Patiently waiting for my cycle to start - Fertility Network UK

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Patiently waiting for my cycle to start

15 Replies

Hi everyone. I am currently waiting for my cycle to start so I can start my first round of IVF. I was due to come on Sunday, my body gave the usual signs; cramps, sore boobs, headache etc and I could have put money on my period arriving on time because I had all the usual feelings in the 3 days before.

Well Sunday came and went, and now I have zero period symptoms, & my temperature is still high. I did a test to be sure (wishful thinking) but that’s neg. Has anyone else experienced their period just not turning up before they are due to start their ivf cycle?

thank you and sorry for the rant x

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15 Replies
Humming-bird profile image

Hi Elsdee11

It’s a very trying time wondering and waiting, noticing every cramp or twinge!

I’m on my first ivf treatment too and had prostrap this Monday. (My cycle symptoms has stopped to, I need to have one within 2 weeks)

I did notice a change in my cycles towards the lead up to this point being late and early. I do believe that stress is a factor. I remind myself I have no control of my hormones and to relax, yes I bought a puzzle to distract myself!

It’s good your aware of your body and always seek help from you ivf team

in reply to Humming-bird

I really is, I just can’t understand why my symptoms have stopped - never happened before. It’s like my body has decided ‘I’m not going to let you start your injections’ :( & for a moment I was convinced maybe there was some miracle and maybe I’m pregnant - which I think has made me feel even more down, I mean, what a silly thing to think after 3+ years TTC without one single positive.

I think relaxing is definitely the key, I actually have a puzzle here I might start - good idea!

Good luck with yours, I have everything crossed 🤞🏼xx

Capri93 profile image

Yes yes yes! My period decided to play hide and seek on the date I was due to start 1st cycle.

It has never been late before and generally got excited thinking I was pregnant... it came 6 days later and my treatment started as plan.

I'm now 3dp2dt... just praying

in reply to Capri93

oh Capri I had the EXACT same feeling, was convinced that test would be positive - so did my husband, it’s heart breaking right? Sorry you went through this too but I am delighted you’re now post transfer ❤️ hope you’re feeling ok and that wait isn’t too exhausting? Fingers crossed for you, keep me posted 🥰 🤞🏼 x

Twiglet2 profile image

yup!! Always on time until I’m waiting to start a cycle then it’s either very late or last time it came week early 🙈 don’t know if it’s all the anxiety and build up or some cruel game nature is playing with us 🤪 but seems to be always the way! Hope it starts soon xx

in reply to Twiglet2

🫣🥹 why are our bodies so cruel at times 😆 the one time we need our period to come and it plays little tricks.

And I’m still laughing at myself thinking ‘oh my this really could be a miracle’ 😆 the mind is a powerful thing hey and no wonder the TTC journey is so bloody hard. Thank you, good luck to you and hope you start soon too! Xxx

Capri93 profile image

Will do!! And good luck. Honestly IVF can only be as stressful as you let it. Life hack... get a incentive for the FSH injections and fyremedel. We had a sticker chart and every 4 injections was a chocolate bar and every 7 was date night! Made it more of a bonding experience and way less emotional.

Also stay busy, I only took egg collection and transfer day of work but worked from home for a day then back to office.

Wishing you luck on this beautiful journey! I will keep you posted

in reply to Capri93

I LOVE THIS IDEA!! Definitely suggesting this to my husband.

Unfortunately I am working from home for the full duration as I normally commute to London - which would be too much whilst injecting as I’d have to inject on the train 🫣 so I’m going to make sure I go for walks morning, lunch and evening and fill my diary, otherwise I’ll prob sit there watching Netflix like an anxious mess 😆

Thank you, you too 🤞🏼❤️

Annbiel profile image

Happened to me also. I was actually kind of dreading the thought of my first IVF and was hoping SOOO hard that it wouldn't come to that and that I would miraculously get a positive test before starting it. Well... I'm already on my 3rd IVF, egg collection on Monday... :) our bodies can be so cruel...

Solly-44 profile image

Yep, the only time we actually want our period to show up and it’s nowhere to be seen 😩 I think it’s linked to the anticipation and anxiety of knowing you’re due to start treatment. 🤞🤞 it comes soon and you can crack on xx

Minniemouse88 profile image

Exactly the same for me too. Always have a pretty regular 27 day cycle then before my first round of icsi in December it was 4 days late. The nurse at my first scan appointment said many women seem to have the same experience. I was climbing the walls waiting for mine. I know the same will happen again waiting for the FET. Hope it arrives soon for you! Xx🤞

in reply to Minniemouse88

Thanks for the message Minnie. it’s crazy how common it is! it’s so frustrating as now I’m probably going to come on at the weekend :( I had really light pink spotting today too which I’ve never had before - so it’s definitely messed my cycle up. Our bodies work in the weirdest ways. Fingers crossed for you and your fet xx

Minniemouse88 profile image
Minniemouse88 in reply to

Thank you. I'm sure it will be on it's way for you soon. All the best and hope you can get some relaxation in amidst it all. If it helps, it wasn't nearly as stressful as I'd built up in my mind. Take care xx

HopeNotTooLate46 profile image

Obviously not glad you've had the same experiences but it's a relief to hear we go through the same thoughts. Up until I signed up for IVF I was clock work 28 day cycle. Then the month I signed up 40 days. GP says could be sign of perimenopause. I have no other symptoms. Cycle went back to normal timing, was about to start IVF cycle but that got delayed (rubella vaccination). Periods all normal. Thought could start in December but oh no clinic holidays. Seems it's quite normal for period to change in response to stress whether we know it or not.

Good luck everyone at all stages 🤗

in reply to HopeNotTooLate46

that’s why I love this support group so much, it makes you feel more normal. I also had to have my rubella - which is odd as my mum said I definitely had it as a baby! So many hurdles hey.

I guess normally I don’t really pay attention, but because I’m waiting to be able to make that phone call for my baseline scan, I’m watching it like a hawk! Good luck to you xx

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