Hello lovelies! So its official WE ARE PREGNANT!! We had our first beta yesterday at 10dp5dt and our beta number was 376!! Doctor said we are super pregnant and I go back Thursday for 2nd Beta! I know we cant know until ultrasound but could it be an indicator for twins ( our embryo would have had to split) or we just have a really strong singleton?! Either way we are just over the moon. I would love to hear from anyone wanting to share their story about beta numbers/progression with twins or singletons!! Thank you in advance!! Baby dust and positive vibes to everyone on here!! ❤❤❤❤
** Sensitive** HCG/Beta stories after... - Fertility Network UK
** Sensitive** HCG/Beta stories after BFP??

Big congrats! So many BFP lately it's awesome! 😁🙌 my beta at 10dpt was 270 so yes you def have a good beta. Hope those numbers double at your next beta 😁😘 xx
Congratulations. I am an example of crazy strong betas for a singleton, although we had two transferred: - 8DP5DT - 276
11dp5dt - 1060
14dp5dt - 4000
We thought almost for sure there would be two because it was sooooo much higher than average from single and even twins but nope, one little fighter. Xxzzz
Sorry I can't advise on numbers but just wanted to say a huge congratulations xx

Thanks darling!! Xoxox
Congratulations! My first beta at 12dp5dt was 1000 and just a singleton so think you can have pretty strong numbers with just one. I only had a single transfer as well ❤️ xxx
Congratualtions. Cant help with the twin thing but my beta at 11dp5dt was 430 and 13dp5dt was 968. I'm only a few days ahead of you and I transferred 2 but suspect with my levels there is only one although as you say nobody knows until the scan.xx
Thank you love!! I am so happy to hear your numbers!! And very true the scan reveals all!! How are you feeling?
I’m pregnant with twins at at 8dp5dt mine was 159 so if it doubled by 10dp5dt it would be around 300 which you aren’t far off from
My beta at 11DP5DT were 646, singleton pregnancy. I’m now almost 31 weeks pregnant.
Isnt it amazing how all of our bodies are so different and obviously produce / respond to HCG differently?
I never had ANY ‘classic’ pregnancy symptoms like nausea, cravings or mood swings either.
Congratulations on your BFP! ☺️
My HCG was 327 at 8dp, 954 at 10dp, 6055 at 15dp and 19429 at 21dp. I am currently pregnant with twins.
Super pregnant! Lol. Congratulations! My clinic doesn't do betas, so can't help with that, but either way, pregnant is good news! xxx
I'm pregnant with a singleton and my first Beta on 10 days was nearly 700. So not necessarily an indicator of twins. But it means you're pregnant which is damn exciting and amazing!