Hey lovely peopleI’m just looking for a little bit of support as having a really down day today.I had my embryo transfer 12pm on Monday currently taking progesterone pessaries every morning and night. Straight after the transfer it I felt abit twingy and like sharp twinges here and there, following day (yesterday) I felt exhausted some aches and pains (burning sensation) boobs really swollen and achy and abit of like clear/milk discharge (sorry if tmi) Then today I’ve woken up boobs are nowhere near as sore as they have been & no pains. I know I’m super early on but I just wanted to know anyone else’s thoughts experiences I just feel like nothings happening and reading forums women have aches and pains for days and spotting etc but I don’t seem to be having that.I’ve read on forms usually around day 2 is starts to implant. The embryo they transferred was a 5AA and had already started hatching before they transferred could it be that it’s fully hatched and implanted before today and that’s why pain have worn of.I feel like a crank even looking into everything so early on but only human and we go through so much to get to this stage 🤍
2dp5dt - some support please :( - Fertility Network UK
2dp5dt - some support please :(

Hi Messffm. The first twinges etc you feel are likely just down to oafies settling down and commencing progesterone. Just have a little rest occasionally, but walk around too. Eat a sensible diet and pineapple core to prevent clotting. Drink plenty of water too and beware of constipation. All the best and I hope you are successful. Diane
this twinges you felt are most likely from transfer and the meds. I never had any thing like this in all my three transfers apart from the initial aches. My final and third transfer was a success and I was convinced it was the same as the others.
In my experience bleeding early wasn’t god. My two failed attempts I bled on day 8 so it was the one where I didn’t that implanted. My final transfer was also a hatching FET (I was told the fact that it was hatching was a positive sign) and they were right; I’m holding my 3 month old son in my arms right now.
Hold onto that hope xx
Hi Jess ,
We transferred the same day, almost the same time , with the same grade embryo . I don’t feel anything at all and have been finding it hard to relax in general . Yesterday I was exhausted and very emotional too , the wait is hard isn’t it . Xx
ahh yeah how could I forget! I feel that today it really is hard I was naive in thinking this would be the easiest part because I thought I’d never get to this point but now I’m here I feel like I’m never going to get to a positive test stage tomorrows a new day. Hope you feel a little better too xxx
hi jess just reaching out as you were so kind to reach out to me, I hope you feel better soon in terms of pains and aches I hope they are a good sign 🤞🏻
I’m not as far along as you ladies am only at the beginning but I think it’s all hit me at once and I don’t know how to feel about it all it’s a real mix and some days, weeks even are really hard!! And it’s like no one really gets it (can feel lonely at times) xx
we get it lovely and I can be here for you so please feel free to message me at any point and I will be happy to help. This forum has been a god send the last few days and trust me people really do care 🤍🤍
hey hun, so I haven’t been here for a while but I seen your message pop up in my email and I wanted to get back in here to help the group out. I had twins via IVF two years ago. After my transfer, I felt a bit groggy so I took a nap but when I woke up, I felt fine and then toward the night time I was very uncomfortable and felt a ping you feeling down there as if I could feel the embryo trying to find a place I know that sounds weird, but I promise you I felt it. My embryos had already started hatching too. That’s a very good sign that it will work if you have any more questions I have so much more to share, but I just want you to keep your fingers crossed. I’ll be keeping mine crossed for you on your fourth day pass transfer take a pregnancy test actually take like three wait five minutes and see if you see a faint line that’s how mine started. They say u can’t tell until 7-9dpt. But in my experience that’s not true.
hey thanks so much for taking the time to message & congratulations on your twins that’s amazing 🤍🤍 yeah I felt like sharp twinges the day of and I haven’t had them the days leading upto transfer but I thought can’t be anything to do with transfer as it’s too early and all forums say 48 hours to hatch and attach type of thing but mine was already hatching when they popped it in. The embryoligist said when it breaks out the shell it’ becomes really sticks and that’s how it sticks to uterus. I feel a little bloated this morning, intense boob pain stopped after 2 days transfer but nipples still tender tbf. One thing I can say I’ve been doing is sleeping I don’t know if that’s because all I want to do at the min is sleep days away or because my body genuinely needs it to support baby? Who knows. I don’t think I can wait the full 2 weeks if I’m being honest. My test day is Sunday 18th which is Father’s Day it’s like how can it not be that would be pretty savage if it was a negative outcome but would love to suprise my partner on Father’s Day if I was 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
hi Jess just read this post , my clinic have told me to test on Wednesday but I still have no symptoms so im not hopeful x
you know what I’ve read so many posts with women saying they had 0 symptoms atall! A lot of my friends (not ivf) never had any symptoms they just tested when they new they’d missed there period by a few days. Don’t give up. I’m opposite just got random period like pains before and I’m thinking I’m going to come on now, bloody horrid this 2 week wait xxx
2 successful transfers one fresh one frozen. No symptoms at all both times. Try not to read into every twinge or pain! Try and relax for a few days x
Hello lovely, as others will say, pretty much any and all "symptoms" you feel in the next two weeks will purely be from the medications you are on, or they are psychosomatic. There really is no way at all to tell if it worked and that is the truth. It's so tempting in the early days of IVF to "symptom spot" but you'll only end up driving yourself mad. I've never so much as had a tiny spot of "implantation bleeding" on any of my pregnancies. And I have never been able to tell if it worked or not in all my transfers. Try to relax, take good care, and distract yourself until OTD. Do not text beforehand because no matter what it says, it will only stress you out with uncertainty. I hope you the next few weeks pass for you as best they can! xo