I had really let myself get my hopes up after our only 3AB embryo was transferred last week. I had two positive pregnancy tests over the past 2 days and you know how it is.... I'd already worked out when my due date was and when I'd stop work for mat leave etc. Well I had my 9dp5dt blood test today and honestly completely expected it to be good news but when I called for the result my HCG levels are only 6. The cruel thing is because it's not officially a negative (which would be 5 and under) I had to stay on my meds and go back in a week, but she said several times there's no chance of a positive outcome. What's the point on staying on the meds and going back in a week's time if there's no hope? It feels like an unnecessarily cruel way of prolonging a horrible situation.
BFN (sort of) Beta test HCG only 6 af... - Fertility Network UK
BFN (sort of) Beta test HCG only 6 after two positive tests

Hope you have people around you who can give you support- sending you a big hug
Take care of yourself
I’m so sorry to hear this. This journey is so flippin cruel.
When I had a slow heartbeat at my viability scan, then told me there was no hope as it was so low but I still had to wait a week for a repeat scan so they could officially diagnose that it was a non viable pregnancy. It’s sooo hard. ❤️
Thinking of you and sending love xxx
Hi I’m so sorry to hear this is happening. So sad after your joy of positive tests, must have been a shock about the hcg levels & thinking all would be well , how cruel & you have to keep taking the meds for another week which seems very unfair . Thinking of you X
So sorry to hear this lmno ... please take care of yourself take some you time xxx
Sorry you're going through this. When it happened to me early on the clinics were ok to take blood results from my GP and a private company (they don't offer these tests themselves though), and as soon as the numbers had plateaued they said I could come off the meds. Now I'm further along I'm being asked to wait a week as a matter of procedure I think, even though there's no chance. They did say I could come off the the progesterone though as it wouldn't make a difference now. If you can hold out I guess the safest option is to wait, but it's horrible.
thanks so much. So sorry for all you’re going through too. I might call the clinic tomorrow but I haven’t been able to face talking about it so in some ways it just feels easier to go along with their plan even though it feels so unnecessary and brutal and entirely about them and not me. I wish there was better care and follow up through IVF treatment. I just feel chewed up and spit out and left to get on with it alone x
I know exactly what you mean. I thought I was dealing with it quite well until I had to call the clinic yesterday and tell them I didn't need my first scan appointment - I was intending to be matter of fact but my voice started to crack and I just raced ahead and then cried when I put the phone down. That clinic really isn't great at aftercare anyway and I'm always shocked at the way they leave you to it - I'm not sure it's like that at every clinic btw. They should offer you some counselling though - I didn't use that as like you I don't really want to talk about it but it's probably the best thing for your mental health and may help when you're ready x
I am sorry darling. Keep your chin up, don’t give up. It is frustrating yes. I am also not happy with the clinic, it seems that the patient care is poor in most of them ?! They think of us as a number..!
Just so you know and maybe laugh a little, even though it’s no fun, I did some blood tests when I was due to join the clinic. We had to do it. I did see something saying that the blood tests would be valid for 3 months but I didn’t care at that time. Because of clinic availability and my period and delays with results, when I was finally ready to have a treatment plan it was past 3 months and they wanted me to repeat all the bloody blood tests - I furiously had to say ‘NO ! I am not a rat ! And I won’t repeat any more blood tests!’
At least I released myself. I know we have to keep our emotions under control but I couldn’t at that point. And I did not repeat blood tests.
We get a big life experience from all this, so let’s think positive and faith in the reproductive medicine. We will get there and then it will be peanuts 🥜 as we are used to all !
Lots of love x
Ah love 💔 I don't have any advice, but am so sorry to read your update. This whole process is just so unfair, so cruel. Sending you lots of love xx
So sorry to hear this. The process is so cruel and of course you plan your life when you get a positive pregnancy test. Wish I could offer some useful advice. All I will say is be kind to yourself x