So after a further appointment today, it looks like we have 14 follicles that have decided to play ball and our Egg collection is booked for Monday.... OK ok ok ummmm ok, its starting to get real now
After 24 days of stim, Egg collection... - Fertility Network UK
After 24 days of stim, Egg collection to proceed?!

Hi herewego. Yes, all looks promising, so I wish you well and for fertilisation. Good luck. Diane
Pleased to hear the follicles have grown and best of luck for the next steps! Following as I have polycystic ovaries and I’m worried about stims x
Hey doll! It’s beyond confusing isnt it, as every person and clinic and journey is completely different! My brain is mush and when you add in comparing what you’re going through with other people I’ve found that I constantly keep thinking is it working or isn’t it?
My normal cycle is approx 40 days, I asked my clinic at around day 18 could this be impacting why my follicles haven’t responded and they are quite sure that that isn’t the case… but now we are at day 24 of stims, I can’t help but wonder if that has something to do with it… who the hell knows 😅
Wishing you all the best x
You’re totally right about the comparing! I saw a woman of a similar age with PCOS in you and I think it helps to deal with all the uncertainties to see how someone else gets on … but then again our bodies are so different and we’ll never know how they will respond until we try!
It is so annoying when there’s not an explaination for things! It could well be your long cycle, I have an unusually short cycle so will see how that impacts me when I start.
I’m so glad you’ve got a good number of eggs (I even hear about people getting more than expected at collection because some follicles hide in scans!) so I hope the collection and recovery isn’t too uncomfortable … then it’s the anxious countdown of days to see how many blasts 🤞 eeek! Good luck
For me I’m trying to battle one step at a time, preparing myself for the journey but, at each hurdle things could go anyway depending on results… it’s been a little cray cray but it’s only our first round. It’s only my husband and my Aunty I’ve really spoken to, even though I’m very close to my mum I know she’s would be overly excited and people being to excited would be overwhelming and I don’t want people with expectations feeding me false hope 😅
PCOS and male factor (0%) morphology (which I was very ignorant about) has added pressure… my other half is eating strawberries everyday and has cut caffeine and alcohol to help! I know he’s feeling stressed, but he’s been amazing. He had to leave the room when I do the jabs as he’s petrified 🤣 bless him.
How old are you btw (if you don’t mind me asking x
Ah that’s a good plan to not tell too many people - I only talk to my mum and husband about it because I’d hate the constant asking too!
I will be 34 in October, so IVF Drs see that as “young” compared to some women, but I can’t help but feel a bit old seeing as so many younger women around me already have their babies. I’m guessing based on your 89 name you are a similar age?
So sweet about your other half! Mine has cut alcohol but still eats quite badly, which makes it harder for me to eat healthy when he is there with a pizza! X
Fantastic! Best of luck for Monday and especially the 5 days after
Good luck ☘️