i feel i have so much stress and anxiety, the whole waiting game is soo hard. Im really hoping its lucky nr 12 for us. I m not sleeping well and my emotions are taking over 🤣 then i feel stressed and guilty for feeling stressed and it affecting our results lol
OTD monday, going crazy overhere - Fertility Network UK
OTD monday, going crazy overhere

Sorry your feeling this way, don't be hard on yourself. Try and find something to take your mind off it. Try a new hobby, watch a box set etc. Be kind to yourself and give yourself little treats. Plan nice things to do with your partner. Hang in there xx
I am beginning to feel the same as I am finding it hard to sleep - I really think a lack of sleep makes everything so much worse! I have been really negative these past couple of days just sure that it has not worked.. the 2ww is torture but hang in there, you are not alone!x
I hope you get your positive result. The 2 WW is torture. Hang in there 🤞🤞🤞
Same here - otd is Tuesday and I'm going out of my mind! Really wanting to test 😫 so hard isn't it. X
Hi Chantysal, I know how stressful the TWW is, I've had a lot of them! One thing that some people find useful is Tapping. You may or may not be familiar with it but it's a ten minute routine where you tap on several points on your face/body while repeating statements that calm your anxiety and can work for lots of different things. The idea is that it rewires your brain/thinking patterns to stop the anxiety or other things you're experiencing. The Tapping Solution is an app that I've used that is free for some of these so you can try it and see it's for you or not. What I liked about it is that they have a pregnancy and IVF section on it which has one session called 'Stressed about being stressed' which I did smile at because we all get what that one is like. Hoping this one is the one for you!
Hi lovely. I am quite possibly the world’s least zen person; I was a sleep deprived wreck and I still got a positive (and ultimately a little one!) from my transfer last year. I promise you it won’t affect your chances: you can let go of worrying about worrying, at least.
Wishing you so much luck!
How did it go? Hope you are doing well xxx
well i did get ny positive still feels unreal after 12 ivf cycles but im so scared for the scan. Iv been trying to stay of the platform cos iv read that some has a scan and find an empty sac just leaving me so worried. My appoitment is Tuesday will update u what happens with us
Good luck hun x