Day 6 blastocyst- what are your exper... - Fertility Network UK

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Day 6 blastocyst- what are your experiences?

Keepingfaith85 profile image
39 Replies

I’ve got a call with my clinic tomorrow to discuss my recent failed FET. I have one more frostie left but finding it hard to be optimistic as it’s a day 6 4CC embryo.

I’m very lucky to have a nearly 3 year old boy it’s just so sad that it’s unlikely I’ll be be able to give him a sibling. At least I’ll have done everything I can. It’s just so horrible to go for transfer with such little hope. Please share your experiences good and bad/any advice you were given if you had a similarly graded embryo.

Hope everyone is doing okay and sending baby dust and good wishes to you all xxx

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Keepingfaith85 profile image
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39 Replies
Orangeflowers profile image

Transferred day 6 frozen 5bb and 4bc in Nov 21 at the age of 41. Now have a beautiful girl. Good luck x

Spicycurry profile image
Spicycurry in reply to Orangeflowers

That’s encouraging. Does your clinic distinguish between pluses and minuses with a, b and c grades?

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Spicycurry


Spicycurry profile image
Spicycurry in reply to Orangeflowers

Oh. It’s just my grades are either B+B+, B+B-, B-B- or B-C. They never give just a A or B. It’s different for C. They only give C. Did you PGS test? I was 40 when I did egg retrieval and didn’t PGS test as didn’t expect to get many blastocysts due to previous mfi.

Orangeflowers profile image
Orangeflowers in reply to Spicycurry

My clinic give A, B or C's as standard but add a + if the grade is borderline. I didn't pgta test. I only make few blasts

Tarasunny profile image

I had a fresh transfer of 2 morulas and am now pregnant with twins. If it was good enough to be frozen it's good enough to make a baby. Good luck.

Tacos44 profile image

I only ever had one embryo… just one, and it worked. Agree w the other comment… if it was not a viable embryo they would not have freezed them…🙏🏻🙏🏻

Linny12 profile image

Hi, the clinic I'm at doesn't tell you the embryo grading, so I just assumed they all have an equal chance. Maybe that one is the one that's been waiting for you. Xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Linny12

Thanks, that sounds better I think I’d rather not know the grade. If they all have a chance it’s better not to know x

Nabsal profile image

But dear why you sad you are very blessed at least you kid. Just haid failed cycle ivf. Devestated. You are very blessed

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Nabsal

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive. You are right I am very blessed. I hope you are able to try again soon and wish you all the best x

Nabsal profile image

thank you

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Nabsal

I have to add though that any transfer that’s unsuccessful is still sad, whether you have a child already or not.

For me, it was my third transfer that was successful. It’s so difficult but you just do all you can. It’s all down to chance at the end of the day.

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Just going to chime in and say of course you will be sad and you have every right to be. A failed cycle is dreadful and difficult to deal with and you haven’t been insensitive at all 💜 My little boy was a day 6, 4BB frostie if that helps. Wishing you all the luck, I know how hard it is going into a transfer low on hope but you’ve got this lovely xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Solly-44

Thanks Solly, I remember you from before! How old is your little boy now? X

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Yeah I think we were doing cycles around the same time, a few years ago! He’s just turned 3 x

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Keepingfaith85

TTC failed IVF losses having child already doesn't ease the pain. We had losses before our youngest daughter arrived safely. I remember a consultant in EPU for my last MC saying to me "why are you crying?! You have 2 children!" ( I had a son from a previous relationship and we had only 1 daughter at that point after a 7 year struggle I might) At that point they were not allowing partners to scans coz of Covid. It was an unkind but also irrelevant comment it had only been 3 months since we lost our daughter at 20 weeks pregnant and there we were losing a second pregnancy after losing her which the consultant knew. . You are allowed to feel just as sad of course you want a sibling for your son we wanted our daughter to have sibling ( and actually we are 4 weeks 3 days early days but hoping for the best for baby no 3 ) Anyway im so sorry the transfer wasn't successful but wishing you luck on the next one and hope you get BFP Xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Jess1981

Thanks Jess, I’m so sorry for your losses. What a heartless comment from your consultant. My scans were during covid too, such a shame having to go alone. I was in hospital with preeclampsia and when I found out my boy was measuring small I was just crying on my own too sad to ring my husband. Luckily all was okay but it’s so scary having no support. It will be so lovely to have your partner with you for your next scans and at all the milestones ☺️. Huge congratulations to you with your pregnancy and thanks for your kind words xx

Wishinandahopin profile image

it could definitely work - and if it does it’s more likely to be a girl! (Day 6 lower graded embryos are much more likely to be girls 😊).

It’s less about the grading and whether it’s chromosomally ‘normal’ etc. I’ve known loads of people have their top graded ones fail and the ones that have stuck are the worst graded ones.

Keeping everything crossed for you xxx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Wishinandahopin

Oh that’s really interesting. I wonder why they are more likely to be girls… off to google I go!

Thanks for your message, I have the call from clinic today and haven’t slept a wink. Hope you are doing ok too x

Wishinandahopin profile image
Wishinandahopin in reply to Keepingfaith85

I think it’s because female embryos develop slower than male embryos. Day 5 5AA embryos are more likely to be boys.

Yes I’m not surprised- all the waiting is horrible 😩 good luck! Xxx

Millbanks profile image

Hello lovely, my 6th FET (and successful one) was a day 6.

Don't lose hope!


Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Millbanks

Hi Millbanks, I recognise your name from before. So glad to hear you achieved your dream! 6 FETs and day 6 too - wow! 6 must be your lucky number x

Nightingale92 profile image

My day 6 embryo has got me the furthest so far (currently 18 weeks and all going well 🤞). I was hesitant about day 6s as well (my last one was a 10 week MMC) but neither of my day 5s (5AA and 5AB) have worked 🤷🏻‍♀️ so day 6 obviously works better for my body! Good luck with your transfer! 🤞🍀

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Nightingale92

Ahh lovely! Hope you are managing to enjoy your pregnancy. How exciting! X

Peony85 profile image

My 3 month old boy was a day 6 4BC. I was given a 25% chance by the consultant. However he said once it implanted it had as good a shot as any of being healthy. Interesting I had also read that Day 6 low grades were more likely to be girls, but his 2 year old sister was a Day 5 3BB (I think) transferred fresh, and then he was the Day 6 frozen from that same cycle! Best of luck xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Peony85

Oh that’s lovely! 25% chance is still so good, even if mine is less being CC it’s definitely encouraging. Really useful info from your consultant thanks so much xx

JoleneR profile image

Hello, I just transferred my last embryo which is a day 6 4cb, so I know where you're coming from. I know the stats aren't good, but like others have said, it might be the lucky one. My 2 worst graded embryos implanted, while the best didn't (no successful pregnancies, though). All you can do is try and see how it goes.

Good luck to you xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to JoleneR

I really hope this is the one for you! The 2ww is so hard. I hope Peony85’s story above gives you a boost - it can happen ☺️

Wishing you all the best too x

Spicycurry profile image

I feel exactly the same. I did IVF IMSI due to mfi for my son who will be 3 on 2nd December. I’m 42 now and tried to do more egg retrievals at 40 when egg quality was better but due to not being told sooner to update passport and not being offered more chances in 2021 I only have one good cycle to rely on from November 2021. Ironically, I had a higher amount of blastocysts at 40 than 38 but that was because my husband took all the supplements from It Starts with the egg plus ate better and lycopene. Because I didn’t expect many blastocysts, I decided against PGS testing. So I transferred 2 good graded blastocysts which were 6B+B+ and 6B+B- and one stuck but I had a missed miscarriage at 8w 1d.

We have one more 6B+B- but most left are 6B-B- and one 6B-C. My husband has had enough of IVF but my family is small so really wanted to give my son a sibling. I am preparing for another transfer in December but still waiting for period.

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Spicycurry

So sorry to hear about your missed miscarriage. We did ICSI too due to male factor. I feel exactly the same about wanting my son to have a sibling because we have a small family. My mum died young and I always worry about him being alone if anything were to happen to me and my husband. Wishing you all the best for December!

Keepingfaith85 profile image

Just spoke to my consultant who said there’s a 10-15% chance of live birth. So definitely not nothing and as mentioned above if it implants then it has a good a chance as any. So here’s hoping!

doglover2804 profile image
doglover2804 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Did you decide to go for it? I also have x 2 Day 6 4CC embryos in the freezer and have been having same thoughts as you!

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to doglover2804

Hello. I did! Currently 6dp5dt ☺️ keeping everything crossed and for you too xx

doglover2804 profile image
doglover2804 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Glad to hear you went for it and keeping my fingers crossed for you. Waiting is awful for hopefully it's not too much longer for you. xx

AP86 profile image
AP86 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Hey, i was also going to ask if u went for it! So happy to hear this, please keep us updated, really hope it implants! I have one frozen one left too day 6 3bc but doc said it might not survive the thaw. I had a day 5 4bb fail so thinking of going through the whole stims etc again but I'm not sure now!xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to AP86

Hi both, wish I had better news but I tested this morning and it was negative for me. It did survive the thaw with no issues however. Wishing you better luck xx

AP86 profile image
AP86 in reply to Keepingfaith85

Oh no I'm really sorry to hear that, hope you're ok xx

Spicycurry profile image

Also age has a lot to do with it. If you are under 40, you have a better chance. When I was 38 nearly 39, I only had two blastocysts left due to mfi but both were transferred fresh and one stuck.

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