Today was a day I’d never thought I’d get to assuming that I had dusty empty ovaries!
We managed to get 6 eggs from 10 follicles, and now the wait begins.
I had been super chilled during the injection process and the thought of egg collection didn’t really make me nervous… until my partner woke up this morning to say he’d had a wet dream, and so we thought any chance of starting the process to make embryos today was over 🫣. The doctor even mentioned surgical sperm retrieval, which also stressed my partner!
Fortunately he managed to provide a small sample which the embryologist has said was enough - thank god we are doing ICSI 😅. So now the wait begins.
If we are lucky and get to transfer, please could I have your tips. I’ll be buying a pineapple in and getting mcds fries, but any other tips please? Xx