Hi. I had a FET on 20/09. Tested positive on 02/10 with hcg blood reading of 592. Started spotting on 06/10 which has got progressively heavier - like a period and shedding lining. Went to EPAU today and nothing detected on scan but per transfer would be 5+3 and too early to detect anyway. My bloods were taken and just received a call to say now 693. This of course hasn’t doubled every 48/72 hours since 02/10 and could be slow rising or perhaps my hcg rocketed during week and has declined since bleed. I have to have more bloods Wednesday. I am exhausted trying to figure it all out with no definitive answers - is it a miscarriage or as slow rising hcg possible ectopic or is it all just unexplained. I know these seem like the oddest of circumstances but is anyone in same boat or has been and what happened? Arghhh!
Slow rising HCG - bleeding and clots ... - Fertility Network UK
Slow rising HCG - bleeding and clots - ivf

I’m sorry, I have no advice but just sending love and strength to you as you face this. I hope tomorrow’s bloods bring better news. The wait is agonising and I hope you have some good support ❤️
hi I’m so sorry you are going through this, was the scan at 5+3 internal? Did they see a sac at all? Did they check your tubes too? Mist be such a worrying time for you hopefully the repeat bloods on Wednesday gives you some answers xx
hi there, this happened to me before and the HCG eventually dropped, it was a miscarriage in my case. Because you didn’t have bloods in between it’s hard to know whether they went up and then started to drop. Hope you get more clarity on Wednesday xx
I had this early this year - HCG went up but sporadically and didn't always double when it should have. It didn't end well for me sadly and it was the wonderful ladies on here who advised me to keep going to the EPU and having scans and getting monitored as things can change quite quickly. I became very ill and kept being sent away to 'wait' even though it was obvious there was no hope. Eventually I was admitted for surgery as an urgent appointment. It was a pregnancy of unknown location for me and my body didn't recognise it wasn't viable - my HCG was over 3,000 by the time of surgery. It may not be the same for you at all but if you feel unwell or experience pain, or a temperature, go back to the hospital x
oh dear don’t lose courage be positive