Hi everyone, newbie posting here.We had a failed fresh cycle in March unfortunately, but have 2 frosties that we're hopeful still stand a chance. At the beginning now of frozen cycle, I've had a baseline scan and been on oral oestrogen for a week, hopefully ready for transfer next week.
My worry is, life is very stressful at the moment Not only is IVF stressful enough but my dad is critically ill in hospital 2 hours away, we're planning our wedding (which may have to be moved depending on dad's recovery, or not, plus success of IVF), my partner's just been made redundant and my work is horrendous.
All this means I'm constantly battling anxiety and I'm scared this will affect our chances.
I didn't want to postpone the cycle because we're not getting any younger and we're keen to try again to become parents asap.
But now I'm doubting whether there's any point. Last time everything seemed good and I was able to relax and it failed, so I am feeling like there's no hope when my mind and body are already very frazzled D:
Any wise words of advice or encouragement would be very welcomed, tyia <3