Hi All, I had a frozen 5 day embrio tranfer done. On a test day my pregnancy urine test was positive but the line was weak. I did a blood test at 4+4 and result was only 55 beta. I repeat it 2 days later and it was 83. I had a scan at 5+5 - no sac visible, another blood test - 126 beta. I stopped all medication and praying that this is not ectopic. Anyone in similar situation? How soon after stopping the medication did you have a bleed? Can this be a non-viable pregnancy in uterus that can't be see as it is too small? Can it still resolve itself without the medical intervention? Any responses are much appreciated. Thank you
Low Beta, no sac- is this ectopic? He... - Fertility Network UK
Low Beta, no sac- is this ectopic? Help please

I am really sorry you are going through this. Makes me wonder why you stopped the medications? even though your numbers are not quite doubling every 48h but they are raising anyway and very close to be considered almost double(not sure when you did the 3rd one). I've seen myself lots of ladies here going through similar situation and everything was fine. Also having a scan at 5+5 is so early and very inconclusive. My clinic was advising to have a scan close to 7 weeks. On the other note, at this stage usually your body will do what needs to do but it doesn't mean that exceptions cannot occur.
Stay strong and take care of yourself 🥰♥️
Hi Ranchu90,Thank you for your reply. This is not a viable pregnancy with such a low results. In total it is my 5th pregnancy, one ectopic with left tube removed, 2nd miscarriage at 5-6 weeks,3rd - IVF with double embrio transfer, 2 heart beats at week 6 and 1 at week 8, which is now my beautiful daughter,4th pregnancy- one embrio transferred that has splitted into 2- termination at week 11 due to the abnormalities. 5th pregnancy- is this one. On my 3rd and 4th Beta was on normal levels, sacs & heart beats were visible,etc. This one - non of the above. As I went through all of the above I kind of know how healthy pregnancy should looks like and this one is not. I wish it would be a different outcome but now I just want to be ok and I hope for no further medical I tervstions. I am 42 and have one more embrio frozen. Would like to have another transfer in early spring so ectopic pregnancy, use of drugs or surgery would delay this for me and at my age time is not on my side. Thanks for listing.
I’m so sorry 😢 you should defo have seen at least the sac somewhere at nearly 6 weeks so it’s does sound like there is retained tissue somewhere and as they haven’t found out where I would defo be pushing for them to ensure it’s not eptopic. What have they said about that to you? The levels are very low though so it could well resolve itself wherever it is or already been absorbed back into your lining. I had a missed misscariage recently finally diagnosed at 9 weeks and when I stopped the meds I bled a week later but it can be so different from person to person I’m afraid is what I was told. But they were checking in with me weekly so hopefully you are being closely monitored too. Sending you a huge hug xx
Hi Sweatsour, a beta of 126 at 5+5 is very low so I think it's possible that the it could be interuterine but too small to be visible. They wouldn't be able to exclude an ectopic obviously, but I'd expect that in the absence of concerning symptoms they'll just continue to monitor hcg levels. If hcg keeps slowly rising or goes down then up again, that's also concerning. You could start bleeding and pass it naturally any day.
So sorry to hear you’re going through this. Push for them to take your bloods every 2 days, I hope they are anyway, until they can give you a more definite answer. I’m sorry, I have had 2 ectopics, and you want to be monitored until this is ruled out.
Sorry you're going through this. Earlier this year I had very low starting betas that went up sporadically, scan around 5 weeks showed a what looked like a sac but not clear as it was a strange shape and filled with fluid/blood and no embryo. My betas kept going up and the hospital was very reluctant to give me a definitive answer or do anything, I just had to keep going back. I stopped the meds and nothing happened and hcgs kept increasing as did whatever was in the womb (still no embryo though). I started to feel very unwell and was terrified of an ectopic and finally pushed for a proper assessment and treatment, which ended up being a d&c around 10 weeks. I didn't really get a definitive answer on whether it was ectopic, they just said it was a PUL. So I think it can be that there is something in the uterus that's too small to see, but because of the ectopic risks and especially if you've had them before I would demand careful monitoring. It may pass naturally and I think that's the more common response, but sometimes our bodies don't recognise it's not viable and that can lead to complications too, even if not ectopic. Hopefully neither is the case for you x