryo for the fresh transfer, that said, my friend had 4 transfers in total and it was her lowest quality one that made it eventually! Sending lots of love xxx
Just wanted to say I hope you are feeling ok. This time of year is so tough. Last year, I had to completely change all my Christmas plans as I couldn’t bear to be around new babies. It’s so tough and social media can definitely amplify that. I stayed off socials last Christmas as I knew there would be pregnancy announcements I couldn’t handle. Sending lots of love and hoping you get your miracle next year 💕
If it helps, in my experience FETs are a lot more gentle on your body than fresh and somehow feel more natural, even medicated. And I think my body is definitely not in a great state after a collection - so far I've have had two early losses and one PUL after fresh transfers, whereas my first FET was successful. I think natural/unmedicated FETs are also a really good option and great if your clinic does them as loads are reluctant mainly as they're difficult to schedule. Best of luck and enjoy Christmas in the meantime!
I’ll be with you ☺️ just found out today that my last FET was a no go after the same outcome after my fresh transfer in October 😞
I felt so much better doing the natural cycle
My clinic wants 2 natural cycles to before another transfer so looking at Feb too 💕
Also have 2 embies left to try and then I’m done.
I’m 43 now so praying one will work 🙏💫
I'm with you all! Failed frozen transfer this week and clinic have no availability in January so booked in for my next frozen transfer cycle in February. Here's to a lucky 2024!!
glad we can all be on this rollercoaster together ❤️ I’m looking forward to enjoying Christmas and going into the new year full of faith and positivity. Are you on a natural frozen cycle ? If I Medicate I can start in jan but my heart is swaying me towards unmedicated right now x
reading so many success stories on second or third frozen transfer after failed fresh is giving me so much hope x
same here, our first fresh transfer failed, we have one frozen and hoping to do a transfer February time 🤞🏻 still not sure on medicated or natural. Xx
I am exactly the same as you going to try natural, just having a break. But also having a wobble. My emotions are all over the place! I don’t know if I need a longer break. Been stressed with work which isn’t helping.
I feel like a emotional wreck . I think people tell you how stressful ivf is but until you have been through it you just can’t comprehend it . I’m glad for the break but at the same time thinking that feb is a wait and I want it to happen now . Can you take any time off ? Sorry to hear work is stressful. Put yourself first xxx
I’m literally bursting into tears on and off. My manager who has a good friend of mine and knows my history. Told me she’s worried about me. I’ve had. MC from a FET this year and a Negative from a FET. Really opened up to my mum today and her suggestion was to go off sick for the next IVF.
How are you feeling? Are you starting FETs or a fresh cycle? X