First day after FET - bending and cle... - Fertility Network UK

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First day after FET - bending and cleaning products

LaraCRGH profile image
30 Replies

I have my first Embryo Transfer (frozen) next Wednesday, and that day my cleaner is due to come. When I get home the place will be lovely, but do you think it is risky if there are any scents of cleaning products around that I will ingest?

Also, I'm trying to get my head around what sort of bending is acceptable eg can I use the oven, can I bend to put socks on or pick things up off the floor?

All advice greatly appreciated! Xx

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LaraCRGH profile image
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30 Replies
Boo718 profile image

hiya I’ve had 5 transfers the first few I was ever so careful. Scared to even fart. My last one (currently 14 weeks) I relaxed the day after then just went about my normal duties. The only thing I did was not lift anything heavy. I wouldn’t get the cleaner in that day but that’s just my personal opinion. Xxx good luck xxx

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Boo718

Thank you Boo718 On the cleaner point, is that because of the chemicals or because of the stress element. If the latter, she'll be gone by the time I get home. If the former, then would it be better for her to come a day earlier or the following week when I'm still in my TWW? Congratulations on being 14 weeks!! Thanks v much for your advice Xxxx

Boo718 profile image
Boo718 in reply to LaraCRGH

it’s the chemicals for me. To be honest I’d just leave my house for a few weeks and do it after the 2 ww xxx

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Boo718

I've just bought some mild natural cleaning products. That should help a lot xxx

sj482 profile image

hey, I would not worry about bending, as boo says just don’t do any strenuous lifting.

As for cleaning products my opinion would be it depends on what your cleaner uses, you can’t avoid cleaning for any extended period really. If they are natural then personally I don’t see the harm. There are also unscented cleaning items (I found these very useful in first trimester when my sense of smell heightened, I couldn’t face opening the dishwasher after it had been on with a famous brand!)

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to sj482

Thanks v much. I don't think my cleaning products are particularly natural eek - bleach, dettol, viakal etc 🤔 I'll see what I can rustle up before she arrives and will ask her to go easy on the chems!!

Eggfreezer2015 profile image
Eggfreezer2015 in reply to sj482

can I ask which cleaning products you use please? Thank you!

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to Eggfreezer2015

I mix: method,( which is natural but ethically few issues, and can smell). I am becoming a fan of bio-d that is what we use in our dishwasher now and I use unscented for washing up, I also use their hand wash and started using their spray product. Would love to move to their laundry liquid but you can only get unscented at our local shop and I think I want my clothes to smell. I get these from a local fill your own shop but you can also buy online. I am no expert though but this is what I use! My sister makes her own with vinegar! :)

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to sj482

Thank you sj482 I feel so much better now I have switched to some of these milder brands, and I came back after my FET today to a flat that felt so clean but didn't smell of strong chemicals! X

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to LaraCRGH

good luck in the 2ww! :)

LaraCRGH profile image

Hi Eggfreezer2015 , not extensively researched but tonight I bought a selection of products from Ecover, Bower Collective and one from Delphis. All through Amazon xx

Eloquentia profile image
Eloquentia in reply to LaraCRGH

Good luck with your FET next week! I have my second FET around that time too. We switched to Ecover earlier this year for cleaning products and washing powder. I also switched to natural cosmetics using organic products and no chemical add ons and avoiding plastic tubs, water bottles etc. Worth reading 'It all starts with the egg' for lifestyle changes. Re: exercise, the usual advice is to what you normally do except for heavy lifting and energetic exercise. I personally felt quite crampy after my first FET, so I listened to my body and did less than usual.

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Eloquentia

Thank you Eloquentia xx Good luck with your second FET too. Today was utterly lovely and having acupuncture before and after really made a difference. Fingers crossed for success for us both 🙏🏼 🤞🏻🌟

Ladypee profile image

Morning hun. You be will fine I would say just have a few windows open to air out the place. I had FET on the 6th of December. As for bending you can do this as normal the embryo will not fall out hun. Just rest for a day or 2. Avoid strenuous activities avoid hot baths also. But you will be absolutely fine hun.

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Ladypee

Thank you Ladypee. I hope your FET has gone well, sending you lots of luck. I asked the cleaner to open windows and came back to a clean but non chem smelling flat. I'm very happy xx

Chukulu profile image

avoid chemical products as much as possible during entire 9 month as studies shown that later on the baby would develop eczema or allergies. I know using chemical cleaner is unavoidable but using a small amount and being out of home during cleaning process are something we could do.

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Chukulu

Good points Chukulu , thank you! Xx

pinky30 profile image

Don't worry too much about trying to be sedentary. There are studies out out there that say being a little bit active is better as keeps blood flow going. i went for a walk for an hour the day after mine. could be argued it was too much and i did worry - but certainly bending won't make a difference. The important things are no heat directly to the tummy area f(and no hot baths - in fact no baths as your cervix has been opened), and ideally no yea y lifti n etc that will make you strain. Chemicals wise i always tried to stick to natural products and avoid scented things too much but genuinely i thin on that part if less important than it is for egg collection. the eggs have done their growing and having it put back, there's very little in the external world that can harm it once it's inside of you. ... so if a clean house relaxes you (which it does me) i would say definitely!)

I would say rest the afternoon if transfer and then the next day be lightly active to keep good blood flow to the pelvic area xx

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to pinky30

Thank you very much @pinky30. That's all great advice. I hope my cat who is currently on my lap and emitting slight warmth to my abdomen isn't a problem - eek! Hopefully the relaxation and support she gives me outweighs any potential negatives in terms of heat emission! I've had a very restful time since the FET, with a wonderful acupuncture session. The only stress was my taxi driver zooming over quite a few humps in the road on my way home, so that panicked me. I asked him to slow down and explained about my embryo and he was apologetic and immediately slowed right down. My googling has reassured me though that those jolts won't have jeopardised anything - I hope thats true! Xx

pinky30 profile image
pinky30 in reply to LaraCRGH

Carbon lap is essential 🙂🙂

bumps defo won't make a difference. So exciting! you are officially PUPO! Keeping everything crossed for you 💕💕💕

Keep me posted x

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to pinky30

Brilliant! I just had to look up the meaning of PUPO. I love it! Thank you for keeping everything crossed for me! Xxx

pinky30 profile image
pinky30 in reply to LaraCRGH

just re-read my message carbon lap! 😂 I mean cat on lap!

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to pinky30

Don't worry, I knew what you meant :-) x

pinky30 profile image
pinky30 in reply to LaraCRGH


Marcy13 profile image

I would not worry about bending, it was proven a long time ago that even moderate exercise will not affect the implant in any way.I assure you there is almost nothing you should do or should not do that will change the course of things.

About the smells, anything that is harmful to your own body I would stay away from. There are a lot of safe products out there you can use.

I know it's easier said than done but carry on as you normally would. This is a beautiful thing happening, don't overthink it, just enjoy it. The pregnancy is wonderful and short. Enjoy it from the beginning to end. All the best, love and hugs. Everything will be ok.😘❤❤❤

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Marcy13

Thank you so much Marcy13 for your lovely message. I must say, I felt touched by the magic of it all today for the first time. It was a surreal experience being given the photo of my embryo and having my potential future child put inside me. Do you really think that I shouldn't worry about eg a bit of a bumpy taxi ride home today and also having my warm cat on my lap? My cat isn't against the whole of my stomach, just the bottom of my abdomen really, but it's so lovely having her snuggled up with me ♥️

Marcy13 profile image
Marcy13 in reply to LaraCRGH

Hi Lara.Do not worry one bit. I had a 5 hour ride on a bumpy road and I only layer down for 5 min after the embryo was put in. I also have 5 rescue cats that took turns sitting on my belly throughout the whole pregnancy lol. Enjoy the kitty with no eorries, your belly will be nice and warm.

It would take an enormous amount of heat and pressure to do anything and that would not even be possible until the baby rises out from behind your public bone. That will be a long time from now and it's very unlikely anything would do any damage.

The embryo will be floating for a few days and I know you are thinking it will fall out, because that crossed my mind too ha ha, but i promise you its stuck in there. My nurses had a big laugh on that one on my behalf... The crazy stuff that goes through our heads lol.

Enjoy the magic and hold on to that picture. I look at my 20 month old and I'm amazed that was him, a microscopic bunch of cells.😘

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Marcy13

Thank you Marcy13 ! I will hold on to the magic, my picture and my snuggly cat! I hope your 20 month old is bringing you huge amounts of love and joy 💖 🥰

Gerbear22 profile image

Hi LaraCRGH definitely do not worry about the bumpy taxi ride home.I had my transfer in Prague and flew home 2 days later where I had the worst flight home EVER!!Turbulence the whole flight home and to add to it the plane hit the run way like a bat out of hell on landing!!The sweat was running off me and through my clothes due to the heat of the plane and the stress of the turbulence. Also vomited a few times on the 4 hour car journey home from the airport.Currently 17 weeks pregnant so don’t be worrying about a bumpy taxi ride.

LaraCRGH profile image
LaraCRGH in reply to Gerbear22

Oh my god Gerbear22 😂Sorry to laugh. That sounds absolutely hellish, but yes it puts it into perspective!! I'm so glad that this tale preceded your pregnancy! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy - and when your baby arrives! Thank you for making me feel a lot better 😊X

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