hi all , I hope you’re doing well and keeping strong in whatever stage you’re on this journey xx
Unfortunately, we got told on the viability scan that they couldn’t find a heartbeat anymore. This was 2 weeks after an EPU scan that had found heartbeat after some light bleeding at week 6, they said there was a 3 cm hematoma and that it could go either way, that in many cases this is absorbed and pregnancy can continue, sadly that wasn’t our outcome.
Given this was a missed miscarriage, I was given the 3 options and I chose to try to let nature take its course first. After 11 days of nothing happening, I decided it was time to get some help, as I was told the longer the tissue stays inside there’s an increasing risk of infection.
I then opted for the medical management and got the pessaries put at the EPU last Sunday at 11 am and then was sent back home. I was petrified but luckily in the end it wasn’t as bad as I expected, I’d say heavier bleeding than a normal period (had to use maxi pads) and cramps as bad as my normal period cramps ( which are truly awful but bearable with constant paracetamol, chamomile tea and hot bottle of water). The medicine started making effects exactly 4 hours after, and I passed some clots and had some gushes, I cannot tell whether I passed a sac because I didn’t get to see much !, heavy bleeding continued over night, and then on Monday morning the pain and bleeding stopped, today I’ve not had anymore either.
my question is, based on your experience could this mean the miscarriage has been completed? Or could the bleeding come back again all of a sudden ? I’m just mortified thinking it may have failed and that I’ll find this when I do the test in 3 weeks… equally I’d like to guess if can resume a more normal life and dare to be out and about a bit more!
Thank you all in advance for your support, my heart goes out to you as well for having lived through such a horrible thing xx I hope you have recovered your strength, that your heart has bounce back to its place and that you have got luckier results after such an awful experience xx