Still here, trying for first baby sin... - Fertility Network UK

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Still here, trying for first baby since 2019 - anyone else?

Skittles11 profile image
61 Replies

Hi everyone

I wrote a somewhat similar post about 6 months ago and guess what, I'm STILL here trying for first baby.

I'm going through real ups and downs at the moment not knowing where life is heading for me with having a family. Some days I feel totally fine and others very broken.

I've been trying to have first baby since 2019. Have had several IVF treatments, with only one embryo taking, but leading to termination due to incompatibility with life.

I feel like I must be the most complex case ever as every thing seems to be an issue - e.g. low reserve, thyroid issue, high NK cells, an endometrima, cervical fluid issues. Even with immune treatments my precious euploid embryo did not work.

I've been on this forum for a couple of years and come across so many lovely people but many of them have come and gone with their babies and sometimes are on their second pregnancies in the amount of time it's took me to have no babies and just loss and frustration.

I wondered if anyone else is still trying after similar length of time? Did anyone else feel they were a really complex case who then had good news after a really long time?

I want to be hopeful but its hard to find hope after so long where there seems to be so many endless issues.

We will be trying for donor eggs but I'm terrified it won't work with all the above issues I've mentioned. Hard to see a happy ending.

Sorry for the offload. Thanks all as ever for support xx

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Skittles11 profile image
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61 Replies
Clayhugs profile image

hi skittles. I see your posts every so often but I’m ‘new’ to this so I don’t always have experience to help.

Although I’ve not been through as many rounds as you, I’ve been trying since 2019 too with breaks in between to care for dying and very sick parents.

I’ve had one round of ivf that didn’t get to transfer and about to start a second. I’ve no idea what problems will arise yet but hoping it’ll go bette than last time.

I hear you that if feels like a long time and sending you some virtual hugs for when you’re feeling low, ❤️🫂

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toClayhugs

Thank you for your support and I'm so sorry to hear you are managing your fertility journey alongside the trauma of caring for sick parents - that in itself is extremely stressful and upsetting. I hope that you have more success with your second round, wishing you tons of luck xx

Blueberry211 profile image

I also had a complicated history. I have messaged you privately around 2 months ago xxx feel free to get in touch if you wish

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toBlueberry211

Thank you, I have sent you a DM x

Me_and_Sparkle profile image

I just want to say how sorry I am the you’ve been going through all this. Life can be really unfair sometimes x

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toMe_and_Sparkle

Thank you for your support xx

Titawine profile image

Here, trying for a baby since 2019, 2 ivf, 7 transfers , I had one BFP and hcg dropped two days later, never made it to scan , to heart beat, to first semester, to life birth ...

I'm 35 years old, I feel like I did every possible test, every possible protocol, I feel just so tired and sad that I'm wasting my years chasing something that maybe it never meant to be.

But I don't know why I continue trying , why I don't just stop ...

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toTitawine

So sorry you are in this horrible space too, feeling like you have tried everything. I relate to this so much! X

Esb27 profile image

Hi Skittles11 - I totally feel you. Been trying since 2019 with no luck (just early miscarriages and ectopics).

This journey is SO HARD. It feels like it's getting harder as well, despite feeling weirdly like an expert on all things fertility.

Sorry deffo not trying to comment with a negative post ha, just wanted you to know you are not alone. I feel like i'm complex in a slightly different way to you, literally every test comes back normal. which obviously is great but not when you can't bloody keep hold of a pregnancy with ZERO explanation except 'oh your body is doing its job and getting rid of a bad embryo'.

It's important to talk about these things, even if things haven't worked out yet. Like you said, you have good and bad days but I guess when you start clocking up the years you do start to think about what life might be like without a baby, and maybe other things you'd want to do (i.e surrogacy or adoption). It's so hard to know when to give up on a dream that feels so close yet SO far.

I'm sorry you're going through this, I really do hope that we get our happy ending, and if not we can make peace with that eventually. Sending lots of love, am here if you ever want to vent xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toEsb27

Hey, thank you for reaching out, so much of what you said rings true for me. I feel like things are in a sense becoming harder but we just absorb it in our everyday lives these days which feels so sad. I didn't interpret your post as negative at all, just entirely relatable. It must be so frustrating for you when tests are coming back normal which makes it hard to know what the issues are.

And yes, the clocking up of years passing by. If I think about it too much I get really annoyed and sad, but then I can't ignore it either!

I took a sneaky peak at your profile and a couple of your previous posts and saw that you had a lining issue about a year ago with a bleed after you had started estrogen. This is my most recent issue! I didn't list them all in my post as there are so many but I wondered how this resolved for you moving in to the next cycle?

I have just cancelled my cycle (FET) due to spotting, I was scanned and the bleed was from the lining and it was not triple layered. This is a new one on me as the lining is one thing I didn't have an issue with in the past! So if you're happy to share it'd be much appreciated (by DMI s fine too). Xx

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply toSkittles11

Hey :) I think it rings true for a lot of us on here, which is sad as I wish everyone could have their rainbow, but at least we feel less alone.

I did have a lining issue when preparing for my first FET, it was a nightmare! Took bloody ages to sort but basically we realised I wasn't reacting well to the estrogen, the more I took the worse my lining actually was. I did also have a random bleed mid cycle which caused it to be awful, but the other times it just wasn't thickening. I think it was all down the the drugs! In the end we tried a natural modified FET (the only drug was progesterone post transfer because of my history of miscarriages) and my lining was great, I just don't think my body likes all the synthetic drugs! Have you tried a natural FET before? Might be worth trying if you've had a bleed with your recent cycle, even if your body has been fine with the estrogen before. I've always been told that every cycle, every embryo, every lining is different each cycle so hard to have a one size fits all approach.

A cancelled cycle really sucks though, you're so frustrated and disappointed and feel like it was a waste of effort. Then you have to wait to start again! Has your clinic suggested anything? xx

Babyhope8 profile image

I’m here trying since 2018 . I post less often but I do read all post quiet regularly. 5 IUI , 4 fet , 7 transfers, 9 embryos , 3 miscarriages most recent in Aug 2023 , 1 TFMR . I’m very much here did not score a single baby yet . Looking back gives me a scare never thought I would have this complication in having a baby . All my sil married after me have one baby or two . Life still feels stagnant .

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toBabyhope8

I feel so much for you to have faced so much loss, with miscarriages on top of TFMR. It must have been horiffic for you. I understand the fear and life feeling stagnant. Totally does for me too. I wish us all to have good news in the future xx

Positive20 profile image

Skittles - I have been trying to have a baby for just shy of 6 years and the last 3 years have been IVF. I’ve just successfully had my first child. Granted I don’t have your problems and I understand it’s really really hard to stay positive but keep going and wishing you all the best xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toPositive20

That is lovely news after your long journey. It is hard to stay positive but it is really uplifting to chat to people on here who can relate to the feelings both when in the trenches and also who may have also had very long journeys and come through the other side. Xx

Positive20 profile image
Positive20 in reply toSkittles11

Thanks skittles. It’s hard hard work but all I can say is it’s 100% worth every bit of pain and heartache when it works. 🤞 xx

WillowPark profile image

Hi Skittles11. I've not been on here long but been trying since 2018, with a 9 month break while I changed jobs. Still here watching those around me settle down, move in together, get married, have their first babies (and no. 2, and some no. 3's!). We spent a long time trying naturally before making the decision to go for IVF at the beginning of last year. We have spent the whole time being told it will happen because we are both healthy enough, young enough, good enough results, blah blah blah, but yet we are still here - getting older and further behind. Just wanted to say you are absolutely not alone.

Pkm4321 profile image

Hi Skittles

I think we have messaged before.

We have been trying since 2020 and had 6 rounds of treatments.

Every cycle there is a new issue we face. First low egg numbers on retrieval, then my partner had one episode of no sperm in his sample leading to egg freeze, next near total fertilisation failure (8 eggs to 1 embyro fertilised) and some cycle only had 1 day 3 embryo to transfer. Currently on my TWW but already feel disheartened and scared.

I have seen your post on implantation issues and NK cells, which we haven’t even looked at this yet. As my consultant advice was to try get an embryo before we consider implantation issue :(

Totally understand how you feel. I have watched my relative have kids, colleagues at work go off and come back from mat leave and supported my juniors going through IVF which they have been successful, whilst we have been trying.

Just seems so unfair.

I wish you and everyone on here good luck and hoping we can have a miracle one day.

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toPkm4321

Facing a new issue each time - this is exactly what it feels like I am experiencing. I'm sorry you are as well. I thought we'd already uncovered so much but no, new issues keep emerging from the woodwork. It's exhausting and upsetting. It really does seem so unfair to have to fight so hard for just a chance. Sending hugs x

minnesota_girl profile image

Hi skittles, you know I also have had a complicated journey, starting in 2019 and I've just welcomed my baby girl via donor eggs last month. She's been with me two weeks and I feel in my bones she is mine.

I think it's super hard when you know you have layered fertility issues and there's always a chance donor won't work the first time (mine didn't, I did known donor first and the whole cycle failed). But the chances are much higher for a reason and we're all here to support you as you move forward, no matter what you decide to do. 💕💕💕

Seren0119 profile image

I felt exactly the same as you.

I was also a complex case. Five egg collections, many transfers, multiple miscarriages. Even two PGS tested embryos didn’t work.

They found fluid in my womb and then discovered I had a hydrosalpinx that needed removing.

My partner had an operation to remove a varicocele. He was also diagnosed with retrograde ejaculation and couldn’t produce sperm. I then went down a rabbit-hole of sperm donation.

I was so stressed I got shingles before a transfer. Then covid, and treatment paused.

I tried for over six years, each month feeling more and more isolated and desperate and convinced “it will never be me.” I even left my job to pursue my dream, but I felt doomed. At every milestone there was a complication or another operation.

Then, it happened. And it will for you too. I promise. Just keep going x

Kimbob82 profile image

Hi Skittles, we have been trying naturally since the beginning of 2017. 15 embryo transfers and immune issues like yourself. Was seemingly my 'only' problem as had great amh for my age and always got 5-8 embryos per ivf cycle and we did 7 of those. 😣 Also my husbands sperm is apparently amazing too, which made me feel like even more of a failure. We transferred over 20 embryos into my uterus that all ultimately failed (furtherest I got was about 9 weeks)

I think you know our story but we moved onto surrogacy and I'm so glad we did as our surrogate was 20 weeks preggo yesterday and everything is looking great. I'm not trying to tell you to get a surrogate, I'm just saying that there are other ways to become a mother. Whether that's donor eggs, adoption, surrogacy etc. I've made peace with the fact that I'm not able to carry a pregnancy, but I was never going to give up on becoming a mother.

Thinking of you and like others have said... just keep going, I know it's hard but dig deep for that inner strength. You will get there 💗

Klndmr profile image

Hey Skittles, I'm still here too. And like you I feel like my case is too complicated and nobody can help me.We've been trying since 2016, 6 successful ivf transfers, 3-4 normally conceived pregnancies but still no living children. Never been past 6 weeks.

I'm so tired of thinking about it, planning and hoping. Not giving up though.

We will get there, I'm forever hopeful so don't give up! Our turn will come too ❤️😊😍

evalooda profile image

Sorry you're having such a horrific time. I'm similar - trying since 2018 and still no baby. 53 eggs retrieved over 3 collections, 2 miscarriages and no baby, and all tests come back normal.We're also moving on to donor eggs which gives me hope, but as you know there's a grief when it comes to thinking about losing the genetic link.

I really hope you meet your baby soon. I know how it feels to be so so ready to be a mum while the universe has other ideas. Sending love x

Elmo13 profile image

Hi Skittles. I understand and I’m still here after almost 3- 4 years. Have had 4 cycles, the last one yielding all PGT abnormals, 2 successful transfers which ended in 2 miscarriages around 6-7 weeks. And I’m about to turn 43.

I’m taking a breather and will then do one last round with my own eggs before moving onto donor eggs.

Try and catch yourself when you start to think that donor eggs won’t work. I understand why that thought pops in, believe me I do, but as difficult as it is, don’t lose hope!!

Wishing you all the best. Xx

river242 profile image

Hi Skittles. I'm sorry you're feeling down a about this. You know I have a similar story, trying since 2018, 8 rounds of IVF (5 donor) and a recent MMC at 12 weeks that I'm still physically recovering from. I spoke with my consultant yesterday who very honestly said we are getting to the end of the line. I actually appreciated his honesty. We have two embryos left and his suggestion was actually to do a double transfer, not because he thinks it's more likely to work but so we can "move on" if it doesn't. Very mixed feelings about it all so I completely get how you feel and I'm always. here if you want to chat or vent. xx

CardiGrey profile image

Hi Skittles. I’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve experienced and are still experiencing. Who knows why we’ve been dealt the ugly hand of infertility. As everyone has mentioned, there are good and bad days, but it feels like you’re carrying a dark cloud around with you 24/7 and I think that’s grief. Amongst the grief, it’s the alienation, loneliness and isolation. It can sometimes feel that you’re the only person in the world whose body is unable to do what we were put here to do, but this community gives us hope that we’re not alone and there are other routes. I am praying for the day to see your *sensitive BFP* post. Please don’t give up. Maybe take a break if you need to but you WILL be someone’s mommy. I affirm it and claim it for you! Take care x

Krystal_43 profile image

Still here, still trying for baby 1 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

It’s been 5 years 🫤 Everyone I know IRL has moved on from baby making and are well and truely in their nurseries and schools mumsnet era 😑 it’s pretty much been the theme of my mid thirties (I was 33 when I started TTC) - well that and a pandemic 😆 I’ve been TTC for so long it feels detached from the end goal - like a baby is just an abstract concept to me 🤣🤣🤣

We were unexplained at first - just slightly lower AMH than expected. Responded fine to meds, always made 1-2 very good blasts per cycle. After round 3, I was diagnosed with highly variable nk cells (low in test 1, very high 95th percentile in test 2) - have had steroids since then. Always a BFN.

We moved onto donor eggs as I couldn’t face anymore egg collections. They found an issue with our sperm & used MACS/ICSI - Had a BFN on our first go (cycle 6) with a 5AA perfect embie. We have 7 on ice waiting to go.

I feel you Skittles. This forum is the best-worst club to belong to ❤️ I hope you get lucky soon.

Jess1981 profile image

Hi Skittles infertility is an awful journey 🥲 it took us7 years of TTC with 3 endometriosis surgeries for me to have our eldest daughter whist all our friends and family were popping out babies. It was truly awful time. It severely affected both of our mental health.And loads of people here on much less longer journeys having success ( happy for them but secretly & selfishly wondering when /if it would ever be "our turn") the longer the years went on the more we never believed we'd ever have a baby & wondered why we even kept trying but I guess even a slim chance of hope is enough to keep fighting people like MIL thought us as a lost cause for ever having a baby ( she told us this as she is tactless) . I am sorry for you have and are going through and sincerely hope your time is coming soon and all these tests you have had done are missing the jigsaw pieces to your success Xx

butterfliez profile image

Hi skittles I really feel for you and all of us who are still on this road. as you know I am still here too after TTC for many years and ivf since 2018. It feels a never ending saga and the years just seem to pass us by all the while still fighting on knowing that we should have been able to put the fertility side behind us and be raising the babies that we lost. It is so heartbreaking.

I feel the same as you not knowing what the future may hold now, and trying to feel any glimmer of hope. I suppose this is all we can do, keep on finding the strength from somewhere, and just "Hope" to get some good news from the next treatments. xx

Doodlebug23 profile image

I just popped up to say I think you’re amazing. You’ve replied to several of my posts with advice, support and positivity. Keep going because I’m putting my positive pants 🩲 on and I’m not just imagining my BFP, I’m imagining yours. I’d do a headstand naked in the town centre if there was a rumour it would help, but thankfully it’s manifestation I read about 😂🙈 x

HedgehogMad profile image

Hi Skittles, I hear and feel you completely ♥️ 7 embryo transfers down with no more than a brief positive fading just after test day. Unexplained as every test under the sun normal for me. Feels like such a failure and as though life has paused. But it carries on. We are focusing on our hobbies, wonderful child free friends and things in life that being us joy, while still holding onto hope that one day we'll have a child. It is hard though and it feels as though I am constantly fighting anxiety particularly about time passing us by. Holding out hope in my heart for all of us still on this awful journey xxx

Pigi profile image

Hi Skittles11! I’m here since 2018. You are not alone. I had so many losses, even with donor eggs that I feel kind of imbarrased to mention to anyone that I’m still trying to have my baby. Please, don’t ever think that you’re the only one. I’m now terrified waiting for the first scan. I got positive result and was so happy, however, I was in this phase many times…the journey is long and I’m trying to be brave and hopeful this time as never before…And I’ll tell you, this time in my case it is so emotional and I feel like I’ve lost all my self confidence…but I’m finding comfort here among others who fight just the same! Please take care, be kind to yourself, and remember one thing : We are going to be fantastic parents to our children and our age gives us more life experience and more counciesness about how blessed we are to become parents!!! Sorry about my English, I’m from Serbia, I often make mistakes, but I hope you got it…Sending you strength, love and hugs!!! 🍀💜🙏🥰

Lamagarden profile image
Lamagarden in reply toPigi

Wishing you all the best! I too, have found that this process has knocked my self-confidence :-( and I agree we will be awesome parents! Best of luck xx

Lamagarden profile image

Hey lovely, just wanted to say - I feel ya. It sucks, we’re on our 7th round! No ultimate success yet. At a scan yesterday, a nurse reminded me to be positive, it’s so hard! It has taken a massive hit on my MH and feelings about myself :-( Some days are better than others. I hope that we will keep going and eventually, one way or another, we will have our family. I hope that for you too and all the other ladies on here. Sending love and hugs. Hopefully, we will be able to congratulate each other at some point xx

IVFbaby2021 profile image

Hi! Yes, I’m still trying for first baby, we’ve been trying since 2018. Again just losses & heartache along the way for us too.

I feel you & understand the disappointment etc. I’ve seen so many friends have 2 babies each in the time I’ve been trying also, very hard. Along with all the pregnancies at work, 2 of which recently were unplanned & not wanted 🥺🥺🥺

Always here to chat if you need. Finger crossed you have luck with the donor eggs ❤️❤️ xxx

Saskia9 profile image

Hi, we've been TTC since 2018. We just started our 5 round of IVF because of MFI. So far we only got 5 embryos that resulted in 2 chemicals.

Miracle43 profile image

Hi Skittles,

Yes, me too! I’m still on the hamster wheel trying for our rainbow baby trying since 2018/19. Heartache and losses long the way.

We’ve moved to DE, we have some embryos frozen, I’m having probs getting to transfer

understand how you feel. Here is you want to chat xx

Melody79 profile image

Hi. I don't have a happy story still trying myself and have been for around 8 years. 3 transfers and no implantation on any of them. I feel so low a lot of times but trying to keep postive.

I have started to read about manifesting to try and keep feeling positive.

I've read and been around so many people who have had their 1st and even a 2nd baby making it seem so easy.

I'm not sure I have complex case but have had thyriod to get optimal. I haven't been able to NK cells checked yet.

I feel also so alone but know there are so many in a similar position. Its so hard to keep upbeat and getting on with daily life while ttc for such a long time.

Donor will be next after our frozen cycles if we don't have any success but fear the same..if I haven't ever got a postive after having transfers how would a donor work but it could just been the egg quality too.

It's so hard not knowing what it is so you can move forward or try something new

Thinking of you and sending hugs xx

Nutellalover123 profile image

Hey skittles, i have literally signed up to this network today after feeling similar to you.

we have been TTC since 2017 and never have i once tested positive for pregnancy. I can truly relate to that feeling. I try to talk to my friends, family and colleagues but not one of them have faced fertility issues so it is hard for them to support me.

we have never had an opportunity to try IVF we cant afford private and NHS said we werent eligible til very recently. we have done initial blood and semen analysis but that is as far as we have got. I feel so lost when i look around my friends and colleagues all seemingly fall pregnant easily even the ones who are only 22 with their babies on the way and here i am in my 30's still waiting for a chance.

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey lovely, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. This forum is amazing and so full of lovely supportive people but sometime it does feel like some get left behind.😕 It took me a wee while to have success with multiple failed cycles, transfers and two early losses. However, I don't know where I would have been without the support of being here so it's a bit of a double edged sword.....I was delighted for everyone that had success on first go as it was amazing but it still leaves us feeling sad and that OK. Hopefully you can find the strength to keep've been an absolute trooper so far. Sending lots of strength, love and hugs.xxxxx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toCinderella5

Thank you Cinderella, would it be okay to send you a private message to ask you a question? X

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toSkittles11

Ask anything.....

SushiTilly profile image

Skittles11, your not alone, I've been trying since 2019. This week my 5th attempt failed. Every women's story here is never alike, it feels so random on the outcomes. Going donor was best for me, now we can go straight to embryo transfer. My husband and I are great together but biologically incompatible so we struggle to have children. I know people with complex cases who did make a family. I feel your pain, and anxiety. We are strong internally, find our way forward. One day at a time. ❤️‍🩹💓

Melody79 profile image
Melody79 in reply toSushiTilly

Hi. I'm sorry to ask but when you say biologically incompatible what do you mean and how did you know? Our 4th transfer has just failed and we are lost to know what is next to check x

SushiTilly profile image
SushiTilly in reply toMelody79

Hi Melody79 I have low AMH, ovarian reserve and husband has low sperm. We were given 25% chance to have our own biological baby. IVF with donor egg means we can try to have one child with husband's genetics. We did try IVF three times with my own ovaries and never got one embryo, in two case not one viable egg. Now we have lots of embryos, through donor. Doctors advised in the end, donor embryo is numbers game, if they locate issue with embryo, lining, or identify if genetics is issue or immune then they can do more, change up protocol. I'll look up your post to understand your situation. I am sad to read you've didn't get outcome you hope for, I feel the pain. I'm home in physical pain as my body starts to recover from second failed transfer. Having an appointment with clinic will help to see anything they can understand why it fails repeated. I'm here if you need support 💓💓

Melody79 profile image
Melody79 in reply toSushiTilly

I'm so sorry too. The pain and heartbreak is horrible.Thank you for explaining at this sad time.

I just wish someone could tell us how to make this work..seems so easy to many.

I feel like a failure.

I do hope you recover soon and get some answers to move forward. Sending hugs xx

SushiTilly profile image
SushiTilly in reply toMelody79

Thank you. Your not alone, I feel like a failure. IVF hangs over me like dark cloud. It brings no hope, it's pure luck. Having counselling helps.

Make sure to speak with your clinic and doctor, get second advice if you feel unsure.

I spoke with clinic yesterday something doctor said didn't sit well with me. So I'm getting a second opinion today. Since I emailed the clinic with all my questions also I requested if calls can be video based not phone as I can't hear him well. I want a clinic to take it's time to speak with me. Only on second round will they start to do blood test for progesterone levels, this annoyed me as they could have done it before on first round.

After affects of coming off the medicine and period is really making me feel worse. Sorry, I know I haven't got much light in my message, I am struggling.

Melody79 profile image
Melody79 in reply toSushiTilly

It's OK and of course you struggling to. I have only just contacted clinic just couldn't face it. I'm still finding it hard to even get dressed.As you had 5 tries they should check progestogen now.

So you got lots of embroys to use from donor egg and husband sperm?

Take care and maybe give yourself some time to heal xx

SushiTilly profile image
SushiTilly in reply toMelody79

Bless you, I am the same, to get out of bed and get ready. Maybe it is all too raw.

No we only got one 5AA blasto from donor, not sure why they got rid of the rest. However, they will produce more embryos. Basically we are back at square one. I had three failed attempts with my own eggs, never one viable egg. Now two failed donor egg cycles. First donor cycle was three-day three embryos, we changed clinic after that failed attempt as they seems like they used out-dated approach, pumping three embryos at day three rather than day four. Now I had another cycle elsewhere, I am learning about what is the better process, the clinic should have tested my progrestrone from start, now afterwards. I feel physically terrible. You are right, take the time to rest and heal. ❤️❤️❤️

One day at a time, take time in nature for a walk.

Melody79 profile image
Melody79 in reply toSushiTilly

sorry for late reply. I'm still very lost in it all and finding it hard. I'm sorry you are also back to square one again. I feel even annoyed at people saying (those that aren't in this situation) try not to worry..aahh of course I will worry.

You too, take time to rest ❤️

SushiTilly profile image
SushiTilly in reply toMelody79

I know. For the clinic, it is 'try again.' if I was learning to drive, trying again felt easier than pumping my body with lots of hormones. My body is crashing with coming off the medicine and struggling to keep the tap closed on my emotions to function with everyday life. It feels like everyone has left me behind on my emotions and the aftermath of the body adjusting again. I have decided to postpone the next cycle until Jan, in Dec I will run through another mock cycle. This gives me time to heal physically, although I could start again straight away, facing Christmas with potentially bad news would be much harder to handle. TBH, the entire process does create anxiety, even if you get good blue lines news of pregnancy the next agnosing bit is the pregnancy itself.

I hope you are able to take things slowly, one step at a time. I took the advice of the nurse starting to focus on making myself feel better. ❤️

Melody79 profile image
Melody79 in reply toSushiTilly

yes, i know that 'try again' like if i try harder it will work! Same i won't do anything now until Jan..i'd like to but not going to want to worry near christmas either.

I hope you take this time to heal also.

kayray87 profile image

Hi Skittles, I'm so so sorry to hear your story. It's the most horrendous thing to have to go through so sending you so much love. Just wanted you to know that you're not alone and I feel the same as you. I've also been trying since 2019, 5 cycles (2 cancelled) and despite 8-12 eggs retrieved per cycle all while under age of 35 I've never had a transfer. One round we had total fertilization failure. No doctors can tell me why my eggs are destroyed and I can't find anyone else with a similar story. We are moving forward now with donor eggs which like you I'm both hopeful yet terrified about. I've got several autoimmune conditions, including thyroid, previous blood clot from a flight and have been told that people with these issues typically don't have a problem getting pregnant but staying pregnant. I'm terrified that I'm opening up a new can of worms... 😓

Here if you ever need to chat. Your feelings are completely normal xxxx

AnnieAnnie profile image

Hi Skittles, I've been a member for some time and ttc since around 2012, and still waiting for that happy ending too. Still no success story for me and still trying to find out what is causing health issues (and whether any of these impact my fertility). I'm trying to get these fixed before using my precious doner egg embryos (I have 3 on ice) xx

Flora14 profile image

I feel I could have written this myself! Been trying 8 years 9 failures tried immune stuff no joy. Think will also have to move to donor. I know what you mean everyone else is having success but me and onto 2nd baby and I'm still here desperately trying for 1st xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply toFlora14

Hi, I know we've spoken a few times before. I just had a look at a few of your posts and it looks like you are having really similar dilemmas to me. Sorry we are both here. Have you got any further deciding about your next steps? Xx

Zuzzzzy profile image

Hi Skittless11. You're definitely not alone. Trying since 2019, 5 IVF+ICSI with only 2 transfers that did not result into anything. 3 different clinics, many more consultations with others between 4 different countries. Probably a million supplements taken, alternative therapies tried, amount of money spent that would buy us a house with no mortgage. And nothing to show for it. But still trying, still hopeful and still powering through this unfair part of our lives. And I hope you are too - let's not lose hope and our strength.

Liberty82 profile image

I'm so sorry, it sounds like you've been through so much.

I started TTC in 2013 and had my first child in 2021. During that time everyone and anyone who had struggled had long since had a baby. My best friend did IVF around the same time as me in 2016 and our due dates were 2 weeks apart. She had a baby and I had a miscarriage.

I honestly know that feeling of being left behind, thinking it was never going to be me because it was just disappointment after disappointment. I felt so ashamed and angry at my body.

Our 2nd round of IVF in 2017 got no eggs. We were unexplained and I had a below average AMH but they couldn't find any other issues.

We were planning another round of ivf in 2021 when my some miracle I fell pregnant naturally. I'm pregnant again and I'll be 41 when I have this baby.

I have no idea why I was infertile the whole way through the majority of my supposed most fertile years.

Please don't think that it won't happen, if it happened for me I know it can happen for anyone. Best of luck for your next round x

Skittles11 profile image

Thank you so much to everyone that replied on this post, I honestly appreciate your input so much. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in facing years on this path. I won't respond to everyone individually because it will keep bringing the post back to the top but I am really grateful to you all xx

Lotofluckneeded profile image

hi hun

Sorry you’ve been thru so much sh1t! You’ve definitely got a real complex situation and it’s so frustrating. Im on round 8 currently at 39 years, and have been doing this since 2020 and feel like everyone else is walking away with success but us too.

Im at a stage where all it can really be is my eggs and it’s a hard pill to swallow as everything else seems aligned after blood tests, endometrio, nk cells testing, endo removal via lap etc I feel like my body is probably able to hold a baby but I’m just not sure my body will give us a normal embryo (even with AA quality they just can’t be normal) to get us to our baby. We have over come DNA frag test issues and microbiombe stuff so it’s eggs. Our case may not seem complex but it’s still not getting us closer so I feel your pain completely and just want to send big hugs.

I have read cases mainly on IG where people have overcome issues you’re going through, there is still hope and a chance xxx

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