Is it worth to get your embryos tested when over 40 with low egg reserve? The problem is that money could be put into more cycles, also it requires to wait till blastocyst stage but with only let's say 2 or 3 embryos you might lose them before getting to blastocyst. Waiting till blastocyst is higher risk and getting them transferred back earlier to develop in natural environment inside uterus might be better.
Genetic testing of embryo : Is it worth... - Fertility Network UK
Genetic testing of embryo

My clinic, CRGH, has stats that show the birth rate of a FET untested being 21% and a tested one being 70%, so depends on the stats of your clinic but based on these stats I would definitely test
Hi, it's not the easiest decision, someone asked something very similar not that long ago. See my response here:
Hope it helps xxx
Hello, I have appointment on this Friday to find out about my results . I tested my two embryo. Personally I think it's worth if something is not all right you can at least avoid early miscarriage.

Hi Kalinka. If you are having IVF and have had a failed cycle, then perhaps consider it. See what the others say. Diane
hiya personally we always got them tested even though we had very little embryos everytime. For us it saved money and heart ache transferring one that was never going to work xxx
What you describe is basically my situation and I chose not to test as only have a couple of embryos each time so just transferred them back fresh as in my view that’s the best possible chance of them working either way and quicker to find out. It obviously does carry the risk of it implanting but embryo having issues that would require termination or cause miscarriage but as I don’t have any known genetic issues etc it’s the choice we made. But defo no right or wrong answer 💜xx
I would say it would depend how many you make - probably not worth it if just 1 or 2. However I would wait for blastocyst, if they don’t make it to blastocyst they most likely wouldn’t have survived anyway.
Also something to be aware of, if you do test, is to make sure your clinic allow ‘mosaic’ embryo transfers. Most do nowadays but some of them have almost as good a chance as ‘normal’ embryos as they self-correct. We had two ‘normal’ embryos fail to implant and I’m now 10 weeks with a ‘mosaic’ embryo.
It’s a tough decision but they say at age 40 only 10% of embryos are ‘normal’ so that is why many women test.
Wishing you luck!
Hello, I just want to say it's worth to test embryo. Its expensive but at least you know which embryo is healthy which not . I ve got my result today , I tested 2 embryo. One is healthy one is abnormal not good to transfer at all.
Yes definitely worth it our 4AA tested positive for trisomy 21. Our 4BC and 4CC are normal. Sadly grades don’t tell us what’s going on inside the embryo.