Anyone else on the tww going crazy - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone else on the tww going crazy

31 Replies

Feel like I'm going crazy on this tww and don't know what to do with myself 😔.

Has anyone given in and already tested already or plans to test early?

One side of me wants to and the other doesn't my dh is the same. We are so scared that this has failed 😢.

31 Replies
Lou9 profile image

Hi Hidden I am and I'm only 1dp5dt!! I am going between feeling calm and positive one minute and thinking there's no reason why this can't be my time and the next minute I have convinced myself I have some sort of implantation issue even though I have no reason to think that yet - I have been researching NK Cells and now am worrying about that!! Why do I do this to myself!!! How much longer do you have to wait? Are you managing to keep busy?

I've promised myself and my husband I won't test early. Thinking back to my natural cycles during the tww - no good can come of testing early. If it's negative you still remain hopeful, if it's positive you worry it's too early and won't last. Try if you can to hold out for OTD. You can absolutely do this! Xx

in reply to Lou9

Hi lou9 sorry I did reply to you earlier but it went to the bottom. I test on Thursday so not long to go at all but feel like af is coming 😩. I have busy days at quiet days how about you? Xx

Lou9 profile image
Lou9 in reply to

Lots of people on here say they feel like AF is coming yet go on to have a positive so don't lose hope! Have you had any other symptoms? I'm off work this week on holiday which I don't know is a good thing or not! I've still got a long wait to go so better settle in for the ride! Xx

MrsTM13 profile image

I'm also going out of my mind. I'm 4DP5DT today. I've tested for the last 3 days, 2 and 3dp just to ensure trigger was out of my system and today because I've started and now well I can't stop. I genuinely think it hasn't worked already and feel so flat. Trying and failing to occupy myself. Have you got any symptoms? X

in reply to MrsTM13

I have quite a bit of strange cramping sometimes I think oh no af is on way. Most the things I have I am putting down to the crinone so sore breasts, cramping and nausea. It's so hard I am 6dp5dt. I have everything crossed for you that it all works out for you. Are you going to continue testing every day? X

MrsTM13 profile image
MrsTM13 in reply to

It's my first time using crinone and I think for me there are more side effects than using the cyclogest but if it's doing what it's meant to then fine by me.

Probably because even a faint line would be a line. I've bought the FRER tests today and days 6 days early so technically I could use one now as if I go from my last cycle I would be due AF 18th and my OTD is 20th. X

mrsb86 profile image

I'm 1dp3dt so I have a looong way to go but already know I'll be going mad in a few days. OTD is oct 30th and I'm going to try my best to hold out till the weekend before - any earlier and I'd have to test before a work day and I don't want to put myself through that.

Good luck - be strong! ☺️

in reply to mrsb86

Thank you good luck to you too ☺️ xx

Babytalk profile image

Oh it’s so hard but my advice is don’t test early as you can get false positives or false negatives - I know it’s hard but try and keep yourself busy. Do something where you can’t think of anything else - something creative is good as you can only think about why you are doing. Tv is ok but only short periods and make sure it’s something you have to concentrate on. Good luck!

in reply to Babytalk

Thank you. It properly doesn't help my brain is on overdrive today as dh is out doing gardening and I'm just lazing around after a bad nights sleep x

Babytalk profile image
Babytalk in reply to

Get out with DH and do a bit of light gardening, it won’t hurt and will be good to be around nature - trim some flowers or something.

Crazymrsrees79 profile image

I’m with you on this one!! I’m 6dp5dt and going nuts. My period would be due tomorrow and I’m trying to put it out of my mind when I get a weird feeling down there. I know it’s my mind playing tricks!! I can’t test until the 23rd so I’m hoping just another week will go quickly 🤞🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 wishing you all the best and baby dust xx

in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Thank you I am also 6dp5dt mine would be due on weds and am also trying to do the same when I get cramps. My otd is the 19th.wishing you all the best too xx

Lou9 profile image
Lou9 in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Hi Crazymrsrees79 , I hope you don't mind me asking but I just wondered why out OTD are so similar yet you are 6 days further ahead than me? My OTD is 24th but I am only 1dp5dt. 🤔 I'm starting to worry I have the wrong test date! Xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to Lou9

What’s otd? I’m new to the shorthand thingy lol x

Lou9 profile image
Lou9 in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Haha sorry!! I'm just getting my head round it too. It's official test date! Xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to Lou9

Ah right lol, my official test date is the 23rd. If I was having a normal period I would be due on tomorrow. I had my transfer last Monday (9th Oct) so the 23rd is two weeks which is the day I do my test. Hope I haven’t confused anyone? I’m a tit sometimes 😂😂 x

in reply to Crazymrsrees79

It's really strange as my clinic work the two weeks out from day 1 after egg collection c

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to

Well bugger me!! It’s all different ain’t it? So for me they’ve done it from the transfer date. How odd xx

in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Must have done as I test on Thursday and the weds is day 14 after egg collection x

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to

I hope it all goes well for you luv xx

Lou9 profile image
Lou9 in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Lol 😂 My clinic work it out from egg collection too! So strange. Oh well, they must know what they're doing I guess. Wishing you lots of luck. Xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to Lou9

You too lovely xx

in reply to Crazymrsrees79

Good luck to you both 💖 xx

MrsTM13 profile image
MrsTM13 in reply to Lou9

My clinic works is out 17 days from Trigger shot which would be Saturday 21st so they've got me going in on Friday 20th and this clinic only does urine test. X

My otd is on Thursday so I am almost there. I have the whole time off work from ec to otd so I have times when I'm busy and then times where I sit alone and over think. You can absolutely do this too. Are you managing to stay busy? Xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to

When I’m in work I’m ok but they’re telling me ‘don’t do anything to strenuous’ and they tell me off 😂😂. Otherwise I just chill and watch films that make me laugh and are feel good films. Just take it day by day but it’s easier said than done xx

Crazymrsrees79 profile image

Don’t know if this helps anyone but I found it interesting x

How about you see about doing things you enjoy like a night out with your friends to take your mind off it.

Better not to test now as if its negative you will regret paying out for the test so better to wait.

Good luck!

Laura_beth profile image

The 2ww is definitely the hardest part. If you’re anything like me you will find yourself clinging to ever twinge/ache you get.

Please don’t test early - as tempting as it is. The chances are your hormones wont be detectable until the very end which is why they advise us of a test date. And by testing early you could easily get a wrong result and end up putting yourself through even more stress when you don’t need too!

My advice would be to try and plan something to do everyday but only if you feel upto it. Listen to your body and rest if you need too.

Netflix honestly became my best friend - I found watching a film most nights kept my mind busy and stopped me obsessing over the little things, strangely I also felt better keeping my self led down.

This forum is a god send - but it can also become a bit of an addiction. Everybody has completely different IVF experiences, and while we will all give you as much support and help as possible try not to compare you journey to others. It’s so easy to worry additionally because you’re trying to tick boxes when sadly all we really can do is wait.

Sending you lots of luck and positive thoughts 💕

Filmgirl101 profile image

Yo-yo here! Driving myself nuts!

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