I’m at 11dp5dt my FRER test aren’t really progressing like I know they should , I was overjoyed when I saw two lines after 4 years since me last pregnancy (ended at 16wk) but I can’t help but think it’s not viable. I have lot the plot over the weekend and done 20 different test. All have lines but faint. Tiny bit darker but not much. Begged my GP to do a beta yesterday at 10dp5dt it was 16.4 ! My next is tomorrow at 12dp is there any success stories out there?
Help low BETA faint FRER 11dp5dt 7th ... - Fertility Network UK
Help low BETA faint FRER 11dp5dt 7th FET transfer !

It's so tough and the want to test and test is a hard one to overcome. It's hard to hear but you can do nothing but wait. At 10dp with a hcg of 16.4 it's hard to tell. My clinic don't test till 12dp (Spain) and if this does double to over 25 they deemed that a positive.
Hang tight. Try and relax and remember you have done everything you can to this point. It's up to your wee embryo now.
I'm an early and constant tester but when I lost my last one I did lose myself in testing for a few days. Its hard on your mental health and I was devastated (last embryo for us).
You have been through so much already.
Have you any more in the freezer if the worst happens? Thinking of you, keep us posted xx
Yes I was so happy to see a positive after recurrent failed FETs this was the 3rd this year. I have been doing IVF for 8 years so this is a first I’ve had a ‘chemical’ I would rather not have a positive at all. Than deal with this I’ve done 20 test over the weekend ! Lost my head🥺 I have more in the freezer but it’s so draining month after month. All I do is worry about getting pregnant.
Did you have success ?
Thanks for your kind words !
4I did have success. I have a little boy who is 18 months. My others all failed though I have only been here four years and 8 would be draining in all the ways I'm sure you feel.Where do you do your ivf? Have you always been at the same clinic?
I have immuno and lining issues so we have lots of down regulation, prp treatment, steroids and blood thinners. Lost my first and last though, all pgt tested and got nothing from my last egg collection after testing. Tough to take and then my husband called time on it. I will never be done in my head and I should be a family of four. However I have to be grateful we are a three and reconcile that as I know I am very lucky to even get that. Did you test again or are you waiting on bloods today?
Oh I’m happy you got your baby❤️ yes I think when you are told no you want things more ! I would feel the same. I want 4 children and I’ve had 4 pregnancies just no living children 💔 - but the day will come just don’t know when. I can’t give up as I know I can get pregnant my longest pregnancy was 16 week that was 4 years ago and I long for that feeling again.
I have had every test known to man - there is nothing more I can do , I have slightly high NK cells , and my thyroid antibodies are high but overwise I don’t have any reason why I can’t conceive me and my husband make lots of high quality embryos so it makes no sense.
I did do intralipid , asprin , pred , clexane the past 3 transfers and immune suppressant protocol this time.
I have just been for bloods so will wait for them hoping they will be back today , I am not testing again as I am sick of buying test. They are say positive just faint. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼
Hi Silkyh!
At 9dp5d, my bHCG was even worst at a measly 12, and my clinic was quite negative, calling the test « inconclusive » and telling me it would probably be a chemical/early loss.
It went on to triple in 48h, but it was still really low. I was fully expecting a miscarriage, but continued the progesterone, and ended up doing four bHCG tests, until the clinic was satisfied that it kept evolving in the right direction. I am now 38 weeks pregnant with a little boy.
From what I understand, very low bHCG results are not great, statistically speaking. However, it doesn't mean that all hope is lost--as long as the numbers keep doubling, there is a good chance for a positive outcome.
Hang in there and keep us posted! xx
Oh really ?? I’ve been scouring the internet looking for people who have had low beta and faint positives and not really come across anything. Low beta’s are like 70/80! I’m nowhere near that! Thank you so much for reassuring me ! Im in this morning for bloods so fingers crossed 🤞🏼 it’s my wedding anniversary today so I hope it brings me some luck ❤️
That's one of the reasons I've posted quite a bit about my experience on here--I was in a deep anxiety spiral when I got my first results and scoured the internet for positive stories, but they were few and far between. 🙂
Don't loose hope just yet--it IS possible, even if the odds are not necessarily the best. Deep breaths, one hour at the time.
Oh and also, when I was going through all of this, I was moving to a different continent for a new job, so half my beta tests were done at home, half in a developing country on the other side of the world (I literally got my third result as I was boarding the plane). I am sure relaxing and meditating are great, but don't feel bad or beat yourself up if you are stressed or anxious; if this little one is meant to stick, it will find a way. 🩷
Thank you so much ! It really does help. Even if there is a glimmer a hope ❤️ I’ve been praying all night for a miracle . What do you think levels should be at 12dpo ?
I also couldn’t think of anything worse moving continent and waiting for results , super stressful ! I hope you have had a less stressful pregnancy ❤️
I am really, really sorry to hear this, Silkyh. Be gentle with yourself and take the time to be sad and to grieve. This is a difficult journey and days like this make it even harder. Sending you lots of love and hope for a positive outcome in the near future 💜
I am so sorry to read this. Thinking ofvoyu lovely xx
thank you so much ❤️