don’t know what the point in this message is - but I really thought I’d be looking forward to OTD, but I am filled with absolute dread for tomorrow 🥺 I just could happily carry on not knowing. Does anyone else feel like this? I think it’s because I’ve hardly had any symptoms at all last couple of days and don’t have that ‘gut feeling’, I’d rather just not know 😔 eugh x
dreading OTD: don’t know what the point... - Fertility Network UK
dreading OTD
Yes! That was me yesterday and unfortunately the nagging doubt turned out to be true so I get it, I think not knowing but there being a possibility is better than negative. Still I’m hoping my negative means you get your positive, that would be fantastic. Let me know how you get on. Sending baby dust and good vibes. Xx
I’m so sorry ☹️ it’s bloody crap. This whole journey. But you’re right, it’s that tiny bit of hope we hold onto, and the bfn just confirms the biggest fear. Thank you for being so kind ❤️ sending love and strength for what’s next for you xx

❤️xx lots of luck for tomorrow! Xx
sadly we’ve joined the BFN club 💔 the worst club but the strongest - we go again xxx

I’m so so sorry to hear this. Sending strength and love to you xxx

Gutted for you. Absolutely. I hope you are ok (stupid question but you know what I mean). After the initial upset give yourself a bit of time. Do you already have a next steps plan in place? Xx
Thank you. we’ve cried, but we’ll be ok 💔 the chances were higher of it not working right, so it’s not a huge shock - it’s just that little bit of hope that’s gone. We go to New York Monday - so we’re just going to have lots of fun, and then get straight to it when we get back. I know it’s only our first round, but we’re thinking of changing clinics to a clinic with an Endo specialist and maybe having a lap and the Emma/Alice/era tests - so that we know we’re in the best place for round 2. Not sure….it’s just all going to cost the world and we’re scared x

Yay! What a fabulous trip. It will definitely help. Have an amazing time. I think go to new clinic, see what they say and take it from there. You’ve got this! Xx
My OTD is Saturday and I nearly lost the plot with sudden desperate urge to just test and ‘get it over and gone with’. It’s a blood test here in the morning and then the nurse calls you in the pm. Not sure I can cope with being told it’s a BFN. So opposite to you, I wanted to test now to soften the blow!! But hoping we are both very wrong and will have good news to share. Sending you strength and lots of sticky thoughts xx
I can see exactly why you feel the urge, I assumed I would feel the same, but weirdly deep down I thought it would be negative - so just completely avoided the thought of it and as soon as last night came, I just felt dread. I have hope and everything crossed for you 🫶🏻🤞🏼 sending all the luck in the world xx
Don't be hard on yourself for how your feeling I think it's completely normal. Plan a nice treat for yourself regardless of outcome. Good luck 👍
Aww, so sorry this one didn’t work out. Have an amazing time in NY! And then back in the saddle 💪🏼 xx
thank you piggy ❤️❤️❤️