My clinic has advised that i should stop estrogen at 8 weeks. Am worried this is too early. Would be greatful for any insight in what others have done in the past? Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
**Sensitive** How long are you meant ... - Fertility Network UK
**Sensitive** How long are you meant to continue estrogen and progesterone for after an FET?

I’m due a my FET soon and have been advised I’ll be continuing for 11 weeks, if successful of course. My first FET (only had fresh before), so can’t really offer much more on the way of advice, but just wanted to comment with what I’ve been told by my clinic. Best of luck with it all!

Thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you the very best of luck with it!! 🤞🤞🤞 x
My clinic said taper off from around 10/11 weeks and stop by 12. But they didn't seem remotely concerned about the later stages and I think the idea is that by around 8 weeks you should be making enough anyway. However, I didn't get on with the oestrogen at all and I went down to the lowest possible dose even before transfer, then stopped pretty quickly after. I also spotted when I came off the progesterone and got gradually worse bleeding - I had it checked and monitored but there was no obvious cause so my consultant said to keep on with the progesterone throughout pregnancy as it couldn't hurt. All clinics seem to differ in their approach so best to go with what yours advises *but* if you're worried or getting symptoms then talk to them and your GP/hospital consultant (you'll probably be assigned one if it's an IVF pregnancy) and see if they're happy for you to continue.
Thank you - that's so helpful. Is all going well with your pregnancy now? x
Happy to help - I was so worried about the early stages and coming off progesterone in particular. Most ladies are fine and have no issues coming off at different stages. And yes, totally straightforward pregnancy and I had a healthy baby from that
hello I had to start tapering off 10/11 weeks for estrogen and progesterone finished at 12 weeks xxx
I am 13 and a half weeks and tapering slowly - just too scared to stop! I was told to continue to my 12 weeks scan using everything then taper as I felt comfortable!
I think I was told to keep taking progesterone until 7/8 week scan, then they extended to 12 weeks. I was only on progesterone. Maybe they sometimes just prescribe it in stages to keep you going until next checkup? Xx
I was told to stop at 10 weeks (I am 10 weeks today). I’m just going to carry on until I finish what’s left in the packet! My midwife did tell me that some women like to carry on till 12 weeks, but the placenta takes over around 9/10 weeks and produces progesterone, so not necessary. I’m extremely sick at the moment and I think it’s the hormone overload!!
I am sure my psperwork says 49 days from transfer which is a bit random lol
I'll be weaning off from 10 weeks.
my clinic is 12 weeks however they did mention it would be ok to stop much sooner (when I asked if it was ok to stop cold turkey or if I should taper) and that they only really do 12 to ease our anxiety! Xx
I am pretty sure I weaned off my oestrogen between 8 and 10 weeks but continued progesterone until 12 weeks x
My clinic has me on both estrogen and progesterone until 12 weeks…currently 8+5