I did my fourth ivf cycle and got 4/4 blastocyst. I’m not too excited as last time I had 3/3 and all 3 came back generically abnormal. Today I spoke with the doctor and he said the grading is better. He said it was 4ab 4ab 4bb 4aa - I am going ahead with testing them genetically. Last time he said they were 3cc etc - does the grading and the genetic testing correlate? I’m hoping I have at least one viable as I feel like we’re at the end of our rope - I’m exhausted.
Embryo grades / genetic testing? - Fertility Network UK
Embryo grades / genetic testing?

I had my 4th cycle in Feb, got 8 blastocysts and only one is genetically healthy. I think you are making the right decision by testing, I wish I wasn’t listening to my doctor for so long saying that my blastocysts are looking great and it is just down to luck ... I have lost 4 years transferring blastocysts that were ending in chemical pregnancies or not taking at all x I know how you are feeling, I cried my eyes out after my results, I just felt hopeless. I had so many eggs, 30 retrieved, and just one is healthy!!! But on the other hand we have one so there is a chance 🍀 Please stay positive, this road is very, very hard for some of us but who knows next time it can be our time to become pregnant and if not we have to try again xx All the best for you x keep me posted x
Wishing you all the luck in the world this time around. Keep the faith.
Out of curiosity, do ivf clinics genetically test all blastocysts or is this something you pay for as an extra. This wasn’t offered or even advised at the time of our cycle - which fortunately was successful, but we’ve two frosties too so I’m just wondering . TIA XX
wishing you the very best also ❤️ It’s an additional fee per embryo. The doctor said it’s an option and 7 years ago they did not test embryos. With the increase in genetic testing, the increase in live births.
Hey Lind58. I am a newbie here and looking for answers as well. Don't lose your hope, you still have good chances. My hubby has problems with sperm so we will need to do PGD and FISH. Our Dr told us that fish will help to select the best sperm cells for fertilization. It is a good way to exclud abnormalities in male cells. Also, we'll do NIPT, as it is the best way to learn the embryos quality. They have special monitoring system that helps couples to avoid risks of abnormalities development.
Fingers crossed for you, dear! xx