Hi again ladies, I'm in a bit of a dilemma with my clinic, this round I got two blasts, one was transferred fresh on Sunday and one good quality 4ab was frozen on day 6.
My instructions to the clinic were to call me with a day 6 update prior to biopsy or any pgta testing as we had 5 embryos still going at that stage. My thinking was as its always been, if I was to get 5 blasts I would have opted for testing but only one made to a good quality blastocyst on day 6 and i was going to take my chances if it was only one. Probably also because my specialist said I should stop trying with oe after this.
Long story short they called me on day 6 and told me they biopsied it (without my approval). Now they are giving me the option to opt out of finding out the result and transfer it, however my specialist will know the result. Seems kind of weird to me. How can he put me through a cycle if the result comes back abnormal?! Apparently it's within my legal rights though.
I've done lots of reading about embryos having the ability to self correct, and the fact the test is not 100% accurate giving false positives or negatives. I need some advice or rational thinking because my mind is all over the place as it is being in 2ww.
If you got this far thank you, sending love and luck to you all x