hey I just had a day 7 scan was supposed to be tomorrow but brought forward due to bemfola pen leaking out. Considering I started off with 8 follicals and low amh 4.9 for my age 2. Are these scan results any good? Does anyone know if the 8 & 7mm are likely to catch up? I have another scan on Saturday which will be day 9. Be really helpful to hear anyone else’s experience thank you - first time IVF - Jess x
IVF Day 7 Stims Scan - HELP please - Fertility Network UK
IVF Day 7 Stims Scan - HELP please

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hey. I think for day 7 that’s pretty good, everyone reacts differently to the meds - some people have their collection day 11 or 12, in my case I always needed more time and had the collection around day 15-16 so the follicles had longer to grow
thank you so much for replying I’m new to this and always second guessing everything and trying to take it all in and figure out what it means. Is it possible for the 7s and 8s to maybe grow too do you think? Do you know how big a follicals has to be to support a mature egg? X
or course. It’s all complicated! Yes I think they’ve got time. I’m not sure of the exact minimum size for a mature egg, I know they normally look for at least 3 follicles to measure 18mm or over before they plan an egg collection - but the trigger also gives them all a boost…. I normally get quite a few eggs (around 15-16) and I’m sure not all follicles had those measurements !
Sorry I can’t be more accurate …. Good luck 🤞💫 x
no thanks so much! Fingers crossed they grow grow grow over the next few days. Thanks again have a nice bank holiday weekend x
Thank you , you too x
hey lovely sorry to bother you just wondering if you know the answer to the trigger question I posted about mixing it in advance am I ok to get it ready 5 mins in advance? Thank you x
Hi, I hope this helps you....these were my follicle numbers at my final scan back in February 2023 (4th one before trigger). At my afc baseline I had 21 follicles (they were obviously small). There were 9 follicles measuring over 16mm and I had 9 retrieved, all mature.
The scan before this final scan I had none measuring over 16mm. They were below 15mm. Every cycle is different and they continue growing.

fab thank you very much for your help. At this point I’d done 6 bemfola pens and the 7th moments after this scan. I’ve heard a lot of women stimulate for a few days longer so hopefully I can do that without the ‘front runners’ going too big. Thanks you for responding x
You still have time...they will ask you to trigger when see min 2-3 follicles at the size they want... normally 16mm-18mm. You're not quite there yet and you still have min 5-7 days of stims.